❤ Dating Advice For MaidenFans Thread ❤

I'm not sure what "type" entails here, but yeah, if you asked my subconscious (i. e. my cock), my types are either redheads or Latinas and against my own wishes and volition, the sluttier the better, unfortunately.
Needless to say, my wife is anything but. And she's the love of my life and the most beautiful woman I've ever seen. 13 years later, she still rocks my world like nothing else and I feel every day that she is one of the few people to whom I'm mentally connected on such a primal basis, she gives me such comfort as another human being of the same kind, I would never be able to replace the void if she somehow disappeared.

Also, sorry if this sounds sexist, but it's merely a result of my and other people's observations - in general (i. e. not always, but often) women are relatively malleable. If she truly loves you, there's not much that she won't change for you. My wifey actually changed a lot of stuff, partially because of me, partially as she got older - religion, music she listens to, fashion, where we live, general aims (she used to be very much career driven "1 child max" type at uni, now she's a a very children oriented housewife who wants to do pedagogy and visual design - and care for others' children - rather than law, anything but law). And it's not really just because of me, like I'm controlling or brainwashing her, I was merely the catalyst - she found her own thing and for example although I was the one who introduced her to metal, she's more okay with extreme stuff than I am sometimes.

Paradoxically she herself puts it as a change towards bigger integrity "I used to do stuff people kept telling me I should and now I'm doing stuff I like and believe in and accept as truly mine and recognise some kind of meaning in".
She's her own person, but I led her towards the light :ninja:

So maybe forget about types and whatnot and go save that poor bird from the throes of normalcy and commonalty. Who will do that if not you? Who'll teach her to love metal and to eat egg on pizza (whatever metaphor is that supposed to be)? It's your responsibility.

In short, you might call it

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Yeah but what if one of NPs types is someone who isn't racist and this womans socials feature lots of overtly racist sentiment. Would you still advocate for giving her a chance then?

Socials can tell you alot about someone's interests and lifestyle. If you judge that you aren't compatible then why bother?

While I agree that its worth having an open mind it's still also worth acknowledging your own instincts and tastes. And I certainly wouldn't advocate trying to change someone, no, no, no. Take 'em as they are or find someone else to eat nasty pizza with, that's my motto.
Yeah but what if one of NPs types is someone who isn't racist and this womans socials feature lots of overtly racist sentiment. Would you still advocate for giving her a chance then?

Why then, he'd have his work made out for him, with the opening lines and so on, 'cause making them laugh is the way to their heart and at least you know which type of dark humour she prefers - in any case, he could always PM me for a non-PC knee-slapper opener - I would put some here already, as this is the dating advice thread, but I'm afraid of the banhammer. :ninja:

Also, isn't he Serbian? In which case I'd advise to either settle down for some mild racism and occasional swastikas or die alone.
:ninja: (sorry, a bit of taking the piss between the Slavs)

Okay, kidding aside, it very much depends on what "racism" is supposed to mean here - is it sharing crime news and statistics regarding the perpetrators of such crime? Being against the Black Lives Matter movement? Off-colour jokes? Thinking the Britain should never have pulled out of India? Sharing a selfie with a lynched person of colour? Swastikas?

'Cause these might mean different things and different mindsets.
Besides, racism is usually curable (Hollywood tells me so!). I'd possibly give it a try in certain cases, besides, NP didn't specify what the "type" meant, which leads us to

Socials can tell you alot about someone's interests and lifestyle. If you judge that you aren't compatible then why bother?

Yeah, despite what I wrote above, this is true. If you find the person boring and/or stupid from the social media, it makes sense you wouldn't pursue that (although again, there might be a discrepancy between the online and offline personas - there was this bird I pretty much fell in love from her posts, she was so incredibly witty and charming ... and live I was wishing I could chew through my leg like a coyote to get away from the small talk with her).
Unless NP cares to elaborate what did he mean by "type", it's true it's hard to discern whether the problem is actually there or not.

Therefore, whatever we have written should be taken with a grain of salt.

Take 'em as they are

Honestly, I don't think people should take even themselves as they are. We should strive to be the better person each and ever day and it is legitimate to expect the same from your significant other - in fact, I'd say it is your duty in marriage to help your spouse on their way to perfection (both ways, it is a mutually dependent job). But that's just me.
Also, isn't he Serbian? In which case I'd advise to either settle down for some mild racism and occasional swastikas or die alone.
:ninja: (sorry, a bit of taking the piss between the Slavs)

Okay, kidding aside, it very much depends on what "racism" is supposed to mean here - is it sharing crime news and statistics regarding the perpetrators of such crime? Being against the Black Lives Matter movement? Off-colour jokes? Thinking the Britain should never have pulled out of India? Sharing a selfie with a lynched person of colour? Swastikas?
It was just an example of something that someone could, given all available context, find repugnant on another's social media. Red flags, whatever they may be.

Honestly, I don't think people should take even themselves as they are. We should strive to be the better person each and ever day and it is legitimate to expect the same from your significant other - in fact, I'd say it is your duty in marriage to help your spouse on their way to perfection (both ways, it is a mutually dependent job). But that's just me.

I'm with ye in personal development and trying to be a better partner but we ain't talkin about no 'significant other' in NPs case, its just some person he wants to defile with his stinking Serbian weiner.
I’m a center-left atheist who wound up marrying a right wing holy roller. It doesn’t make any sense at all on paper, and yet we’ve been happily married for over 10 years. Life can surprise you, and you should leave the door open to allowing yourself to be surprised.
I’m a center-left atheist who wound up marrying a right wing holy roller. It doesn’t make any sense at all on paper, and yet we’ve been happily married for over 10 years. Life can surprise you, and you should leave the door open to allowing yourself to be surprised.
How’d’ja pull that one off, sir?
How’d’ja pull that one off, sir?
Leaving room for the other person’s subjective experience to carry enough weight to be treated as truth for them, and having her come from a place where she grew up atheist so she still understood my perspective. Respecting each other’s right to reach different conclusions from the same information when there is room for subjective interpretation. Understanding when a conversation can go somewhere productive and when it can’t, and learning how to respectfully exit a conversation in the latter case.