Iron Maiden Tour 2025 - Discussion

What song would you enjoy as an opener?
There are plenty of them I would like to be an opener on their next tour. "Sign Of The Cross", "For The Greater Good Of God" or "Powerslave" could be some of them, for example. But, tracks like "Moonchild", "Caught Somewhere In Time" or "Futureal" could be more efficient.
Do a oddball like Be quick or be dead, Futureal or Ides of march/wrathchild, instead of something safe as The wicker man or Moonchild!
I could see them bringing back something like Ides of March followed by either Prowler, Wrathchild or Murders.
Nicko played Murders with his solo band last year.
What other 'weird' or unexpected songs you guys think would work as an opener?
Trooper, Wrathchild, 2 Minutes, Flash Of The Blade, Phantom, Evil That Men Do, Ghost Of The Navigator, Silent Planet, Death Or Glory, Stratego.
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One thing I absolutely love about Maiden's album tours and something they've done ever since POM is that the concert opens with a new song from the album, usually the opener. The throwback tours had logical opener choices since they could go back and just reuse the opener from the earlier setlist. For other kinds of hits tours I don't really have any strong feelings one way or another.

Moonchild, or some other song that hasn't been played live in a while would be great. Please no Aces High, it's been featured far too heavily post-reunion. Let it finally rest.
I agree, Aces needs resting. What killed its novelty value for me was the Maiden England set for 3 years. It didn't even fit the 7th Son / icecap theme.

Whereas if we had Aces in 1999, 2008, and the in Legacy for 2018-19 and 2022, that would have been enough for me in the reunion era.
I think if they did this style of tour, they would start with Seventh Son songs as the plain white stageset is the easiest one to cover the other 2.
Makes no sense. They’ve had the same stage setup since what, 1998? They just change the artwork on the banners.

Same as the 08/09 tour … which people seem to forget was covering THREE albums - Powerslave, SIT and SSOASS. It wasn’t just a Live After Death tour.
Steel Prophet have recorded a phenomenal cover of The Ides Of March and instead of going into Wrathchild, they combined it with Purgatory (!) and it works amazingly. It's the definitive version of those songs for me and whenever I listen to Killers nowadays I'm always caught by surprise when Wrathchild starts instead of Purgatory. That'd would be an amazing 1-2 combo to start a show.

It doesn't suck. It's one of Maiden's best songs that perfectly captures the raw aggression of the early band. It's just "cool" for Maiden forum hipsters to hate on it.
I should probably rephrase my statement: I personally don’t like Wrathchild. Anytime it’s in the setlist in the 21st century it just feels like a filler song to me. I’d much rather them play a different Paul era song, like Purgatory, Prowler, Sanctuary, Transylvania+Strange World.

I will say though, perhaps Wrathchild would hit differently as the opener along with The Ides of March. I need to be more open minded when it comes to Paul era songs in the setlist.
Steel Prophet have recorded a phenomenal cover of The Ides Of March and instead of going into Wrathchild, they combined it with Purgatory (!) and it works amazingly. It's the definitive version of those songs for me and whenever I listen to Killers nowadays I'm always caught by surprise when Wrathchild starts instead of Purgatory. That'd would be an amazing 1-2 combo to start a show.

That is a really awesome and well executed idea! Purgatory still feels like an end of the album song to me though.