Your Maiden blasphemy

Eddies Wingman said:
On a more serious note: I think there is one problem with the reunion era albums, and that is that many songs feel dragged out more than they need to (it really started with Virtual XI, though). However, the song writing as a whole is more consistent now. In my book, the lesser songs from this era are miles ahead of the lesser songs from the 80s and early 90s. So, I can understand that some don't like the new Maiden era as much, if they prefer for example NOTB, The Trooper and Wrathchild over longer songs like Phantom of the Opera or Rime of the Ancient Mariner. There are not many songs of that kind past 2000, and several of them sound forced (like Wildest Dreams, Different World and The Final Frontier - musically they are all just lesser versions of The Wicker Man anyway). It's like they are there because the band felt they had to include some short, fast songs.

As for me, I love many of the longer songs from the modern era as well.

I love all eras equally, but in my opinion Steve started dragging out the arrangements with repetitive riffs and melodies on the recent few albums just so he could fill up a 75-minute CD. They could add a little more variety to the songs, introduce a few more riffs etc, it won't kill 'em. Look at Isle of Avalon - sure, I like the song, but it's basically a 4-minute song repeated twice, with an instrumental break in the middle. Or, worse yet, look at The Nomad. Verse after verse, chorus after chorus of the same thing. Dreadful.
Pretty much every Maiden album has at least one or two songs that make me reach for "next" button. But Chains of Misery isn't one of them.  :ahhh:
Chartwel said:
Now, I didn't say it's a BAD song... I really enjoy 2 Minutes, especially for its place in the metal lexicon. But one of their best ever? I wouldn't say that. And that's my heresy  :bigsmile:
Oh, I'm aware of the origin of the song - I'm not critiquing Steve's dreams!  :lol: - but I think the execution is still a bit... cheesy. I think we can all agree that Maiden have their Spinal Tap moments ("and I danced! and I pranced!") and I think this is a big one. I actually think the opening of the song is superb, and it attempts to build to a crescendo, but the chorus is... horrible. I noted on one of the other threads on worst lyrics that I think NOTB has some of them, like Steve's dream providing great verses but he couldn't think of anything to tie them together in a chorus, so we get excrementally bad lines like "6-6-6! The one for you and me!" It's the chorus more than anything else that makes the song so bad.

As a "not really religious nut but a Catholic," I think a song on the Book of Revelations could be incredibly interesting, especially given how good Maiden is on epics. This one, though, leaves me frowning... the fact that "religious nuts" COULD hang their hat on this one meant that it wasn't done well. Could have been more subtle. Could have been better! I cringe when I hear it in concert, because there are so many other classics that they could play. Maybe it's the devil's work  :edmetal:

Humm.... i could call"What you gonna do on Monday...?" What you gonna do on MONDAY?????"What you gonna do  onnnnn Monnnnndayyyy ????!!!!"  beyond cheese. 

I actually never thought that singing the 6-6-6 choruses were that bad...
Mkoh said:
Pretty much every Maiden album has at least one or two songs that make me reach for "next" button. But Chains of Misery isn't one of them.  :ahhh:


I love the Fear of the Dark album, in my opinion there's no song I don't like
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Well, how about I put a 10 where the 9 should be, and you can vote for that 10, and hope I count it as a 9 (I won't). ;)
LooseCannon said:
In the Daily Song thread, I'm seriously considering making a selection of 10s the only options for Paschendale.

Hah, better don't.  :)

Mkoh said:
Pretty much every Maiden album has at least one or two songs that make me reach for "next" button. But Chains of Misery isn't one of them.  :ahhh:

Indeed, Chains of Misery isn't a Maiden album. *runs*  :D
Abas said:

I love the Fear of the Dark album, in my opinion there's no song I don't like

Even the one  "what you gonna do on Monday" ?  :)
Teddie said:
There does seem to be a lot of love for the reunion albums on this forum...

They just don't have the energy the earlier albums had.

I want to rock out  :edmetal: and not hear yet another power ballad about some soldier being killed in a war...  <_<
I'll pretend you didn't say that.

chaosapiant said:
There are 10 kinds of people in this world: those who like Paschendale, and those who don't.

Another thing. I'm pretty neutral towards Paschendale. It's good, but not great.
Stallion Duck said:
I'll pretend you didn't say that.


I can be very critical of music. Even with bands that I love a lot.

Music is an art form and is there to be criticised  :smartarse:
- Could never understand why nobody liked Deja Vu, it's great.
- Can't stand Prowler.
- I think Gangland is a great song...mainly for the solos.
- The only good things about Fear Of The Dark is the title track, Judas Be My Guide, and the album cover.
- Virus is the worst song by any band...ever!...Followed Closely by The Angel And The Gambler.
- I think The Thin Line Between Love And Hate is a great song.
- Paschendale is several minutes too long.
- The Longest Day would have been a fantastic song if it weren't for the "How long, on this longest day..." part.
- Brighter Than A Thousand Suns is crap.
- Out Of The Shadows will never again come across my ears.
- Coming Home blows.
- Isle of Avalon sucks.
- The Pilgrim is possibly the best on AMOLAD.
- Brave New World is the only good reunion album.
- Clive Burr > Nicko
