USA Politics

I thought the topic was some people wanted to burn the Koran, I did not see that as the end of the Earth or some great tragedy and that I am tired of the media/people treating Muhammed/Koran/Islam differently than any other religious icon/symbol and being extra careful not to offend as that would cause someone to launch a terrorist attack.

I think the idea of burning the books was not too bright, but the reaction over it amazes me.  News organizations that cover everything imaginable and have posted controversial images in the past cower and self censor themselves ... wow.
Forostar said:
Holy shit, this topic took an ugly turn. Still, a few notes:

2. It makes me angry to see that Onhell got so offended. Fuck, that was not fair.

Something might have gotten lost in translation... I didn't find Vortex insults offensive... just childish and ignorant, so I was not offended. Did you mean Vortex's reaction was too offensive to my initial comment?
Not sure how this thread got into family dynamics, but at least cooler heads prevailed on the [Quran/Koran/Qur'an/Kuran/however the thing is spelled] burning thing.  I like to think this was a good example of democracy and free speech at work.  Some dumbshit says he'll burn books, which is his right, and the rest of society speaks out against it, which is their right.  One could, I suppose, argue that the pastor's intended speech was "chilled" by the public backlash, though I don't think that's a fair assessment -- truth and decency won out BECAUSE of the open debate. 

Next topic: U.S. prisons.  No one has commented on my "tossing salad" post, which is personally disappointing both because it is (1) comedy gold -- gold, Jerry, gold! -- and (2) the best possible "scared straight" ad I've ever seen. 
Ok, two confessions:  (1)  I didn't check that link yet, cause I always forget when I'm home, and (2)  when I saw that 'tossing salad' thing, I thought the exact same thing and just about laughed outta my chair!

OK< I'll go watch the link

OH, and I don't even know what to think about US prisons.

Seriously, from your angle, what do you think?
Nothing.  It was just an excuse to "bump" the tossing salad thing.  :innocent:  I'll say this much:  you don't want to be incarcerated in one. 

One other point:  I have a black-sheep cousin who was in county jail in Kansas, which isn't the same as a prison, but still not good.  His jailers forgot to give him his seizure medication, so he's now in a coma.  Lawsuit. 
Haw!  Ok, I did laugh at that. 

I think that tossing salad has destroyed America, and I'm glad that other countries aren't following suit.
"Something might have gotten lost in translation... I didn't find Vortex insults offensive... just childish and ignorant"

Beethoven had his critics too, see if you can name 3 of them.
Pope Innocent III had his... name one.
cornfedhick said:
Next topic: U.S. prisons.  No one has commented on my "tossing salad" post, which is personally disappointing both because it is (1) comedy gold -- gold, Jerry, gold! -- and (2) the best possible "scared straight" ad I've ever seen. 

Back on topic... What about U.S prisons? the overcrowdedness? the conditions? I don't know what link people are referring to.
It's down in the 'Madness Forum'.  It's amusing, if you are in the right mood for it.  ;)

If one was wanting to draw any inference from it, it would be the 'community and relational aspect of the prison society and how it affects the people involved'.
cornfedhick said:
Next topic: U.S. prisons.  No one has commented on my "tossing salad" post, which is personally disappointing both because it is (1) comedy gold -- gold, Jerry, gold! -- and (2) the best possible "scared straight" ad I've ever seen.  

Tossing salad, what?  Did I miss something?  :blink:

Just saw the Chris Rock video.  Remember hearing about this tossed salad man before, maybe from the CR video clip.  Anyway, funny stuff.
bearfan said:
I am tired of the media/people treating Muhammed/Koran/Islam differently than any other religious icon/symbol and being extra careful not to offend as that would cause someone to launch a terrorist attack.

Sorry but that would be incredibly stupid. Are you seriously saying we shouldn't care if those Koran burners cause another terrorist attack? Maybe in a perfect world, we wouldn't have to walk on eggshells in any situation, but when it comes to religion, people can be f***ing insane. Sure, we have the right to talk shit about them as much as any other religion, but it is certainly not in our own best interest.
Certainly we should care and if there are threats try to meet them head on, but we cannot tell people not to protest or express themselves because some other power says

"If you do that, we will attack you" ... this was defused, becasue the preacher (who seemed a bit nutty), turned out be be the cooler head that prevailed. 

But say someone made a painting  or movie, or song and these lunatics threatened to attack over it, what do you propose we do, say free speech applies unless someone makes a threat?
Man, you step out for a few days and you miss all kinds of crap.

There are crazy people of all races religions and creeds. There are crazy Christians, there are crazy Muslims, there are crazy baby-aborting homosexual atheists. Since most people aren't crazy, spending your life wondering how to or how not to offend crazy people certainly isn't worth it.

Just don't be an asshole. That's my life motto, and while my moral rubric is going to be different from someone else's, I'm pretty sure it's a pretty good guideline to go by.

EDIT: For the record I've no problem with gays, atheists or people of faith, just illustrating my point colorfully.