USA Politics

At least the idea was there. Our president and government are so subservient and sycophantic towards China it really reminds you of a movie satire of sorts more than anything.
A very interesting law was passed in Wisconsin. It says that up to an ounce of pot is legal to possess. Selling isn't legal at all though. However, it's legal to smoke it in public! With North Carolina and Canada, we're getting really surrounded!
The left wouldn't claim voter fraud, because it doesn't happen. There's not been widespread voter fraud since...well, depending on who you ask, either 1960 or 1920.

If the left acquiesced to Hillary losing in 2016, which they did, there's your answer. And that's despite all the electoral bullshit pulled by the GOP to get to that point.
"Not my president"
-Democrats 2017-2019

..not like they finally accepted it in 2020, they just got sidetracked with their new Black Lives Matter.
For all the stuff that's been going on over the last four years, with investigations of foreign interference with the election, i can't say I've noticed many Democrats claims that actual fraud has been going on.. Perhaps it's just the MSM that's not telling me whenever they make fools of themselves by making such claims.

On the other hand, the president - I say again, the president - has been claiming for four years now that the opposition cheated in an election he won. Read that again. And during his campaign in 2020, he's been claiming that he's so great the only way he could possibly lose is through a rigged election.
"Not my president"
-Democrats 2017-2019

..not like they finally accepted it in 2020, they just got sidetracked with their new Black Lives Matter.
Yes, because the Republicans didn't spend 8 years saying the same about Obama. I mean, power politics in the USA devolved into "your guy is bad, my guy is good" caveman style starting in the 90s, if not the 80s.

For all the stuff that's been going on over the last four years, with investigations of foreign interference with the election, i can't say I've noticed many Democrats claims that actual fraud has been going on.. Perhaps it's just the MSM that's not telling me whenever they make fools of themselves by making such claims.
The Russians didn't even bother doing much in this election, because Trump was doing it all for them.
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The last 4 weeks of Trump ... what to expect? All his legal options to challenge the election result are exhausted. Mitch McConnell has discouraged senators from supporting any motions to protest electoral votes from individual states during the formal count on January 6th, not that those would've mattered anyway with a D majority in the House of Representatives. William Barr has said, repeatedly, that the Department of Justice has not seen evidence of voter fraud on a scale that could influence on the outcome. So what does Trump do?

Surrounds himself with more and more extreme advisors. Sidney Powell's back. Michael "martial law" Flynn is on board. QAnon proponent Marjorie Taylor Greene is on board. The question now is whether there will only be noise, or actual trouble.
Last Thursday the state of Michigan completed their hand audit of votes in Antrim County, which was the focus of the Powell lawsuit, and not surprisingly there was only a shift of 12 votes out of over 15,000. For sane human beings that should wrap up every remaining question about whether there were any shenanigans with the voting machines there.

Having read through ASOG’s filing it’s hilarious how thin and self-contradictory the whole thing was. Many pages were devoted to insinuations about potential remote manipulation of voting results due to unpatched vulnerabilities, but a later item pointed out that the machine used Microsoft’s offline updater to receive updates, and it never once stated whether the machines were actually connected to the network or not. Kind of important. And the “smoking gun” receipts from early tabulations that supposedly show massive shifts in votes actually showed a swing of ~6000 votes in Trump’s favor before the results were certified. And the hand audit just confirmed that result.

Let’s not even get into the fact that the cybersecurity firm brought in by Powell is a sham company run by a failed Republican house candidate from 2016 that donated $10K to the PAC that funds Powell, and the company’s web site’s voter fraud page exclusively links to right-wing sites, including the infamous, of which the cybersecurity firm is apparently a founding sponsor.

The evidence that this is a sham is all hiding in plain sight, but the Republicans know that their base won’t bother to look it up, and the right wing echo chamber will make sure to reinforce the lies so often that no one will bother to question them. Steve Schmidt, the campaign manager for John McCain’s 2008 campaign, recently said that he switched to the Democratic party because he’s become a one-issue voter who will only vote for candidates who support democracy, and until the Republicans shake off these Trumpian autocratic tendencies they must be consistently punished at the ballot box. I wish there were more patriots on the right who would acknowledge the same truth.

As far as what Trump might do, this talk of using the Insurrection Act to try to rerun elections is a joke, and would never stand up in court. The Secret Service will escort Trump out the door on Jan 20 if he tries to not leave. The big dangers here are blanket pardons for people who stay loyal to him and have done awful things, and Trump installing loyalists in supposedly apolitical career roles in the executive branch where it will be hard to fire them under the new administration. Also look for any land mines Trump plants to try to make things harder for the incoming administration that he can try to latch onto as supposed incompetence on their part for any 2024 campaign he might mount.
Also hilarious that Fox News got so spooked by incoming lawsuits from Dominion and Smartmatic that they forced three of the shows that had so dogmatically supported the conspiracy theories to run the same canned interview that asks a series of brief questions and gets quick, factual answers debunking the whole thing. They stuffed this into the end of a block that cut straight to commercial afterward, and all three shows used very similar lead-in copy.

Lou Dobbs clip
Jeanine Pirro clip
Maria Bartiromo clip
Also hilarious that Fox News got so spooked by incoming lawsuits from Dominion and Smartmatic that they forced three of the shows that had so dogmatically supported the conspiracy theories to run the same canned interview that asks a series of brief questions and gets quick, factual answers debunking the whole thing.
I saw Newsmax had to do it as well. I wish they had just sued, to be honest.
I saw Newsmax had to do it as well. I wish they had just sued, to be honest.
Yeah, a long, drawn out suit where the news division would have to cover it on a regular basis while the opinion shows berated or danced around it would be funny. And they may still sue. If so, I hope part of the settlement is insisting that these hosts apologize and admit fault at the top of their shows.
Yeah, a long, drawn out suit where the news division would have to cover it on a regular basis while the opinion shows berated or danced around it would be funny. And they may still sue. If so, I hope part of the settlement is insisting that these hosts apologize and admit fault at the top of their shows.
Agreed. In all cases here they buried the summary at the end of a block, and tried to move past it quickly. I think they deserve a solid lawsuit.