USA Politics

Could that have been said about the guy Obama nominated in 2016 as well? That if the GOP majority weren't so obsessed with stopping whatever Obama wanted to do, he would've been a pretty uncontroversial pick?
yes definitely, MerrIck Garland was a bipartisan pick who received heavy republican support when he was nominated to the circuit court by Clinton (although McConnell voted against his confirmation even then).

I think time will eventually show that blocking Garland in 2016 was one of the most egregious and harmful norm shatterings that either major party has engaged in in the last several decades, and that includes all of Trump’s shenanigans the last four years.
I think time will eventually show that blocking Garland in 2016 was one of the most egregious and harmful norm shatterings that either major party has engaged in in the last several decades, and that includes all of Trump’s shenanigans the last four years.
Doubled-down by the rush to confirm Coney Barrett. If McConnell had stuck to his own rule, it would simply have shifted the expectations. Of course, he can't do that. McConnell wants power, no matter how he gets it.
Really recommended long read: How Foxconn ran a con on Scott Walker, Donald Trump, and the state of Wisconsin, promising 13,000 jobs and a massive LCD plant but instead have done nothing in 4 years and are getting huge subsidies from state and local governments.

The Wisconsin GOP continue to insist the plant exists and is good when in reality, it is a huge lie.

The president of a country asks the federal police to investigate his main opponent for corruption, two weeks before the presidential election.

No, this is not happening in Putinstan or Little Putinstan (i.e. Belarus). It is happening in the United. Fucking. States. Of. America.

Not to mention Giuliani alledgedly found child porn on Hunter Biden's computer... the plot thickens.
I haven't seen that allegation anywhere. To me, it's indicative that Giuliani downloaded child porn to put on the fake Hunter Biden computer.
All signs point to a Russian misinformation op, but like THAT is going to resonate with voters.
Well, the Hunter Biden thing isn't, anyway. Just like Mike Pompeo talking about Hillary Clinton's emails again didn't catch on. Just like nobody cares about the private email services being used by Ivanka Trump for her official government services, for example.

Now, Donald Trump paying more taxes in the past 10 years to China than the USA....that might catch on.
The Hunter Biden story is so suspect that not even Fox News is touching it.

There’s a new interactive electoral map that also tells you in real time how winning certain states affects a candidate’s overall chances at re-election.

The first thing I did was give Trump and Biden victories in the respective states where we are reasonably certain they’ll win. No rust belt states, no toss up states, but places like Colorado and Montana where the outside chance of flipping is so outside that it doesn’t matter. After doing this, Biden’s chance of winning the electoral college goes up to 97%. This tells me (and the folks at 538 have talked at length about this) thar the bulk of Trump’s 12% chance comes from an unexpected shift in his direction between now and Election Day, a surprise flip in states like CO, and/or Florida. Every time Florida goes to Trump, his chances go back up to 8 - 12%. On the other hand, every time NC or Arizona go to Biden, his chances fall below 1%. Really interesting stuff to mess with!
This election is increasingly going to rely on NC and Florida. Biden could lose PA, Trump could get ballots thrown out, any amount of weirdness can happen, but we won’t know for days and it won’t matter if NC and FL have been called for Biden.
This election is increasingly going to rely on NC and Florida. Biden could lose PA, Trump could get ballots thrown out, any amount of weirdness can happen, but we won’t know for days and it won’t matter if NC and FL have been called for Biden.
And again, the Supreme Court deadlocked on (late) vote counting in Pennsylvania. Once Barret gets confirmed, I'm sure her vote will make sure a lot of votes get thrown out if the timeframe for (late) vote counting gets challenged in other states (and it will).

Edit: Trump is closing in on Biden in Florida too.
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That debate was... boring. Watching that made me realize how, in normal circumstances (particularly with a normal incumbent, this election would be the most boring one since, idk 96? At least 2012. America knows both candidates really well, one is the current president and the other is the former Vice President, one candidate is sitting on a 10 point lead in national polling, and the incumbent is sitting on a historically bad recession.

This is not me saying Biden is running away with it (although he very well could be), but I imagine that, unless Trump wins again, we’re going to look back at this election as an example of conventional wisdom once again beating all.
Trump has brought up that a Biden presidency would be boring as a line of attack in his rallies, and I'm thinking...that's supposed to be a bad thing?