2017 Maidenfans.com Meetup discussion

Are you interested in going to a meetup?

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My preference would actually be London (beyond the lesser language barrier), I have not been there except to change planes through the airport and it would be cool to see some of the Iron Maiden historical sites ... plus obviously the London historical sites.

But, I am pretty iffy at coming anyway since they are probably touring the US this summer.
Makes no difference to me in the end, Dublin seems a little cheaper to get to, but I'm sure London would be just fine too.
OK, so we need to make a decision by Monday, so we can get tickets (for those of us who are sure they are going).

For me, ideally I'd like to fly in to wherever Friday and leave Sunday or Monday. I'm not worried about wrangling the time off, that's not usually too hard. So let's make a decision on three things - visit location, visit duration, sleeping arrangements (ie, do we all want to fend on our own, do we all want to rent an air bnb together, do we want to look at hotels. Some people may have their own places to stay or whatever, and that's fine too.

So for me, I am saying, Friday-Sunday, Dublin (5/5) London (3/5), rent an airbnb seems cheapest.
It's looking tricky for me to get to Dublin. I've just looked for flights, and it would mean a dash up to Newcastle or down to Leeds, possibly an overnight stay there or an extremely early start on the day of the gig, before flying to Dublin.