Ancient Mariner
Iron Of Sin

Iron Of Sin
where i can talk about trooper official merchandise?I would definitely ban posting of this stuff in the final week because CD stores are going to stock up for Monday. A lot of unaffiliated people will have access to the product before the release date so a weekend leak is likely.
Meantime I'm amusing myself over and over with the leaks throughout the years. Especially Belshazzar's Feast ones where hundreds of supposed Maiden fans were commenting on the YT. Are you really that deaf?
These all sound like a band trying to sound like Helloween except for the singer, who obviously tries to sound like Bruce.As is to be expected, people are already starting to collect random power metal songs and trying to pass them off as leaks from Senjutsu. This thread is to collect any such supposed leaks and identify the sources in order to prevent them from spreading any further.
A YouTube channel called "Iron Maiden" (with 55 subscribers, really nice try!) posted two songs (edit: now three) from a newly released album by a Brazilian band called Icon of Sin under the guise of Senjutsu:
Please post any further supposed "leaks" you come across and we can try to identify them.
Actually, I had found The Final Frontier about one week before its release on the early version of NewAlbumReleases.No iron maiden album was leaked since DOD. They Know how to preserve the albumb
This is true for TBOS as well. I'd wager a good number listened to early leaked versions whilst waiting for their pre-orders to arrive.Actually, I had found The Final Frontier about one week before its release on the early version of NewAlbumReleases.
Yep, me. I had it exactly a week before release. Was still blown away by the album when it arrived physically.This is true for TBOS as well. I'd wager a good number listened to early leaked versions whilst waiting for their pre-orders to arrive.
No iron maiden album was leaked since DOD. They Know how to preserve the albumb
Yes, absolutely.Was there a similar thing going on back when Book of souls was being released?
Attick Demons, Ralph Mendes, and Icons Of Sin should have you covered.At this point I am willing to listen to anything even remotely similar to Maiden.
Attick Demons, Ralph Mendes, and Icons Of Sin should have you covered.
Yes, because people get incredibly excited and carried away, and before long, try to pass off what they want to be true as the actual truth. We've been down this road before a few times.Do people seriously need to be reminded that 'leaks' on YouTube are fake?
I got tricked today, thought someone leaked the album or maybe there was an early release, but instead it was, well, judge for yourself:
This channel also posted other songs pretending they are from Senjutsu, but in reality they are weird covers
It keeps uploading more even as of i'm writing this,
so that leads me wondering - why is this happening? There is another video by a different channel where it claims Bruce is singing in greek ()
Was there a similar thing going on back when Book of souls was being released?