Anyone thirsty for some Trooper?

Or was is sky pronounced as skoi. Hmm, perhaps I am mixing things up now. I guess Irish has also elements in its accent which are less unique than I thought.
Irish accents and dialects are related to those in Wales and south west England, lots of shared Celtic ancestry. There's even a Cornish language which still exists, although I don't know if anyone speaks it as their first language.
Irish accents and dialects are related to those in Wales and south west England, lots of shared Celtic ancestry. There's even a Cornish language which still exists, although I don't know if anyone speaks it as their first language.
Someone must, just by the law of averages.

Another thing Irish and West Country have in common is lots and lots of drink-themed songs!
Someone must, just by the law of averages.

Another thing Irish and West Country have in common is lots and lots of drink-themed songs!

According to my QI fact book...
"When he died in 1891, John Davey, a schoolmaster of Zennor, Cornwall, was the only person in the world that spoke Cornish. He had kept the language alive by talking to his cat."
Also, the cornish for 'breath' is 'anal'.
I think he may have been the last person to speak only Cornish, or something, but whenever a claim like that is made someone else that matches the description generally falls out of the woodwork. There has also been a recent Cornish revival of sorts, because enough was still known to revive the language. Not dead, just been resting for about a century.
The language would have undoubtedly been written down, but he was probably the only person who spoke it at the time. I doubt he spoke only Cornish, as then the significance of him speaking it to his cat would've been unimportant, unless he never spoke to ANYONE :P
Well he was a schoolmaster so he was probably used to no-one listening to him (!!) The point is, claims like this are always being made, which are only discovered to be untrue after the claim is made public. In the case of John Davey, there is apparently evidence that at least 3 Cornish speakers outlived him.
Well, it has finally made it to the States! I'm sure it'll be a while before it's readily available, but I'm gonna call my local distributor later to figure out where I can get some.

If you're in Florida, Nicko's got it at his BBQ joint!

Thanks for the info. Grmph. Of course it's not available in The People's Republic of Maryland or DaCity. May have to look for it in Ol' Virginny on my way to Raleigh!!!
I checked with my local liquor store yesterday here in Tucson, who specializes in weird imports, and they said they've had a lot of people looking for it. I left my phone for them to call if they hear anything. The clerk and a customer both chimed in about how awesome Iron Maiden is, and one guy asked, "is it in imperial stout called Mother Russia?"

A bar around these parts that is an "Irish pub" said they will eventually be getting it in either as bottles or on tap (!!!), but I'm not gonna hold my breath on that one.