Diesel 11
As you scream into the web of silence...
Exit: Tarja Turunen. Enter: Anette Olzon. Subject: Long fucking album. Operation: Dark Passion Play.
Album 13/365
Rating: 99%

Album 13/365
- "The Poet and the Pendulum" - Nearly fourteen minutes long. Will this be a "Rime of the Ancient Mariner", loved by almost all who hear it? Or will it be a "Red and the Black", loved by some, panned by others? Or is it just Nightwish's equivalent to "Sign of the Cross" - an epic opening an album? It's a daring move, and for an inexperienced band, often a shot in the foot. Well... let's see! Quiet opening that lasts for over a minute but sets the scene quite nicely. The buildup here is superb, erupting finally into some epic fucking music. The verse is great, Anette is a pretty competent vocalist. The chorus is pretty nice, too. I like how the music is even more theatrical than on previous albums. The vocals in the quieter piece are really great. There's a lot of great, theatrical shit happening between here and I'm all on board. The screaming bit comes out of nowhere but I actually think it works really well. Repeat of the chorus, then a cool spoken word before we get a nice pendulum swing + slice. The quiet bit following it is really nice and I like the soaring stuff that happens as it progresses. Really cool quiet ending to such a massive, audacious song. Maybe the chorus could be a tad better, but that's such a slight thing I don't even care. This is easily better than everything on the previous album combined ("Nemo" notwithstanding) and I think it's awesome. Good job, Nightwish, that risk paid off. 10/10
- "Bye Bye Beautiful" - Really cool opening, nice Anette verse. Marco sounds better here, I think the vocals mesh better than on Once. Screamy chorus is screamy but not too bad. This one isn't perfect but it's still very good. I like it. 9/10
- "Amaranth" - Nice piano opening before we launch right into a heavy riff. Really nice verses, cool pre-chorus, awesome chorus. Everything here is awesome, and Anette truly shows how good she is at singing. The accent shines through but damn can she use it to her advantage. 10/10
- "Cadence of Her Last Breath" - Breathing, and then rising build-up before heavy riff + orchestration erupts. Cool verse, and then that chorus comes in and it just slays. The quiet bit after the instrumental section is cool and that awesome chorus comes in again and god is it good. This is another amazingly great song. Goddamn, this album is on a roll! 10/10
- "Master Passion Greed" - Cool opening before we barrel into an aggressive-as-fuck riff. Marco's singing again and it's pretty decent. Really frantic song with a simple but effective chorus. Honestly, giving Marco a song to sing on his own wasn't such a bad idea, because he does a pretty great job here. Took a moment to understand what was going on, but it's a pretty great song. Not quite perfect, but good enough. That rising ending is awesome. 9/10
- "Eva" - Cool piano opening and verse with Anette back in full bloom. These lyrics are really intriguing. Slowly builds until the final chorus where it erupts in full storm. Great, great song. 10/10
- "Sahara" - Really cool opening before erupting into that opening riff. Guitar sounds like it fits right into the desert. Plodding verses feel like a literal trip into the desert. The theatrics on this song are in full effect. There's even an ABBA-like bit near the center which I like. I was worried this song may have been reaching a bit too far, but god, it's awesome. Holy shit, I'm loving this album. 10/10
- "Whoever Brings The Night" - Cool building opening. I like most of the song, but that chorus doesn't quite click with me. Nearly there, though. 9/10
- "For the Heart I Once Had" - I mentioned ABBA earlier, and this song feels like a symph metal take on writing an ABBA song. I love that verse and the chorus is epic in every way. This is exactly what I wanted from a song with that title and more. I love it. 10/10
- "The Islander" - Stormy opening that builds up quietly. Marco comes in with a verse and it actually works really well. Really nice acoustic-based song. The chorus doesn't quite knock it out of the park, but the rest of the song is pretty great. 9/10
- "Last of the Wilds" - Building, building - ah, there we go! This opening is awesome. Parts of this song feel like Buckethead could've done it, only with different instruments. For an instrumental, this is one kick-ass song. 10/10
- "7 Days to the Wolves" - Cool drum beat as the orchestra rises and we launch into a pretty badass riff. Anette is great on the verse, and Marco works well in the chorus. I like the middle bit that brings out the fears of the wild quite well. It's not quite as good a song as most of the others here, but it's still very good. 9/10
- "Meadows of Heaven" - Building orchestration and piano before Anette comes in. It gradually builds and each moment is better than the last. Perfect closer to an amazing album. 10/10
Rating: 99%