WARNING THREAD: Fake Senjutsu Leaks

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If you make a sticiked thread with strict rule saying that anything claiming to be a leak is not allowed to be posted no matter what, then what you describe here won't be posted by members. And why should we be worried about what other punks elsewhere post as long as it's kept off of this forum. Making the rule will prevent that.

Yeah no Travis, if my experience as a moderator on this board has taught me anything, it's that people won't stop doing something just because you tell them to stop or because you have a rule about it.

We have strict no-leak rules and we've always had them. People still spammed the board with Attick Demons videos in the lead-up to TBOS.

I'm trying to go with a more positive approach this time around by exposing fake leaks for what they are and helping other members to spot this. If you have a quick reference for what these "leaks" are, maybe one person or another will find it before they post it here or maybe someone will already have pointed it out to the poster before the mods finish catching up with the recent 100 pages in the Senjutsu thread that were posted while they were asleep.
Like I said only tone deaf people could mistake any of the 'supposed' leaks thoughout the years for Iron Maiden. If the real thing leaks, you expect it to explode at once.
Wrong, they all leaked a few days before release.

As will this one. It's going to leak once piles of CDs get distributed towards the stores. My small local CD store will have it on the day, stuff will be in transit throughout the last week prior to release.
Like I said only tone deaf people could mistake any of the 'supposed' leaks thoughout the years for Iron Maiden. If the real thing leaks, you expect it to explode at once.

Icon of Sin is a very good example for how some people don't really seem to know what Maiden sound like. It's shared as Maiden because the singer has a certain similarity to Bruce, and apparently some people reduce the sound of the band to the sound of the singer. And even there, the difference is obvious. The singer is clearly trying to sound like Bruce, but he only does so in the higher registers, and that's why he only ever sings in those with a handful exceptions scattered throughout the albums. Bruce is far more diverse in his singing. If you only listen to one Icon of Sin song you may be forgiven for thinking he sounds like Bruce, but if you listen to the whole album, not only will you notice that the singer only ever does one thing, but also that it gets quite tiring to listen to with time.
Yeah no Travis, if my experience as a moderator on this board has taught me anything, it's that people won't stop doing something just because you tell them to stop or because you have a rule about it.

We have strict no-leak rules and we've always had them. People still spammed the board with Attick Demons videos in the lead-up to TBOS.

I'm trying to go with a more positive approach this time around by exposing fake leaks for what they are and helping other members to spot this. If you have a quick reference for what these "leaks" are, maybe one person or another will find it before they post it here or maybe someone will already have pointed it out to the poster before the mods finish catching up with the recent 100 pages in the Senjutsu thread that were posted while they were asleep.
Ya, I totally get it now. And I had another thought. These fake leaks show disrespect to the original creators of the music and that's not good either so it's nice to see efforts to stop them.
Another question. What if a legitimate, official store puts the album up for sale early even though they're not supposed? I believe a store in France started selling Metallica's Death Magnetic early and about a month before Queensryche's Condition Human came out, it all of a sudden went up for sale on Amazon as a digital download which was stopped shortly after. If anything like that happens, can it be mentioned so others on here can try to get a copy? Even though a place put it up for sale early, you are still legally paying for it from an official place. Or is that showing disrespect towards Maiden who would like their fans to get copies on the official release date?
TBOS leaked around a Week before the official release date (28th August / September 4th)
Ya, I totally get it now. And I had another thought. These fake leaks show disrespect to the original creators of the music and that's not good either so it's nice to see efforts to stop them.

I suspect these "leaks" come from the creators trying to promote themselves, people listen because they think it's Maiden but if they like it they might check out the rest of the bands stuff.
Another question. What if a legitimate, official store puts the album up for sale early even though they're not supposed? I believe a store in France started selling Metallica's Death Magnetic early and about a month before Queensryche's Condition Human came out, it all of a sudden went up for sale on Amazon as a digital download which was stopped shortly after. If anything like that happens, can it be mentioned so others on here can try to get a copy? Even though a place put it up for sale early, you are still legally paying for it from an official place. Or is that showing disrespect towards Maiden who would like their fans to get copies on the official release date?

Obviously, we can't do anything about that. Experience shows this is a non-issue, but should it happen, then... I don't know. We'll tell people not to buy at some store in France, I guess.
I just find it funny that people don’t even put in the effort to match the song lengths. “The Parchment” is twelve minutes long, but the ass who uses Icon of Sin’s work will call it that for a five minute video. Just loop it twice at least bro.
Ya, albums used to leak a month or 2 in advance all the time. The reason the don't anymore is because promotional copies have watermarks embedded in the audio. Watermarks have personal information of the person who receives the copy and if they leak it, I would imagine they get in pretty big trouble.
Watermarks can be stripped through an analog gap. However to engage such an operation you're also a felon, as opposed to just being fired and maybe declared as persona non grata in the industry circle.
Watermarks can be stripped through an analog gap. However to engage such an operation you're also a felon, as opposed to just being fired and maybe declared as persona non grata in the industry circle.
And I'd imagine people who receive promotional copies aren't thinking to even do that.
As is to be expected, people are already starting to collect random power metal songs and trying to pass them off as leaks from Senjutsu. This thread is to collect any such supposed leaks and identify the sources in order to prevent them from spreading any further.

A YouTube channel called "Iron Maiden" (with 55 subscribers, really nice try!) posted two songs (edit: now three) from a newly released album by a Brazilian band called Icon of Sin under the guise of Senjutsu:



Please post any further supposed "leaks" you come across and we can try to identify them.

Just spotted that first one is disguised as Lost in a Lost World now, had a good laugh when it got to the chorus "pandemic", pretty prescient for an album recorded in 2019:lol: Maiden are the new Simpsons.
Where can I get those European and Japan editions? I Want Out is one of the freaking bonus tracks! And Iron Of Sin just showed up an hour ago! o_O:scared::dancinggeek::blink:
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