As I’ve gotten older it’s become harder and harder for me to find any love at all for my country, The United States. Every major institution of our government is founded on lies, deceit, blood, and hypocrisy. It’s a land of slave owners who wanted to be free. A land where all men are created equal as long as you’re a man, white, Christian, and heterosexual. We are not number one in any category of importance except for maybe our military. Not the best in education, crime, progressiveness, rights, or even economy.
And if it wasn’t clear before, the nation just stood up on January 6th and showed the world what we really are. Almost HALF of this country supports a lunatic who has provided zero proof of fraud, and is determined to tear the country apart. The parallels between Trump and Hitler’s rise to power are uncanny. And if you’d told me four years ago that half the country would support this lunacy, and not just the backwoods red necks who don’t want laws touching their guns but are super ok with their laws touching a woman’s fetus, I’d never have believed you. But here we are.
As a white man that lives in the US south east, its fucking appalling how many members of my family are still pro Trump. They all talk about how Christian they are. As a Christian this and a Christian that. Hell, my own father once told me if I ever date a black girl he’d disown me. Good ol Americans! Standing up for what they believe in: tyranny, racism, sexism, misogyny, homophobia, and the idea that violence is fine as long as our economy keeps spinning.
Its hard to be a patriot these days, let me tell ya. Sorry for the the rant.