New Single - The Writing on the Wall

The problem isn’t really that they don’t release a «Powerslave 2», though people here would loose their minds by joy if they had managed to do something like that, the problem is that the new song is awful. Using the age excuse is insulting for the band actually, I won’t mention any other big bands but just go and listen to the song «the walls» by the, not so young, Flotsam&Jetsam to see how Maiden style music is done properly without sounding old or cliche.
I brought up age simply to point out that most people grow and change as they age and therefore have no desire to recreate the exact moments that they have already lived, and to expect an artist to want to recreate something from their youth 40 years later is unrealistic. I wasn’t was trying to use their age as an excuse for the material because although I don’t love it, I don’t think it needs an excuse, it’s what they have chosen to make.

Edit: I listened to the Flostam & Jetsam song you recommended. Sounds like a band that has been frozen in time. Sounds dated and generic to me. Thanks for the recommendation, though.
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the only problem is that you are confusing your opinion with the facts. The song is not 'awful'. You think it is. Anyone can have an opinion, but let's not present it as the ultimate truth. What exactly does "release powerslave 2" mean? Another album from which 50% of the songs nobody remembers?
I don’t know what it means, ask the people that constantly bring this theory about a Powerslave2 to make excuses for how the new song sounds.
I like the single a lot but if you do not like it, maybe it will grow on you listening to it as part of the whole album.

I think Accept released 3 singles prior to their new album earlier this year. I thought every one of them sounded generic and boring (and I think BOTN and Blind Rage are masterpieces in metal). Was thoroughly expecting to hate the album but I thought it was really well done as a full album.
Can someone make a list of all references in the video?

Edit: I did it (not sure if these are all though):
The Four Horsemen are Reaper Eddie (DOD), Cyborg Eddie (SIT), Pharoah Eddie (Powerslave) and Mayan Eddie (TBOS).
Samurai Eddie from the LOTB game.
The picture of Eddie's face from ''Twilight Zone'' single cover in the sand.
Sooty (from the front of Nicko's drum kit live).
crashed Ed Force One (from TBOS tour).
crashed R101
posters of ''Can I Play With Madness'' Eddie - not sure about this Eddie.
Eddie's Archive box set in the sand.
NPFTD tombstone.
broken helmet from TFF album cover.
Trooper beers.
the apple from SSOASS album cover.
Cart & Horses
Aces High bar
The tower from the Belshazzar's feast poster.
DVCLXVI graffiti on the back of the car (666 in roman numerology)
Adrian (single coil neck pickup):


It's quite easy to recognise Jan's vibrato, which is so different.
@matic22 those time markers do not match with what happens here. E.g. the first high note I hear is at 5:17.
Can you do "begin - end" per segment?
Another attempt please:
The problem isn’t really that they don’t release a «Powerslave 2», though people here would loose their minds by joy if they had managed to do something like that, the problem is that the new song is awful. Using the age excuse is insulting for the band actually, I won’t mention any other big bands but just go and listen to the song «the walls» by the, not so young, Flotsam&Jetsam to see how Maiden style music is done properly without sounding old or cliche.

A day and many listens later I still cant understand what this song wants to achieve and for whom it is exactly. It wants to be commercial , obviously, but for the rock/western/blues/whatever elements to work for a mainstream crowd the song must be fast and snappy. This is a slow, monolithic song with no changes in tempo and that makes its commercial melodies even more absurd. Now I actually like monolithic music , I am even into funeral doom, but for something like this to work the song must be heavy and have dark melodies not happy western/country stuff.
The song isn’t for metalheads, better avoid any metal Facebook group , the song isn’t really for mainstream audiences since they won’t get the plodding nature of it , the song is just a mash of weird ideas that would be better in a Smith solo album.

Oh and what is this theory about how this is like solo Dickinson, Definitely sounds nothing like what would belong in Accident of birth, chemical wedding or even tyranny of souls.
No, the problem is YOU think it’s a bad song and it wasn’t what you were hoping for. The social media I’ve seen has been very positive towards the song.
@matic22 those time markers do not match what happens here. A
Can you do "begin - end" per segment?
Another attempt please:
From the music video (the other video).

Edit: Subtract 2 seconds from each mark. Each lick starts at that time. And finishes in few seconds, except Janick's last one.
Guys, I was wondering what should be the meaning of the puppet on the chinese character's lap. Anyone with a clue?


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I think the new song TWOTW is great. There are elements of classic Maiden. For those that don't like the intro. just as recently as Book of Souls, The Red and The Black had a not so different intro. Look, they are going on 40+ years and have innumerable great songs, not every song will be a classic, but this is a very strong single to release in support of the new album. If you are a true Maiden fan, while the song may not be your favorite, by no means should you think it sucks. Bring on the album release and let's get a tour going after the last leg of LOTB summer tour in 22. Up The Irons!
I feel that metalheads not rating it high is a very good indication that the song is actually awesome.

In the foruns I use to participate between 2007 and 2013, the more someone liked obscure subgenres of metal, the more they would say shit about AMOLAD and TFF. So we should not concern about them.