Also, I'll take "Gollum vocals" over "Cookie-monster vocals" as the latter is such a boomer term.
Well, those are two different things. Cookie Monster vocals sound like the Cookie Monster. Gollum vocals sound like Gollum.
And people under 30 really need to stop calling everyone over 30 a “boomer”, since that’s just a sign of ignorance. The youngest boomers are already over 55 years old. And plenty of Gen-Xers who grew up on metal can’t stand the absurd extreme vocals that populate large branches of the metal family tree these days. (Yes, plenty of people like them too, but it’s not as if dislike of extreme vocals is some bizarre niche oddity among people who are younger than boomers.)
OK, boomer.
_____________________________________________________Both Di'anno albums should be in the Top 4 if most people weren't sitting on their ears.
I’d rank Virtual XI higher than Seventh Son and AMOLAD. Depending on the day, over SiT too.
Willcocks would make me pay,
Blaze would refuse to let me pay.
Dianno would make me pay, criticize my drink choices, grope the server, then pick a fight with the three hulking Slavs at the next table, making sure to include me in the brouhaha.
So Bruce, definitely Bruce.
I'm really not getting why that would be a big deal to anyone - we had a separate thread for Bruce's book and, although the discussion carried on in both threads to some extent, it mainly left Bruce's main thread free for his diehard fans to bemoan the continued non-appearance of his mythical new solo albumAdrian’s Book
Thought I’d ask if anyone has picked up Adrian's book which was released today. I wanted to know if anyone who has picked it up has had a chance to read any of it and what their initial thoughts were. I’ll probably get it anyway but was slightly put off thinking it will go into too much
That time Foro lost it about a duplicate thread. God, I laughed. It's the X over the "Adrian's Book" thread that did it for me.
#IBlameRodAndTheRandomNumberGeneratorAndThePope , I hope that's finally OK.
Why would bands called Europe and Foreigner be welcome in Brexit Britain anyway?
Calm Wizard...
Tolerant, respecful Wizard...
Music critic Wizard...