USA Politics

FYI, that was the prime minister of The Political Entity Between Greece, Bulgaria, Serbia and Albania Which Used To Be Part Of Yugoslavia But No Longer Is And Which Is Certainly Not The Geographic Homeland Of Alexander The Great And Whose Inhabitants Speak A Slavic Language That May Or May Not Be Distinct And The Capital Of Which Is Skopje.

It's the prime minister of that country <_<
That's not a real Montenegrin, he's too pale and too easy to push out.
I am now convinced his stance on alcohol is a lie. That tweet would fit right into our own "Drunk Posting" thread. Silly typing mistake, unfinished sentence, and the POTUS must be waking up with severe hangover anxiety today.
I just want to say something about Kathy Griffin and her photoshoot showing a purportedly decapitated President Trump.

This type of bullshit was inappropriate when Obama was president and people were doing the same and worse (admittedly, not much worse) with his image. Inspiring violence against anyone, especially the president, is a dangerous road, and Kathy Griffin deserved to get her stupid ass fired by CNN for it. I'm not talking about censoring her, but I am criticizing that decision, as is my right. I dislike Donald Trump. I want him to lose the election. I want him to be impeached. I want him to quit. And if he died of natural causes, I wouldn't particularly be sad.

But I do not want to see him murdered, nor do I want to see his murder advocated by a celebrity. If it was wrong to do with Obama, it's wrong to do with Trump.
I'm torn on that one. Yes, it's bad for the planet, but it's also really good for non-American businesses investing in green energy.
Also the major players in the US economy (CA/NY/etc) are still going to work toward the climate goals. Nice to see the Europeans rejecting Trump's negotiations. If I was any other country I wouldn't want to deal with the US either.

I'm more concerned about the symbolic gesture of pulling out. What's the point of making a long term deal with the US when the next guy might abruptly undo everything?
What's the point of making a long term deal with the US when the next guy might abruptly undo everything?

Isn't that supposed to be what checks and balances are for? To make sure that you can't just randomly make or undo decisions, that is. That's the whole reason why international relations work even with frequently shifting governments.
Isn't that supposed to be what checks and balances are for? To make sure that you can't just randomly make or undo decisions, that is. That's the whole reason why international relations work even with frequently shifting governments.
I might be missing your point, but would you say those checks and balances are working when Trump was able to come in and randomly undo the decision?