Let me do the American list then.
Slaveholder, not-slaveholder, slaveholder, slaveholder, slaveholder, man who hated slavery, slaveholder, slaveholder, Dutchman, pro-slavery guy who immediately died, slaveholder who betrayed the whigs, slaveholder, slaveholder general, doughhead, doughhead, doughhead, CHAINBREAKER, ex-slaveholder, guy who kicked traitor ass, Rutherfraud B. Hayes, man named for a cat, the most boring president, a guy named for a city, dead man's grandkid, city guy again, man killed by assassin, manliest man, fattest man, most racist man, Warren Gangsta Harding, quiet man, vacuum man, Wheels, Buck Stop man, guy who kicked Nazi ass, sexy headshot man, racist Texan, racist Californian, Gerald Ford, rabbit-attack guy, actor man, shrub 1, the sexiest man from Arkansas, shrub 2, the black one, and the orange one.