USA Politics

A new post-debate poll shows Biden slightly ahead. Not that polls are reliable, as the last years have shown.

People aren't voting for Biden because the like him. The vote for him to vote against Trump. One bad debate doesn't change that reality. One bad debate doesn't make the threat of Project 2025 suddenly disappear.
I was actually surprised how close a lot of the options were vs Trump. They're closer than expected, which is almost entirely because like 45% of Americans are voting Democratic, no matter what. Trump also didn't get any stronger against them, it just increased the undecided pool.
The funny thing is, that despite Biden's atrocious performance, there have already been reports that undecided voters are allegedly supporting Biden after the debate.

That, plus his speech on the next day also got a lot of acclaim. I think we are well past the point where a bad performance in a debate could decide the fate of an election. It used to be that a weird way to yell "yeah" could sink your campaign, but not in 2024 anymore.

Dropping Biden now would be political suicide. He has his bad days, but he also has days where he's really effective. I don't like some of his stances, but I still think he's the best bet to beat Trump in November.
Trump did himself zero favors with minorities. The undecideds that are reportedly moving further to the Biden camp (although more of an anti-Trump move, I reckon) were Latino and African-American votes. Every single argument Trump tried making always pivoted back to immigrants, which turned Latinos off. The comment of "illegal immigrants stole black jobs" went amazingly underreported by the media, but has caused a stir.

Trump was polling better with minorities this cycle (but still considerably losing), but, after that? We'll have to see.

But, again, Biden's performance probably didn't inspire anybody. Could move to Biden as an anti-Trump move or could just sit out.
I want to see polls a week or two from now. If the trend toward Biden continues then I agree that the push to step aside will end.

This is about more than one bad debate performance. It is about a specific quality about Biden that voters in polls and focus groups repeatedly cite as a reason why they aren’t committed to voting for him. All the bad debate did was cause the problem to boil over.
I think that's an accurate summary. The concerns about Biden's age have been there the whole time, and he flubbed bad enough to bring them all out at once.
That primary played out about as fairly as possible imo. Lots of candidates and plenty of opportunities for the voters to get to know them. When the primary hit states that had demographics that actually resembled the democratic coalition, Biden started to clobber his opponents. I don’t see any evidence it was rigged. The mass endorsements for Biden were more to ensure there wouldn’t be a brokered convention when it became clear that he would win the most delegates.
Guys, it’s not about Joe’s “age” it’s about his dementia. Back in 2020 he was more or less sound. Since 2022 there are more and more signs of mental deterioration.

And yes, Biden had suggested that he will be one term president and hinted that he would pass the torch.
When you see NYT, WP calling publicly Biden to step down it’s fucked up already.
Except this should happen before the primaries.

Right now the key person to convince Biden is Dr. Jill, but she seems too committed to quit now.
Again, I get if Biden stays, but for fucks sake replace Harris at least. There is time to do so and absolutely no need to be 100% PC in such moments.
Do you have a source on Biden having dementia? Again this is an unfounded claim and assuming you are not a doctor and have given Biden an examination, I’m not sure how you could know this.

Again, I get if Biden stays, but for fucks sake replace Harris at least. There is time to do so and absolutely no need to be 100% PC in such moments.
This makes less than 0 sense given the rest of your post. If the problem is that Biden has dementia, shouldn’t the logical thing be to have anyone except him? It seems to me that given the choice between the two, you would go for the candidate who doesn’t have dementia (Harris). If keeping Biden would be better if they got rid of Kamala, it seems that this just negates your entire argument.
Unfounded claim! Seriously? I trust my own eyes thank you very much. And the rest of the world too, can see that the guy is loosing it.
If "age" was a problem the media and Democratic establishment they wouldn't panic, he didn't get old overnight. Before they could hide behind claims of AI deep fakes (they actually said that), not this time.

And if your mega point was how I know if he has "dementia", like if you didn't understand, then allow me to correct: The guy is very visibly loosing it.

Regarding the argument about Harris, I am looking for realistic solutions, in case Dr. Jill is not convinced to retire Joe. Kamala as presidential candidate from the start isn't a realistic hypothesis.
I truly believe that if there were a serious VP in place Democrats wouldn't panic. Voters do sense. They feel uncomfortable with Biden, they don't trust Kamala. If Biden stays, the next best solution is replacing Kamala.
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And below is Biden's speech the day after the debate. He is super energetic and commanding, like he is a completely different person. Or like if his doctors screwed up with the dates :D


And below is Biden's speech the day after the debate. He is super energetic and commanding, like he is a completely different person. Or like if his doctors screwed up with the dates :D

It's because he's reading from a teleprompter in the second video. Easier to do than answer questions in a heated debate.
Honest. I've worked in a dementia ward. This is not dementia.

OK, not dementia, but clearly something’s wrong no matter the term.

It's because he's reading from a teleprompter in the second video. Easier to do than answer questions in a heated debate.

I don’t think so, he is too natural and his glance is not fixed, he is looking at every direction.
I think what happened was that he was very well prepped for the debate and it came all natural with a supportive audience, debate stress gone and the drugs finally kicked in.

In all fairness it was a terrific performance.
I lost my father to dementia. Anyone who claims Biden is suffering from dementia has no idea what they're talking about and is consuming too many Fox News talking points.

Biden very clearly has a cold during the debate which affected him more than they anticipated. His meds seemed to have kicked in later, since he was much better right after the debate, let alone the next day.