USA Politics

I think you're right, although Biden really does need to get out there more (+ his cabinet members). He needs to prove that he is mentally capable and still up to the job. Of course my worry is that he actually isn't up to the job and isn't able to do a high level of public appearances, which is a much larger problem.
Say what you want but 'dislike' button is also needed. "Angry" does not equal "dislike". "Angry" is too offensive and personal.
On one hand, yeah, there have been times where I'd have liked a dislike button, but I get why it's not there. It would lead to more toxicity and piling on. This way we can just disengage and ignore someone if the discussion isn't working. The dislike would just increase the passive aggressiveness.
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So, even if Joe Biden have some troubles with memory, of the two evils we must choose the lesser, and Joe Biden is the lesser, no matter what you think of his politics.

When I see him struggling to finish one sentence, pledges to the national anthem of India, or asking an officer if he’s done, I know Joe is not in charge of anything.
The choice is between Trump and whoever faceless combination of people that tell Joe what to do and decide the content of the cues he struggles to read on camera.
You know the pool of people, the roles and the names, but it’s impossIble to know publicly the power plays.

In 2020 we didn’t know how bad his mental status was, or it could be that it wasn’t that bad after all.
Now it’s all up there for everyone to see and the fact that educated people are defending that individual to be the leader of the free world is scary.
@____no5 Xi has no problems with sentence finishing or cognitive function, yet he wants to attack Taiwan and have build concentration camps for Uyghurs. It is ok by You?
Trump is threatening to destroy NATO, one of the key aspects of the global security, yet You choose him over Biden, who has no history of such rants and is surrounded by decent administration.
Trump also repeatedly admired dictators. I see a pattern here.
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"Some recent developments over the last week is pointing to Biden being pushed out of the race."
Opinion seen somewhere on twitter. USA forum members, this idea is starting to spread in public sphere, or it is just a wishful thinking?
"Some recent developments over the last week is pointing to Biden being pushed out of the race."
Opinion seen somewhere on twitter. USA forum members, this idea is starting to spread in public sphere, or it is just a wishful thinking?
It's wishful thinking. Unless Biden dies he's guaranteed to be the candidate. Everything else is just copium.
It's wishful thinking. Unless Biden dies he's guaranteed to be the candidate. Everything else is just copium.
No, it's ELECTION INTERFERENCE! And if the report had come out a year ago, it would also have been ELECTION INTERFERENCE TO KICK SLEEPY JOE OUT OF THE RACE, and if the report hadn't been released at all it would have been ELECTION INTERFERENCE.

... And if Biden would walk away it would be... Can you guess it? Yes, Trump would tweet ELECTION INTERFERENCE.
It's wishful thinking. Unless Biden dies he's guaranteed to be the candidate. Everything else is just copium.
I mean, it's still in the hands of Democratic primary voters -- but yes, it seems like about 80% of them shoved their fingers in their ears and started chanting "LA LA LA LA LA" before the primaries even started.
I mean, it's still in the hands of Democratic primary voters -- but yes, it seems like about 80% of them shoved their fingers in their ears and started chanting "LA LA LA LA LA" before the primaries even started.
The advantage of imcumbency is pretty hard to walk away from. Biden did say at one point that he intended to be a one-term president, but I think that changed when things supposedly turned a bit sour with Harris, who he supposedly doesn't think is ready yet for the presidency. Or maybe he got a bit of hubris after all his quite substantial legislatory victories.
I think a lot of what is going on here is bored pundit syndrome. This is the first election in the Internet age where neither party has a competitive primary, so there’s nothing to cover when usually it’s a busy election season. So there has been a lot of manufactured stories about how someone other than Trump or Biden will become a major party candidate when that’s just not going to happen.

I absolutely believe that there is fear and a tinge of regret within the Democratic Party about going forward with Biden, but I think their hands are tied here. As leader of the party, Biden is going to run if he wants to run. The time to replace him as the nominee was November 2022, and Biden wasn’t going to walk away after being one of the few presidents to weather a wave election.

I think Biden probably intended to be a one term president. I think three things changed this:

1: Trump running again. Biden probably went in thinking he would beat Trump and then pass the baton. He (imo wrongly) believes he is the only one who can beat Trump.

2: Harris is less popular than he is.

3: 2022 midterms.

The polling is difficult to read. Obviously Biden is too old to serve. But does that make people vote for Trump? I’m not sure. If a pollster asked me I would tell them that I disapprove of Biden, I think he’s too old, and you better believe I am voting for him in November. The last midterms proved that voters can be more nuanced than polls let on.

Edit: I’ll add the caveat here that if the election were held tomorrow, Trump beats Biden imo. But that speaks more to how volatile everything is. That special counsel report was a Comey level campaign ending bombshell, and we have another 9 months of that to look forward to on both the Trump and Biden side. The biggest one of all is a potential Trump conviction.
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