USA Politics

Is that a rating or is that just the list in order?

Let me do the American list then.
Slaveholder, not-slaveholder, slaveholder, slaveholder, slaveholder, man who hated slavery, slaveholder, slaveholder, Dutchman, pro-slavery guy who immediately died, slaveholder who betrayed the whigs, slaveholder, slaveholder general, doughhead, doughhead, doughhead, CHAINBREAKER, ex-slaveholder, guy who kicked traitor ass, Rutherfraud B. Hayes, man named for a cat, the most boring president, a guy named for a city, dead man's grandkid, city guy again, man killed by assassin, manliest man, fattest man, most racist man, Warren Gangsta Harding, quiet man, vacuum man, Wheels, Buck Stop man, guy who kicked Nazi ass, sexy headshot man, racist Texan, racist Californian, Gerald Ford, rabbit-attack guy, actor man, shrub 1, the sexiest man from Arkansas, shrub 2, the black one, and the orange one.
Dems formally announced a single article of impeachment: inciting an insurrection. Trump will be the first president to be impeached twice, as well as the first outgoing president to face impeachment.
Let me do the American list then.
Slaveholder, not-slaveholder, slaveholder, slaveholder, slaveholder, man who hated slavery, slaveholder, slaveholder, Dutchman, pro-slavery guy who immediately died, slaveholder who betrayed the whigs, slaveholder, slaveholder general, doughhead, doughhead, doughhead, CHAINBREAKER, ex-slaveholder, guy who kicked traitor ass, Rutherfraud B. Hayes, man named for a cat, the most boring president, a guy named for a city, dead man's grandkid, city guy again, man killed by assassin, manliest man, fattest man, most racist man, Warren Gangsta Harding, quiet man, vacuum man, Wheels, Buck Stop man, guy who kicked Nazi ass, sexy headshot man, racist Texan, racist Californian, Gerald Ford, rabbit-attack guy, actor man, shrub 1, the sexiest man from Arkansas, shrub 2, the black one, and the orange one.

Hey, this is fun. Let's do Germany.

Old guy+iron man, cancer guy+iron man, guy who got everyone pissed off because he wanted to play with ships (-iron man), Socialist+Socialist, Socialist+Socialist, Socialist+Socialist, Socialist+Socialist, Socialist+Catholic, Socialist+Catholic, Socialist+entrepreneur, Socialist+guy who got the Nobel Peace Prize, Socialist+Catholic, old general+guy whose most historic achievement was changing the flag, old general+militarist guy who wanted to rearm Germany, old general+Catholic #3, old general+Socialist #4, old general+Catholic who thought you could talk to Nazis, old general+guy who would have been as bad as fucking Hitler had they let him, old general+guy who thought you could talk to Nazis, actual fucking Hitler, admiral who surrendered, Americans, British, French and Soviets, Catholic who split Germany in order to integrate the greater part of the country to the west, guy who was good with money but bad with people, guy who split German society, guy who got the Nobel Peace Prize, guy who fought terrorists, corrupt arsehole who is for some reason considered great just because he happened to be around when Communism fell, guy who destroyed social democracy, girl from the east who somehow figured out how to hold the country together.
3 grey-suited commies, horny for footballers blonde MILF, and a shitposter walk into a bar.
The bar's credit rating drops significantly.
Now that the cops have been called out for being gentle on the MAGA types I suspect they will be a little less gentle if this happens again.
Now that the cops have been called out for being gentle on the MAGA types I suspect they will be a little less gentle if this happens again.
They're using several excuses like they were blocked at higher levels, no back up, caught off guard, under-staffed, etc. IF.... big if, they address some of these issues for events to come then.... Maybe? I'll believe it when I see it.
I also suspect that there might be less Trumpists eager to participate knowing that the FBI is coming after people.
Wait, are you suggesting consequences might stop people from trying to overthrow the government? Nah, I've just got off with Kevin McCarthy and he says the only way to unify the country is to let the traitors off scot free. You're mad.

They're using several excuses like they were blocked at higher levels, no back up, caught off guard, under-staffed, etc. IF.... big if, they address some of these issues for events to come then.... Maybe? I'll believe it when I see it.
I'm not on the ACAB train but I am certainly on the MCAB (Many Cops) train. There's something truly rotten in America's policing industry (and Canada's), and this just showcases the divide. If the cops can gently escort literal seditionists out of the Capitol without pouring bullets into them, they absolutely can do that for other demonstrations. They choose not to.
Oh I know they can do it, like you said, they chose not too and that's why I doubt they'll show any force on white protestors in the leading days.
I also suspect that there might be less Trumpists eager to participate knowing that the FBI is coming after people.

Yeah I think the type who were taking selfies and crying about being maced won't show up this time, but the types with the cable ties and guns on their hips will be a higher percentage of the crowds.
Maybe, I think lower numbers overall plus law enforcement being better prepared to deal with these folks will make it hard for them to cause any real damage. Also Trump losing his megaphone is huge.
Let me do the American list then.
Slaveholder, not-slaveholder, slaveholder, slaveholder, slaveholder, man who hated slavery, slaveholder, slaveholder, Dutchman, pro-slavery guy who immediately died, slaveholder who betrayed the whigs, slaveholder, slaveholder general, doughhead, doughhead, doughhead, CHAINBREAKER, ex-slaveholder, guy who kicked traitor ass, Rutherfraud B. Hayes, man named for a cat, the most boring president, a guy named for a city, dead man's grandkid, city guy again, man killed by assassin, manliest man, fattest man, most racist man, Warren Gangsta Harding, quiet man, vacuum man, Wheels, Buck Stop man, guy who kicked Nazi ass, sexy headshot man, racist Texan, racist Californian, Gerald Ford, rabbit-attack guy, actor man, shrub 1, the sexiest man from Arkansas, shrub 2, the black one, and the orange one.
I was born during the rabbit-attack guy’s time in office. For the “land of the free” we sure gotta lotta racists in that office.