Forostar said:You mean ignorance, a word which is kind of taboo on this forum?
Forostar said:You mean ignorance, a word which is kind of taboo on this forum?
Wasted155 said:I have heard all the pundits speak about her lack of knowledge. However, I haven't seen the actual interview or transcript of her saying that. It is really easy for unhappy aides to take shots at her without needing to provide proof. I'm not necessarily defending her, but I can think of situations where they would take her words, twist them, and make them sound bad. I'm not denying her saying this, tho I do have a hard time believing that she actually said that.
Forostar said:To put it mildly: I am very relieved that the majority of the Americans preferred someone else.
That didn't show what Wasted was talking about. He said:Natalie said:You should watch this:
Wasted155 said:I still won't deny that she made some serious mistakes at the beginning of her stint as VP candidate-- some very well documented mistakes. I'm not a Palin supporter, either; however, I don't think she was prepared for anything-- and I think she did a pretty good job at the debate.
____no5 said:I think we lost the point here; it doesn't matter so much if it was Palin or somebody else
-it's a governor of a state's quote
LooseCannon said:So did I - the first time I thought about it.
The more and more I pondered it, I realized she didn't really talk about anything. At all. She ignored the questions as asked and just recited the same lines over and over and over.
Wasted155 said:I have seen no proof that she actually said those things.
SinisterMinisterX said:Quick Sarah, name one newspaper you read! Quick Sarah, name one Supreme Court decision besides Roe v Wade!
SinisterMinisterX said:She did. HOWEVER:
She made an honest mistake. Earlier in the campaign, Obama made a mistake and said there were 57 states. Sometimes, people say something wildly wrong because their mouth is working faster than their brain. And this doesn't mean they're stupid - everyone says dumb things sooner or later.
And it was one of those moments for Palin. She said the wrong word by mistake. It doesn't mean she really thinks Africa is a country. HOWEVER:
This is probably the only moment, of all her errors, that can be attributed to a simple mistake.
She demonstrated on many other occasions that she is an idiot. Quick Sarah, name one newspaper you read! Quick Sarah, name one Supreme Court decision besides Roe v Wade!
SinisterMinisterX said:She said the wrong word by mistake. It doesn't mean she really thinks Africa is a country.
cornfedhick said:In any event, I'm skeptical that the U.S. auto industry is worth saving, though it obviously employs a lot of people. A friend who went to work at Ford as a patent lawyer a few years ago told me an alarming, but true, story: For several weeks after he started work, he could not get a phone in his office. Apparently, the workers who were supposed to install his phone were United Auto Workers union members, who basically can't be fired for doing a bad job. Consequently, neither he nor his superiors could get the workers to show up and install his phone. He finally got an appointment for phone installation, but they blew off the appointment and refused to schedule another appointment until a couple of weeks later. Note, a lawyer cannot do his or her job effectively without a phone. Seeing the writing on the wall, he began sending out his CV for a new job immediately. Needless to say, I am never buying a Ford. And GM appears to be in even worse shape.