2017 Maidenfans.com Meetup discussion

Are you interested in going to a meetup?

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Allright. I've been in the stands, isolated from the rest of the gang, once before. Don't want that to happen again. If you could buy for me I'll pay you back in £ or in :cheers:, your choice!
Mind you, I'm not so sure if it would sell out on FC presale. Just go crazy as soon as general sale starts. Maybe we should start a PM conversation for all UK meetup-interested people?
I'm a FC member, so I could buy a couple of tickets. I imagine even if anyone drops out then we can find other people to buy the tickets last minute (although that didn't work in Oslo...).
I don't even know if I CAN go in May next year but it would be very amazing. At least there's a lot of time to save up money for flights and accommodation and all that...Does anyone know how much the concert ticket is?
Pretty expensive yeah but not the most expensive I've seen Maiden at...

I'm already dreading trying to find my way around London if I do happen to go :D Hopefully the meet-up would be somewhere close to the O2 arena?
My opinion is we should spend a day or two in London, hit up some classic Maiden sites, enjoy ourselves. At least, I will be.