World War I & II topic

Been listening to Dan Carlin's hardcore history podcast and right now he's been talking about WW1. My mind can't fathom being stuck in a trench. WW1 and Genghis Kahn send chills down my spine.
Well, I don't think anybody misses this stuff. It should be made available to scientists, though.
Who knows what we can learn of all this. I think it's interesting to learn how the Germans -or anyone else who were under the spell of Nazism- were moved by this work. What was the impact? How did it help to win people for their ideas? How did it indoctrinate them? Where did these paintings hang? At some point, maybe even sooner than we think, Germany is ready to look at this page of its past. Let oldies who are still alive explain how they experienced all this. Did they really believe everything that was pictured?
Anyone watch The World Wars? -- History Channel. I finished part 1 (think there are 3). The reenactments were a bit annoying at first, but got better as it went on. Overall, it seems pretty well done. Obviously a lot of things missing and it is from an American perspective, but for trying to cover so much in so little time, I think they did all right so far. Looking forward to the rest.