I am trying to speak from PR manager or whatever point of view. If politician wants to be elected he has to "hear" ordinary people. Of course not to go full retard and not to become a populist but nonetheless. And if he knows which topics are too hot, he must not push those too hard or implement too fast, because all he will get is a backlash. And it's irrelevant "what doctors, or scientists say" if big part of the voters thinks otherwise. You can't expect good manners from neanderthal at the dinner table. All you can do is to educate and teach him. In that aspect democrats failed their course. Or pushed too hard, or too fast, I don't know. Again, I am not taking sides, i'm just trying to analyze, how Trump rose to power.
You are literally describing what
you refuse to do. You are being educated. You are being told the actual facts. You dismiss them to continue pushing populist lies. Facts matter. The truth matters. The public is being misled by culture war issues that have no basis in reality. You are regurgitating Russian (among other sources) propaganda, instead of reevaluating your positions based on what we
know for a fact to be true. For someone who is usually the first to attack Russia it is fascinating that on this topic you are doing all you can to push their sentiments, continuing the erosion of democratic principles in the West by scapegoating a vulnerable minority.
No, democrats did not "push too hard or too fast". That is a ridiculous notion, not backed by any sort of data. These are the same types of arguments people brought 60 years ago when the topic was to stop lynching black people and giving them the same rights as other US citizens. There were more than enough racists who were saying "this goes too far" and that change was too fast. Turns out social change requires disruption if we are to continue improving society. Holding on to the status quo is provably making things worse in the long run (see climate change for another example, or as you usually point out how soft Russia is being treated instead of facing aggression).
If you look at the polls, despite the fearmongering campaings, trans-related issues were commonly some of the least important aspects in the rankings of voters. As in, there are multiple polls with the "top 10 issues for voters" and trans topics were consistenly at the
bottom of those lists. So, no, the vast majority of people
does not care. Ironically you are the one pushing the bubble-think, regardless of what is happening in reality.
I am not pro Trump. I dislike Musk very much. I never voted for far right or far left in my country elections. The World has become a dangerous place. But also, I think that Biden was weak, how he handled russia's invasion. Yes, military support was enormous but not enough, imo. What do we have now? Biden "as long as it takes" is gone, yet the war continues.
If I was US citizen, i would votted for Harris. Maybe frowning a bit but anyway.
And democrats need to review their politics in order to win voters back. And to educate which in itself is a long process. Bla bla bla.
On this we can agree. No one claims the Democrats are perfect. Hell, the election and what followed shows that the higher ups are massive morons learning all the wrong lessons, which shouldn't be too surprising honestly. No arguments on that front.
For the record, I never said you are pro-Trump or anything like that. I'm saying that you are quoting the populist lies the right wing is pushing, probably without being fully aware of that. Lies that are easily disproven but "sound right" to their voters and which affirm their feelings. Conservatives claim to be for "small government" and at the same time spend an ungodly amount of time stripping people of their rights and interfering in their private lives. Again: The problems we are seeing worldwide are complex, but a look back in history can explain very well and comprehensively how we arrived where we are. And I guarantee you, trans people are not to blame for that.
Hell, let's make this even clearer: The Harris campaign did not focus on trans people,
at all.
Trump went hard against the trans community. The
GOP introduced
hundreds of anti-trans bills in 2024. The
RIGHT is the one pushing these culture war issues non-stop. Blaming the left for that is not only factually incorrect, it is intellectually dishonest, disingenuous and plays right into the hands of literal fascists.
Again, for all that is good and holy, stop for a single moment and think about your positions, reflect on them and see if they hold up to scrutiny. Are you sharing ideas that make sense and are supported by any kind of data, or hell,
reality? Or are you just holding on to your opinion and twist everything around in order to not change a pre-conceived notion, regardless of the truth?