The armchair diagnoses of Trump and Biden (and Hillary in 2016) are ridiculous. I also have to question the credibility of doctors who go on TV and try to diagnose someone who they haven’t actually given a medical evaluation. These people are all old and susceptible to mental decline, but we don’t have the evidence to make a call one way or the other. There’s enough to criticize Trump for without going there anyway.
And yes, Biden has a stutter which is probably less controllable as he gets older. The claims of him being confused or senile seem super exaggerated.
I do think it’s valid to talk about the age of presidents though and I’m not sure electing someone who is going to be in his 80s by the time his term is up is the best idea (same goes for judges). Considering both the 2020 dem field and the 2016 Republican field were both filled with plenty of talented younger individuals, that we still ended up with the oldest folks ever to hold the office is a problem that I’m not sure how to explain. I don’t think people should be excluded from the job based on age necessarily, but health and cognitive declines are real.
Btw who predicted Trump trying to pull out of Afghanistan?
And yes, Biden has a stutter which is probably less controllable as he gets older. The claims of him being confused or senile seem super exaggerated.
I do think it’s valid to talk about the age of presidents though and I’m not sure electing someone who is going to be in his 80s by the time his term is up is the best idea (same goes for judges). Considering both the 2020 dem field and the 2016 Republican field were both filled with plenty of talented younger individuals, that we still ended up with the oldest folks ever to hold the office is a problem that I’m not sure how to explain. I don’t think people should be excluded from the job based on age necessarily, but health and cognitive declines are real.
Btw who predicted Trump trying to pull out of Afghanistan?

Republicans livid over Trump’s plan to reduce troops in Afghanistan
McConnell says Trump’s move will “delight” U.S. enemies.