Crazy news 'round the globe

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Ok, I hope I don't turn this into a rant, but here goes:

Yesterday the shit hit he fan here in Mexico. I'm sure you are all familiar with Joaquin, "El Chapo" Guzman, the biggest Mexican drug lord ever. He is currently in prison in the US. So yesterday his SON was captured by the Mexican armed forces and the narcos were NOT happy. They took to the streets of Culiacan, capital city of the state of Sinaloa in northern Mexico and turned it into a war zone. You can youtube footage of it, I'm not going to link that here for reasons I'll get into in a second.

Due to the savagery of the Narco forces, the Mexican government decided to let Chapo Jr. free. Since last night and still today the government is justyfing the decision by saying they are "saving and protecting lives." In other words, the Mexican armed forces were overpowered and got their ass kicked by drug lords and had to let their bargaining chip go.

This is just outrageous. Both our government and our armed forces are a total joke if they can't even keep inner peace. The Mexican armed forces have always been a "peace" army. Our official stance in global affairs is neutral, though we did participate in both world wars in different capacity. At any rate, we have armed forces "just in case" we need to defend ourselves. I have no idea why, from what or who? Time and time again Mexico has shown an inability to protect itself from both outside and inside forces. The U.S successfuly invaded in the Mexican-American War. France successfuly invaded and set up shop as well. The Revolution of 1910 went NOWHERE, and it has been unable to completely apeace uprisings in the south in Oaxaca, Guerrero and of course (look at my avatar) Chiapas. Those states I just mentioned are INDEPENDENT from the violence and upheaval created by the drug cartels... so yeah, my country is a fucking mess.

As to why I won't post footage. My dad sent me several videos last night shot from cellphones by citizens and the drug cartels themselves. One of the videos was a very graphic execution of a soldier. I can't really tell if he is just knocked out or already dead when the video begins, but a narco drags his limp body from a rope around his neck to the middle of the street, removes the rope and then they proceed to shoot the body first a shot at the time and mainly at his head, though they do shoot the torso as well. They intensify the shooting from a shot at a time to a couple to a full on shower of bullets and his head goes from exploding pieces of cranium and brain here and there to just exploding until there is none left.

I... honestly don't know how I feel. I didn't sleep well at all and I don't even know how to articulate it very well. I haven't told my girlfriend, but I think I'm legitimately traumatized. My Dad was in the army for over 40 years, in the twilight of his career he was sent to oversee operations in Chiapas, and seeing this last night I realized how lucky we were that he always came home. That could have been him. That was someone's son, brother, father perhaps. The wave of impotence, anger, sadness and horror... I can't deal right now. I've been feeling... uncomfortable since last night, the image replaying over and over in my head.

What is really sad is that I am only getting a taste of what people must go through in severely worn torn countries like Yemen, Syria, and the like. I don't know whether to be more upset or happy about that. My country is stable enough to continue functioning, life goes on. People go to work and school, go shopping, the economy hasn't collapsed and the situation, for now, hasn't descended into chaos nationwide, it's always been regional. I'm seriously sitting on my couch having no clue what to do next. Is it ok if I play xbox? Do I eat? Do nothing? It just sucks.
The news in and of itself isn't crazy. What IS crazy is that no one has bothered to mention the world wide marches during International Women's Day. From Chile to Poland and everywhere in between, thousands of women took to the streets in protest. Issues included legal abortion, domestic violence, no justice when reporting abuse, feminicides, etc.

Here in Mexico not only did we have a ton of marches (80 thousand women flooded downtown Mexico City), but today they are striking nationwide. Women are staying home, not going to work and/or school in what they are calling A Day Without Women. This is in protest to our presidents poor response to their complaints about nothing being done to the high number of increasingly brutal murders of women. He basically said, who cares, don't be distracted by the media and oh yeah, remember the plane I'm trying to sell? Let's focus on that.

So, because it fell on deaf ears, they are showing the government how much it hurts the country when they don't contribute at all.

News came out of Turkey, how riot police blocaded the march in Instanbul and similar news from other countries is circulating.
The news in and of itself isn't crazy. What IS crazy is that no one has bothered to mention the world wide marches during International Women's Day. From Chile to Poland and everywhere in between, thousands of women took to the streets in protest. Issues included legal abortion, domestic violence, no justice when reporting abuse, feminicides, etc.

'Twas news in Germany.
How did it go there? Here in Guadalajara it was mostly peaceful, but in Mexico City Molotov cocktails were thrown at the national palace.
Kind of ironic.

Indeed, especially since after several marches where there was considerable destruction of property, many took to social media criticizing them for it. Saying, "Why you gotta be so violent?" "There are OTHER ways to protest, you don't have to destroy shit."

Those same people, when they heard that women were going to stay home to show how important they are to society called them "lazy." So they're just criticizing to criticize, not really caring. Damn if they do, damn if they don't.

It was eerie. Some women who HAD TO go to work for a myriad of reasons were out, but aside from that it felt like a ghost town.
That wasn't my point, actually. Women protesting for their rights by staying at home, not working and not going to school - the things they protested to be able to do some time ago and things some women elsewhere are still protesting to be able to do. That's kind of ironic.
That wasn't my point, actually. Women protesting for their rights by staying at home, not working and not going to school - the things they protested to be able to do some time ago and things some women elsewhere are still protesting to be able to do. That's kind of ironic.
Yeah, well, they're not protesting that. Like I said above, it was to protest brutal murders against women and the government to doing anything, as in, not even bothering to investigate or give appropriate punishments when they do happen to catch the guilty party.
Yeah, well, they're not protesting that. Like I said above, it was to protest brutal murders against women and the government to doing anything, as in, not even bothering to investigate or give appropriate punishments when they do happen to catch the guilty party.

Judging by this response, I don't think you understand what irony is.
I understand it just fine. I'm saying it's irrelevant.

It was meant to be a joke to begin with. You mistook it for political commentary, hence your defensive attitude. So no, you didn't understand it just fine I'm afraid.
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