USA Politics

Nobody's perfect but RFK strikes me as a man of dignity, originality and genuine care. I took a closer look on him after some suggestions in this very thread, but after his concession which I found brave and the speech which I found exceptional, I liked him more.

told you so

No wait, it's early for that. Let's see what will actually happen. Last term's appointments were even more disastrous but the result was better than Biden's.

Anyway, my disappointment is very real. I mean with such a victory I would expect something more out of the box and original.
For instance I like both Vivek and Musk but their use in such a department sounds like a farce. Like a grab bag appointment. And why two "stars" in the same department? Give it to Rubio for f* sakes.
No wait, it's early for that. Let's see what will actually happen. Last term's appointments were even more disastrous but the result was better than Biden's.
That is nowhere near factually true. Not once during Biden's presidency were we at the verge of WWIII either by his actions, words or that of his staff. And no, it's not early at all. Again, there are no surprises here, we know who these people are and how they do things and what they've done and what they believe.

RFK almost single handedly juiced the anti-vax movement which lead to the reemergence of, mainly childhood, diseases and directly led to the misinformation campaigns against masks and shots during the COVID lockdowns. THIS GUY is going to be in charge of Health at a federal level!?

All Musk does is invest and sell, he himself doesn't DO anything. Tesla has been anything BUT efficient since he took over as CEO, Twitter is a dumpster fire.... exactly how is he going to make sure the government is "efficient?" How is CREATING a new department "efficient?" The party of "small government" created the Department of Homeland Security 20 years ago and now they're creating a new department... cuz that makes sense.
Last term's appointments were even more disastrous but the result was better than Biden's.
Can you tell me 10 things that Biden did that you dislike, and 10 things that Trump did that makes him the better president? And I’m not talking about conspiracy or personal values or stupid shit that doesn’t matter or doesn’t exist, I’m talking about specific policies they enacted while president.
That is nowhere near factually true. Not once during Biden's presidency were we at the verge of WWIII either by his actions, words or that of his staff. And no, it's not early at all. Again, there are no surprises here, we know who these people are and how they do things and what they've done and what they believe.

Nope. Should Trump was in power there would be no war in Ukraine. Putin didn't invade anywhere during Trump, unlike Bush, Obama and Biden. Second Israel, with his actions Biden gave the blanc check to Netanyahu and then continued to supply arms and protect him under veto taking as exchange complete humiliation time and time again and we almost had a third war with Iran because of that.
Biden was disastrous for the peace.
Except the above under Biden Saudi Arabia and Iran started diplomatic relationship. Under Biden started the de-dollarisation process & BRICS expansion as global south freaked out with the possibility of sanctions.
Instead of having at least some back channel of communication with Russia they cut it all and only last summer the Secretary of Defence of both countries started to talk with each other and things improved drastically.
You cannot have peace if you don't talk to your adversaries. Ask JFK. Say what you say about Trump but his effort to meet Kim was a great step in the right direction. The entire Biden administration except Powell didn't speak with their Russian counterparts. And this is stupid and dangerous enough to reject them for ever.

Can you tell me 10 things that Biden did that you dislike, and 10 things that Trump did that makes him the better president? And I’m not talking about conspiracy or personal values or stupid shit that doesn’t matter or doesn’t exist, I’m talking about specific policies they enacted while president.

Add to the above the borders, the weaponisation of justice against Trump (my view), allowing Pelosi in Taiwan, the explosion of North Stream, the handling of Afghanistan, the handling of Tik Tok, the doubling down on trade war with China out of the top of my head.
The big ones though that I really care is that we now have two wars and a third looming.
Add to the above the borders,
Trump had his party block a bipartisan border bill so he could run on the election.

the weaponisation of justice against Trump (my view),
Did I not literally specify policies and not conspiracy?

allowing Pelosi in Taiwan,
Also not policy. Why is it so hard to stick to policy for you?

the explosion of North Stream,
Also not policy, and I don't know what this has to do with Biden. Did he plant the explosives?

the handling of Afghanistan,
Which followed the deal signed by Trump with the Taliban.

the handling of Tik Tok,
Mostly agree, although I don't think there's anything wrong with investigating how they use data, with the stipulation that the vast majority of social media companies use data for corrupt purposes and it should be stopped.

the doubling down on trade war with China out of the top of my head.
I can stay out of this one, I don't know enough about this for me to make any comments. Someone else can weigh in instead.

The big ones though that I really care is that we now have two wars and a third looming.
How are these Biden's fault, though?
Nope. Should Trump was in power there would be no war in Ukraine. Putin didn't invade anywhere during Trump,

Putin has been gunning for Ukraine for a LOOOOONG time, he would've done it anyway and very likely with Trump's Blessing. That war too will continue under Trump. I doubt he'll talk to his friend, his very best friend, Putin, such a guy, such a strong guy, manly man even, and tell him, no, ask him to pretty please stop what he's doing.

Biden was disastrous for the peace.
Russia going after Ukraine after Trump weakened ties with NATO and left an unstable situation in Europe and left the U.S's position with its allies murky has little to do with Biden. Not to mention the U.S and ALL of Europe have failed Ukraine, IMO.

Except the above under Biden Saudi Arabia and Iran started diplomatic relationship. Under Biden started the de-dollarisation process & BRICS expansion as global south freaked out with the possibility of sanctions.
Instead of having at least some back channel of communication with Russia they cut it all and only last summer the Secretary of Defence of both countries started to talk with each other and things improved drastically.
You cannot have peace if you don't talk to your adversaries. Ask JFK. Say what you say about Trump but his effort to meet Kim was a great step in the right direction. The entire Biden administration except Powell didn't speak with their Russian counterparts. And this is stupid and dangerous enough to reject them for ever.
I actually agree with most of this.
How do you Trumpers feel about Trump wanting to install Matt Gaetz as attorney general?

probably great considering you voted for another sex offender

How do you Trumpers feel about adding another government department with two heads doing one job?

probably great because licking billionaire boots is your favorite breakfast flavor

How do you Trumpers feel about the proposed idea of complete Presidential control over high-ranking military officials and instituting a red-state militia to enter blue states who won’t comply with mass deportations?

probably great because there’s certainly nothing that could go wrong with following the historically proven model of the Waffen SS
Also not policy. Why is it so hard to stick to policy for you?

What's the obssession about policies? And yes every such action is some kind of policy or lack of strategy behind. The war in Ukraine was completely avoidable, the genocide could be managed. Policy of warmongering. No talk with adversaries. Those two are enough, I don't need policies, what I expect from US is peace and stability.

How are these Biden's fault, though?

For Ukraine he would have worked a plan with Putin. But it was convenient for him or he thought with his little brain to have a war an ocean away. For Isreal he wouldn't have given blanc check to Netanyahu or arms after.

Not to mention the U.S and ALL of Europe have failed Ukraine, IMO.

How so? By not allowing satellite guided missiles into Russia or not providing boots on the ground? What else they could do that they didn't? Some European countries completely depleted their stockpiles for Ukraine. You know what? If there was a solid chance of victory they would have done that already. The only way they failed Ukraine is when they stopped the negotiations in March -April 2022.
Actually Biden was consequential to unite the global south for a solid step towards de-dollarisation and multipolarity which is a good thing but he did that for all the wrong reasons and putting the world at risk.
He is last century American exceptionalist who brought us closer to a wider war more than any American president I can remember.
Again, think JFK and how he saved us by exchanging tenths of letters with Russian president to find a common ground. Of course JFK was assassinated and that was the price he had to pay for saving the world. But his legacy is glorious.
And now compare him with Biden who hasn't talked with Putin in 3 years. Or Blinken with Lavrov. This is beyond crazy and completely irresponsible.

Either give a credible explanation for how they could corrupt both the grand jury and the regular jury in every single criminal trial Trump faced, or just stop repeating this ludicrous nonsense.

First I can have an opinion, which I clearly stated as such to avoid exactly that. Second 51% of the voters vs 48% didn't buy it which is what mattered to the Dems in the first place. 34 convictions one for each check? Yes sure completely unbiased. Com'on. Third, check 42:42 and I'm curious what you'll tell me.

What's the obssession about policies?
Because I want concrete examples of things they did in office that are not subject to speculation or theory. That's 99% of what you've been posting in this thread and it's getting tiresome because you have no proof for almost everything you're talking about. That's why I wanted to hear what you thought about actual US policies from the Biden administration vs actual US policies from the original Trump administration so I could at least find some foundation to understand your worldview. And instead you went right back to the same talking points that exist without a shred of evidence behind "read between the lines!" and "see? doesn't this all make sense?".

I'm just tired of the constant cries about things that might be happening in the shadows. Let's talk about things that we all know are happening. With Trump in office Israel will be given a blank check to continue their war crimes against the Palestinians and funding for Ukraine will vanish, putting Russia in position to overrun them. These are things we know will happen because Trump has said they will happen. And I don't like it at all. Let alone the fact that my partner and many of my friends who identify as queer will be targeted by the incoming administration. It just sucks and I'm tired of people clapping for "the big man" just because he says the right buzzwords to make them feel good when they go to sleep at night.

People were talking about overtime pay earlier. Did anyone pay attention to the fact that Trump cut the amount of people who qualify for overtime pay back in his first term, and that Biden expanded it when he came into office? No? Well fuck me I guess.
. The war in Ukraine was completely avoidable, the genocide could be managed.

For Ukraine he would have worked a plan with Putin. But it was convenient for him or he thought with his little brain to have a war an ocean away.
So you acknowledge that the war is genocide and also think Biden should have “worked a plan” with a warmongering facist dictator?

It’s insane how much fucking koolaid you guys will drink.
Because I want concrete examples of things they did in office that are not subject to speculation or theory. That's 99% of what you've been posting in this thread and it's getting tiresome because you have no proof for almost everything you're talking about.

Everything I mentioned are facts not subject to proof or anything. I understand you care about policies as a US citizen but the rest of the world only cares about economy and peace. Both screwed by Biden Administration big time, due to miscalculations and short sighting.

Even if you don't agree with how I read Ukraine, Israel and Iran it is a fact that we have 2 wars and 1 looming. It is a fact there is recession in Europe no matter how this is linked or not with Biden policies. Those should be enough to be condemned in a world where there is a hegemonic empire-like figure, as US is.

So you acknowledge that the war is genocide and also think Biden should have “worked a plan” with a warmongering facist dictator?

Genocide =Israel. And yes warmongering justice weaponiser should have worked a plan with warmongering facist dictator that is what his role's supposed to be. Talk with adversaries. Just as JFK did.
First I can have an opinion, which I clearly stated as such to avoid exactly that
And your opinion can be completely unmitigated horseshit if you’re unable to defend how anyone could reasonably believe what you’re saying.

Second 51% of the voters vs 48% didn't buy it which is what mattered to the Dems in the first place
Just because people believe something, that doesn’t make it true. Many Trumpers have no idea how our judicial system works, what the roles of the three branches of government are, what the constitution and its amendments say, etc. If their opinions are completely full of shit, those opinions aren’t worth anything. Their influence on the ballot box is another matter entirely.

34 convictions one for each check? Yes sure completely unbiased. Com'on.
Again, explain how you credibly corrupt the process enough to ram this through. Both a grand jury and a trial jury had to rule on every single one of those charges — the grand jury before the charges were made official in an indictment, and the trial jury had to unanimously agree with a higher burden of proof at the end of the trial. Both juries were guaranteed to have a significant number of Trump supporters on them because of how jury selection works — so, again, give a credible explanation or admit you’re full of shit and stop repeating this nonsense.

Third, check 42:42 and I'm curious what you'll tell me.
The DOJ separately investigated Biden’s document handling, got no resistance from his people, and the issue was satisfied without there being a basis for charges to be brought. Remember that the National Archives brought all of this up in the first place and only took it to the DOJ after continual blowoffs and bad faith behavior from Trump’s people for months on end. It’s all in the indictment, which you presumably still haven’t bothered to read.

The rest of VDH’s comments are random supposition and don’t do anything to address how you would potentially rig the system to get convictions. So please, either put up or shut up on this front.
Many Trumpers have no idea how our judicial system works, what the roles of the three branches of government are, what the constitution and its amendments say, etc.
Many also showed up to the polls having no idea that Biden had dropped out of the race, so, ya know, being informed isn’t their strong suit.
Ok @Jer let's agree to disagree, you haven't really reply to the video I posted.
As of 34 charges for each check if you find that normal, I have nothing else to tell you, but for sure you don't convince me it was unbiased.

Many Trumpers have no idea how our judicial system works, what the roles of the three branches of government are, what the constitution and its amendments say, etc.

This case stinks Jer, if you cannot see the obvious and trying to cover it with technicalities, which I'm sure they are correct by the letter but failing to see that there was a clear targeting on the opponent, have it your way.
Please don't tell me that the hush money case against an ex President was anything else than taking on an opponent. Please.
Everything I mentioned are facts not subject to proof or anything. I understand you care about policies as a US citizen but the rest of the world only cares about economy and peace. Both screwed by Biden Administration big time, due to miscalculations and short sighting.
Actually, none of the things you mentioned are facts. You have a habit of never acknowledging actual facts; instead you post conspiracies and "opinions", which others might accurately describe as Kremlin propaganda. You've been called out on these things dozens of times, corrected dozens of times and you continue saying the exact same things a few weeks or months later.

Even if you don't agree with how I read Ukraine, Israel and Iran it is a fact that we have 2 wars and 1 looming. It is a fact there is recession in Europe no matter how this is linked or not with Biden policies. Those should be enough to be condemned in a world where there is a hegemonic empire-like figure, as US is.
You've already been informed multiple times that Israel and Iran were directly influenced by Trump's administration. Did you forget the assassination of the Iranian general in early 2020 which could've started a global war? Also, the recession has nothing to do with Biden, it's due to Putin. Blaming Biden shows how ideologically blinded you actually are. Not only that, the tariffs that Trump has stated (who by the, as we've told you before, ordered far more drone strikes than Obama, so he's just as much a warhawk as the rest of them) will likely lead to another recession, so if you care about the economy you have to recognize the fact that Trump is far worse for it than Biden.

Ok @Jer let's agree to disagree, you haven't really reply to the video I posted.
And you didn't respond to the request for policies in the first place. Demanding of others to play by your rules, while you get to ignore everything as it suits you and bend the conversation every which way you want lol

As of 34 charges for each check if you find that normal, I have nothing else to tell you, but for sure you don't convince me it was unbiased.
Again, conspiracies. Explain in detail how anything was abnormal. Go through the evidence and list the irregularities. That should be very easy since you obviously already have issues with the whole thing. So do the right thing and prove your assertions. Or accept the fact that a known criminal who has committed hundreds of crimes over the years was found guilty of a tiny portion of them.

This case stinks Jer, if you cannot see the obvious and trying to cover it with technicalities, which I'm sure they are correct by the letter but failing to see that there was a clear targeting on the opponent, have it your way.
Should criminals face any kind of punishment, yes or no? Should a legal system exist in the first place, yes or no?

Please don't tell me that the hush money case against an ex President was anything else than taking on an opponent. Please.