Yeah, I think you'd hardly find someone here on this forum who'd be more "conservative"* than me and yet what Trump's doing is absolutely distasteful and downright insane. And I'm glad SCOTUS shot that one down.
(* with the caveat that the last vocal American conservative I could more or less stand behind was probably William F. Buckley Jr. There are people there I don't want to kill even nowadays - Ross Douthat, about 80 % of him anyway - but they're few and far between)
Let alone the fact that for all the strong leadership and alpha - macho posturing Trump behaves like a big old sissy. My distate for Democrats remains, but Trump is now not even the option to troll them.
You know, I realize, even thinking about Trump in secret, it's like fighting with a pig. You get really dirty, whatever you'll do, you're definitely going to lose and the worst of all - after a while you realize the pig actually likes it.
So yeah, I'm trying not to think about Trump at all. The best way to hurt a narcissist, methinks.