World War II: The European Theatre as told by heavy metal songs

You know what happened to the last German who did that?

Let me help your memory.


It's... not from a movie. It's an historical photograph from the Nuremberg Trials...
There was something that Joakim said in a recent interview that really holds true here - it's all perfectly fine and dandy when they write a song from the point of view of the Allies, but all hell breaks loose if they dare to present the point of view of the Axis. The winner takes it all, I get it. But forever? Come on, this is absurd!
The problem is not only knowing who tells the story, the winner or the vanquished. It is not a question of point of view. WWII Germany was not Kaiser Wilhelm's or Napoleon's France. This regime was pure evil ; its ideology was racism, extermination and destruction. Behind the resistance of any german soldier (which can be admirable from a certain perspective, and worth telling), there is the very fact that it allowed more jews to be killed, more so-called subhuman to be tortured. So, yes, I think this war is different and that one must be very cautious writing lyrics about this.
It was meant to be random as this thread has taken a random turn. I apologise if anyone found that worrying or offensive though. I'd remove it, but you've quoted me, NP.
Well, now that harrisdevot was schooled on Panzer Battalion, can anyone point out any actual Sabaton song where they glorify the actual Nazi Party? Not German soldiers, but the fucking Nazi Party?

By harrisdevot's logic, we should all hate songs like Night Witches and Panzerkampf because the Soviets were fuckmurdering people too, even if not in death factories. How many Polish/German civilians were murdered by Soviet soldiers, or killed by the NKVD?

I'm sorry, but there's been a very clear line drawn in history between those who were Nazis and those who were not. Yes, German soldiers enabled the Nazi Party to commit their horrors by pushing the boundaries of the Reich and allowing that time to go as long as it did. But at the same time, most regular Wehrmacht soldiers weren't part of the Nazi regime. Some of 'em were good people. Some of 'em were true Hitlerites, but most weren't. We didn't punish those people then, and we can't go back now and say they were all evil. That's oversimplifying the situation, and moving towards a simple solution to this problem gets us into trouble.

I can't hate all Germans, even all old Germans, for the crimes of the Nazi Party. Do you know who I hate? The fucking Nazis.