If there's anyone on here who has bothered to follow any of the lawsuits that Trump & friends have filed and check the details, I'd like to ask:
Are there many who use the statistical non-argument by Shiva Ayyadurai as basis? Namely, plotting two statistical figures against each other and claiming the line should be horizontal - but since the line was sloping instead, this was taken as proof that many votes must have been tampered with? I say non-argument because I took the time to read the claim and watch a video of one guy explaining why the sloping line was exactly what was to be expected. And the math is not complicated.
I'm asking because I'm curious as to whether there are a lot of people who:
- have heard of this
- believe it is actually proof of voter fraud
- take it to the court, believing it is waterproof evidence
Because if that is happening, a lot of people will easily be led to believe that the courts are part of the fraud.
I did see that Ayyadurai was mentioned as a source in the Powell vs Georgia lawsuit, which was swiftly shot down in flames.