Iron Maiden Tour 2025 - Discussion

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I have always found this long break unusual, considering how often Steve says in interviews that he doesn't like resting and doing nothing.
If the retirement rumours are true, this might have a decision that was a result of some kind of internal mediation.

Nicko's stroke might also have something to do with and they are giving him additional time.
At the same time, he is intentionally dropping hints by saying things like that. He wouldn’t say stuff to get fans riled up when the “secret news” is Iron Maiden taking a year off or retiring.
At the very least it means Maiden’s touring is somewhat limited, maybe they’re taking summer off again. It could also mean a new album: record early 2025, Dickinson solo tour in the summer while the album is being mixed, usual September release, album/farewell tour 26/27. This would match Dickinson’s “next three years will be great for Maiden fans” comment.
I have said from the beginning that I don’t think Bruce releases The Mandrake Project unless Maiden is getting ready to wind down.
Bruce is always dropping hints. Steve said they want to tour as much as possible. There are rumors and Maiden won't miss a summer tour in a row (and it won't be extensive for a 1st leg). They have plans until 2026 (they clearly want to celebrate the anniv and follow the album/hybrid tour with a Hits tour plus more deep cuts - for 2 years, at least) - and I think Bruce released the album because it was so long in the making, he has a chance to tour it now, and because of Maiden's longer breaks. And Maiden's break is long because of his solo activities (and because of Nicko).
Doesn't have to be. Maiden are doing more shows this year than last and Bruce still has around 50 shows booked.
That sounds like new Maiden album coming up if you ask me. There are not many available windows for collective songwriting this year, but who knows if they are writing on their own and then prepare together in Australia? Or write early next year and immediately record afterwards.

Maiden timetable give Bruce time to plan something = time for Bruce to both play some dates himself, write music, and prepare more comics and ATMOS remixes?
Let's hope so, although they prefer to write together in the studio, but that doesn't mean they don't have or write ideas all the time. They do that, on their own, and they have a lot of free time now. Despite Steve's comments that they themselves don't know about a new album yet, they can record the album in early 2025 (late February-late April; Maiden tour starts 1 month later as usual) and release it after the tour in 2026 (like their plan for SJ was). And their wanted surprise/secret factor will be in tact. If Steve is not busy with solo shows, early next year is possible; they just need 3 months.

Edit: Steve and Adrian are with the most ideas (Janick brings too), but they won't work in the studio without Bruce. They always write ideas and have plenty of time now. And Bruce is not in a hurry with his next solo album. Steve is the only one who can always write a song on its own, but he will prefer to work in the studio. I remember an interview with Janick after the release of SJ in which he said that sometimes they put melodies for the verses (iirc) even without Bruce or after Bruce's idea for them. He also said that all they/or he need is a chorus and then you can layer the guitars.
From Steve's recent interview about a new album, he said he thought about a follow up, but they dunno/not sure - and they still got a fair bit of touring to do. 2026 at the earliest, after the new tour. I think they all want to create new music, so it's just a matter of preferences now. Steve also said they haven't planned yet, but there is a free window in early 2025 as it seems as of now. It all depends on Nicko, I guess.

Agreed about Bruce and Maiden timetable. He will find time for his stuff (writes quickly, remixes already started, etc), with Maiden it's a bit busier.
I also think it's likely that they decided to work on an album while Bruce is doing his solo tour. I was going to say probably just demoing and writing individually/one or two with a producer, but really there will have been almost 11 months between PowerTrip and the Australia leg of the tour so I wouldn't be surprised if they actually get into the studio and have most of an album down this summer.
Yeah, they will always want to be creative. Bruce's liner note in TMP booklet is ambiguous. And he mentioned that the next 3 years will be great for Maiden fans - brand new tour with more deep cuts for sure will be, but nothing compares to the excitement of a new Maiden album (still released in 2026, 5 years after the previous one). Their decision will depend on Nicko, more or less.
Less shows, bigger production and bigger venues. The rumours of them trying to book San Siro just add fuel to the fire.

If they cut the number of gigs to 25-30, that's around 2 months of touring. That leaves Bruce 10 months for solo activity. Even if Maiden goes to a studio in early 2025, that still leaves Bruce a window of 7 months.

Knowing Maiden and with this information, I think we are looking at 25 date European tour from late May to late July and Bruce tour from mid August until late October (likely US with possibly some other shows).
^I think this is the most likely scenario. Bruce will need a longer break after this year.
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That wouldn't keep Steve from touring with British Lion.
Maybe BL tours don't cover themselves financially and Steve isn't too keen on touring with a loss?

AFAIK smaller to mid-sized acts (venues between 100-500 people) struggle to tour since Covid. Even mid-sized acts (500-2k) struggle to create profit with touring.
I also think it's likely that they decided to work on an album while Bruce is doing his solo tour. I was going to say probably just demoing and writing individually/one or two with a producer, but really there will have been almost 11 months between PowerTrip and the Australia leg of the tour so I wouldn't be surprised if they actually get into the studio and have most of an album down this summer.

I know that Maiden do things differently, but in principle I don't think it is unusual to record demos with a draft vocal line, then the instruments, and finally the singer gets to record a final version of the vocals.
As Bruce has worked with Roy Z even not being in the same country and the same studio, sending each other demos and e-mails with some ideas of lyrics, it's very plausible that Steve saw that this method worked very well for 'The Mandrake Project'. So, maybe this time, he thought it could work for the next Iron Maiden album... That's why Steve and all the other guys, except Bruce, are working on the 18th record right now... Who knows ? -_-
As Bruce has worked with Roy Z even not being in the same country and the same studio, sending each other demos and e-mails with some ideas of lyrics, it's very plausible that Steve saw that this method worked very well for 'The Mandrake Project'. So, maybe this time, he thought it could work for the next Iron Maiden album... That's why Steve and all the other guys, except Bruce, are working on the 18th record right now... Who knows ? -_-
Really? I beg to differ :D
As Bruce has worked with Roy Z even not being in the same country and the same studio, sending each other demos and e-mails with some ideas of lyrics, it's very plausible that Steve saw that this method worked very well for 'The Mandrake Project'. So, maybe this time, he thought it could work for the next Iron Maiden album... That's why Steve and all the other guys, except Bruce, are working on the 18th record right now... Who knows ? -_-
Would be nice, but that's not how Maiden writes music, especially not Steve. The only one who'd have any demos to send around would be Adrian. The rest mostly writes their stuff in the studio.
Yes, and maybe they are all (except Bruce) in the studio somewhere in England or in the USA to write some riffs and melodies before Bruce coming back to tour with them again in september. ;) Just a theory. :)

If you said that they might record together in early 2025 and then the rest of the band would mix the album, while Bruce tours, I'd say, okay plausible.

But the whole band, writing an album without lead singer and then sitting on the material for almost a year (the earliest Bruce is availible is January next year) is just stupid.

Again. There is nothing recorded by Maiden. Confirmed by Bruce. In interviews and privately to some people I trust. In 2019, Senjutsu was recorded. In 2020, the world shut down and there was no possibility to record. There were plans to record Senjutsu follow up in 2021, but were abandoned due to travelling restrictions. There was nothing recorded in 2022 as even the tour was in jeopary until spring (when the Covid reastrictions were lifted) and there was nothing recorded in 2023, because during the only window of time they could've possibly been recording (early 2023), Nicko was in therapy because of a stroke (still a miracle that he made it to rehearsals in May). They could record in spring 2025 at the earliest (however, with recent comments from Bruce, this seems unlikely, but still plausable).

So, there you go, one last time.
As I said in the Bruce topic, I think everthing points to Maiden going the Rammstein / Stones / AC/DC route. Less shows, bigger production and bigger venues. The rumours of them trying to book San Siro just add fuel to the fire.

If they cut the number of gigs to 25-30, that's around 2 months of touring. That leaves Bruce 10 months for solo activity. Even if Maiden goes to a studio in early 2025, that still leaves Bruce a window of 7 months.

Knowing Maiden and with this information, I think we are looking at 25 date European tour from late May to late July and Bruce tour from mid August until late October (likely US with possibly some other shows).
I think it's the most plausible scenario. Probably stadium/festival tour planned for 2025 is in the cards. The bigger production would be nice, especially after all these years.
But the whole band, writing an album without lead singer and then sitting on the material for almost a year (the earliest Bruce is availible is January next year) is just stupid.

Why? I know they don't normally write the albums without Bruce, but seeing as they would have known long in advance that Bruce would be on the promotional circuit and then touring it pretty much for the first 8 months of 2024 is it that unrealistic that Steve and 1 or 2 others would say right we'll head into a studio and try and do a bit of writing whilst you do The Mandrake Project?
Why? I know they don't normally write the albums without Bruce, but seeing as they would have known long in advance that Bruce would be on the promotional circuit and then touring it pretty much for the first 8 months of 2024 is it that unrealistic that Steve and 1 or 2 others would say right we'll head into a studio and try and do a bit of writing whilst you do The Mandrake Project?
Because they never wrote like that. And I really mean never. Members brought in ideas and before TBOS, they usually gathered in a rehearsal studio and worked on them as a band. That principle goes back to the Piece Of Mind.

Nowadays, they bring ideas to the studio and work on them there. Working and recording ideas without hearing the lead vocal is brave to say the least.

Also, Maiden tend to record together, with guide vocal (which sometimes remains in the final product, as did on most of the tracks on AMLOAD). Recording without a vocal is MUCH more difficult, as vocals dictate the song most of the time.

After all that, Nicko himself has stated that he still needs to work on his recovery, which I highly doubt involves drumming for 5 hours a day.

I think we might see a British Lion album and possibly an Adrian Smith album at the end of the summer (Smith/Kotzen is not possible as Richie is touring Europe).
Trust me, Dave isn't leaving Hawaii for some writing attempts with the others 3 months before a 3,5 month long tour.

The most realistic activity in the Maiden camp I can see happening is Steve and Adrian meeting up to work on some ideas and Adrian sending demos to Bruce.

If you said that they might record together in early 2025 and then the rest of the band would mix the album, while Bruce tours, I'd say, okay plausible.

But the whole band, writing an album without lead singer and then sitting on the material for almost a year (the earliest Bruce is availible is January next year) is just stupid.

Again. There is nothing recorded by Maiden. Confirmed by Bruce. In interviews and privately to some people I trust. In 2019, Senjutsu was recorded. In 2020, the world shut down and there was no possibility to record. There were plans to record Senjutsu follow up in 2021, but were abandoned due to travelling restrictions. There was nothing recorded in 2022 as even the tour was in jeopary until spring (when the Covid reastrictions were lifted) and there was nothing recorded in 2023, because during the only window of time they could've possibly been recording (early 2023), Nicko was in therapy because of a stroke (still a miracle that he made it to rehearsals in May). They could record in spring 2025 at the earliest (however, with recent comments from Bruce, this seems unlikely, but still plausable).

So, there you go, one last time.
If you've read my post correctly, you should have noticed that I never wrote that Maiden have something recorded now. That added to the fact that I've written that it was just a theory. Not a serious thinking from me. ;) And YEAH, I rather think the band will compose songs during the early days, weeks and months of 2025. :)
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