USA Politics

Russia and Turkey are 'old' enemies. That doesn't mean they'll go to war and such, merely that opinions you're talking aren't susceptible to short turmoils in relations.
I don't think anyone's selling anything. It'd be like if Harper said he'd deny the results before Trudeau won (as opposed to just saying "sorry" and respecting the results).
Whoa, dude. Democracy is always a sell. That's what makes it so tough to maintain - a real democracy needs constant reinvestment in the belief that elections are fair. There are major democracies in this world that have people in living memory where such results were not heeded or ignored - they can tell you that advertising the fairness and equality of the result is a huge part of maintaining our structure.

I think the US may have forgotten what a huge deal it was when George Washington announced he would not seek a third term in office. That man could have been king if he had asked for a crown.
Well, as you noted, it's been since 1860 that the legitimacy of an election has been really called into question before the ballots were cast. You're forgetting a few interesting controversies since the Civil War, most notably Rutherfraud B. Hayes (unless you intended for the 140 years estimate to aim for his election rather than the Civil War, but most people don't have an encyclopaedic knowledge of late 19th C US Presidents, and if so, I salute you sir, welcome aboard and make yourself at home).
Three new polls today put Clinton in a narrow lead in NC. Most people believe that if Hillary wins North Carolina, she wins the White House.

In addition, a new poll from Lucid puts Hillary 4 points up on Trump in Georgia. If Hillary wins North Carolina and Georgia she will assuredly be president.
Wikileaks just keeps on giving. All the Bill Clinton Inc. stuff and this

In a speech made public by Wikileaks – which released an email from Hillary for America Research Director Tony Caark containing three attached speeches given at a private Goldman Sachs events – Clinton spoke and took audience questions at the “Builders and Innovators Summit” hosted by Goldman Sachs on October 29, 2013.

Answering a question about businessmen in politics, Clinton said that they are “most often the people that look over the horizon,” and therefore share a vision that many politicians of today lack. “And that’s a very good question and thank you for asking it. Yes, I would love to see more businessmen go into politics because I believe they would bring in an entirely different mindset and strategies than what we’re used to seeing traditionally,” she opined.

And then she just had to go on. “In fact, when you say businessmen and women, I can’t help but think of a particular one that I would just love to see running for the presidency at some point in the future,” Clinton added. “I don’t know what it is exactly about him, I can’t quite put my finger on it, but my instinct is almost never wrong. And it’s telling me that Donald Trump would be very successful if he were to venture into politics in the future.”

Asked to elaborate on her statement, the former Secretary of State argued that she thinks that businessmen “can’t be bought” and that they’re “very honest.” “And I think that goes especially for Donald Trump, whose successful projects and business ventures have made him synonymous with big business and, more importantly, creating thousands of jobs. I also think he understands the philanthropic and charitable side of things quite well, which is a crucial skill for any politician,” she praised her current counter-candidate.

“I think he has a lot to offer to this country and its people, especially when we’re talking about the economy,” she continued. “Donald Trump has single-handedly helped stop the recession, more so than dozens of other so-called billionaires. And I don’t know how the experts on the matter feel, but in my book that’s hard evidence of the man’s business prowess and integrity, as well. And I think everyone would agree those are commendable character traits for anyone looking to tackle the most difficult problems and challenges in the world, quite literally.”

“So, yes – Donald Trump is someone I could very easily see winning the support of the people. And I don’t think he would do that with his flammable rhetoric and negotiation skills – which are both things he’s known for – but with common sense and respect for his fellow countrymen. But, most of all – I think his relationship with the opposite sex would bring him the most political points. I think he respects women and treats them as equals and I also think that would bring him a significant lead over anyone unlucky enough to be running against him,”
Anyway the Clinton Inc stuff is interesting and verified
The way Chelsea fought her father over Clinton Inc was very interesting too. But not much you can do - Bill Clinton was a private citizen at the time. I have a feeling that most modern day presidents would do the same if they ended their term popular (unlike GWB) or sane (unlike RR).

Emails show how the dispute between Chelsea Clinton and her father’s longtime aide led to personal hostility.

“I don’t deserve this from her and deserve a tad more respect or at least a direct dialogue for me to explain these things,” Band wrote to Podesta at the time. “She is acting like a spoiled brat kid who has nothing else to do but create issues to justify what she’s doing because she, as she has said, hasn’t found her way and has a lack of focus in her life.”
By now I think nothing but a direct criminal verdict will make a voter switch between the candidates. But this one will probably make a fair share of likely Hillary voters stay at home ...
Novemeber 8th will be the most interesting day of my life. I may just call in sick for work.
WASHINGTON — A new trove of emails that appear pertinent to the now-closed investigation into Hillary Clinton’s private email server was discovered after the F.B.I. seized at least one electronic device shared by Anthony D. Weiner and his estranged wife, Huma Abedin, a top aide to Mrs. Clinton, federal law enforcement officials said Friday.

The F.B.I. is investigating illicit text messages that Mr. Weiner, a former Democratic congressman from New York, sent to a 15-year-old girl in North Carolina. The bureau told Congress on Friday that it had uncovered new emails related to the Clinton case — one federal official said they numbered in the tens of thousands — potentially reigniting an issue that has weighed on the presidential campaign and offering a lifeline to Donald J. Trump less than two weeks before the election.