Infinite Dreamer
bearfan said:a) the US is not an empire in any stretch of the classic sense of the term
This made me laugh. It amazes me how people continue to be in denial over that.
bearfan said:a) the US is not an empire in any stretch of the classic sense of the term
bearfan said:a) the US is not an empire in any stretch of the classic sense of the term
______no5 said:I would like to know your opinion about the mentioned hypocrisy and yes, why not? compare.
the input I have for China from various Western people that actually live and have families there, is extremely positive. They all say, forget about what you hear or read, this kind of stuff. They all describe a wonderful society that still keeps some of its old values...
LooseCannon said:Now? They are re-defining the term, using political and economic controls. Don't get me wrong - I'm glad to have them on my side, but hey. Part of knowing history is appreciating every part of it. Don't gloss over the details.
LooseCannon said:Kinda...I would say they were more of that during the Cold War than now. We're really in a brave new world of economic closeness that is redefining what Empire could mean.
Perun said:Come on mate, are you really telling me you are confusing government and society? Sure, the Chinese society may be traditional and wonderful, but that is just not what I am talking about. I mean the government, regime, those people sitting in the palaces and ruling the people. The ones claiming to be in the service of the people, but put people in prison and kill them. Any government that needs to resort to oppression and violence against its own people hasn't got a single token of legitimacy in my eyes. It doesn't matter if one does it less than another- even if they imprison a single person for political reasons it is too much.
______no5 said:but don't forget that China isn't a democracy.
Can't be either, due to huge population, everybody knows it.
Perun said:Then why not split China, if it is not governable humanely? This "territorial integrity" thing is one of the worst ideas in modern political theory.
Perun said:EDIT: The only question is, Who is Rome?
______no5 said:China isn't a democracy. Can't be either, due to huge population, everybody knows it.
______no5 said:why to change it?
Onhell said:Size is NOT an excuse. India, Population: 1.2 BILLION is a Federal constitutional
parliamentary democracy
______no5 said:All these are not Chinese, they are autonomous regions. As far as I know, they have a lot of privileges. Basques & Corsicans too, they cry for independence, but everybody knows that they ain't go too far, even they will regret in case they do receive independence. So everybody laughs at them.
______no5 said:A lot of Romanians, Ukrainians, Croatians etc tell me that 'before' was better. Now they have democracy but they live in poverty. In China people are happy. They have the basics, free health, education, they can even become rich. The system works well for the moment, why to change it?
US. It's 200 AD, currently.
Perun said:I think that we're lacking the historical distance to properly assess the situation. This would certainly require a closer study, but I permit myself to postulate that we are currently experiencing globally what happened in Roman Republican times in the Mediterranean.
EDIT: The only question is, Who is Rome?
LooseCannon said:We must get drunk and discuss this some night on Skype or something.