Black Wizard
Pleb Hunter
If we meet in London then I will probably go home afterwards. 

I'll be doing one (and going by the consensus here, London seems the natural choice).Are you three or anyone else going to both London and Dublin or will you do one of them?
Am I reading well here that the "main" meet will be in London? There are several plans in the making for Dublin/Glascow/Aberdeen/Birmingham/Leeds/Antwerp/Frankfurt but I am reading that
@Brigantium prefers London (Dublin is tricky)
@Albie almost definitely goes to London (doesn't rule out Dublin)
@Black Wizard definitely goes to London
@SixesAlltheway prefers London
@Ariana prefers London
I prefer London (and go to Antwerp)
I had contact with @national acrobat and his inkling is London plus one other. He likes the idea of Antwerp but if there is going to be meet up in Dublin he rather goes there instead, as additional gig.
@harrisdevot prefers Dublin.
@Perun says he'd like to go to Dublin.
@jazz from hell goes to Antwerp.
@matic22 goes to Frankfurt
@LooseCannon prefers Dublin but he, @Shadow and @Dr. Eddies Wingman go where the meet is.
Are you three or anyone else going to both London and Dublin or will you do one of them? Is anyone else doing both gigs?
Did I forget anyone?