USA Politics
Knowing full well the insurmountable ridicule and abuse I may receive from this post (by those polarized in one direction or the other) I can not stay silent anymore. I realize my thoughts, concerns and observations may mean nothing to you. If that is the case simply stop reading. For those reading on, thank you and back to your regular unscheduled program of social media to resume in a minute or two.
– I can’t just take a “side” or allow a hashtag to define my grief (we all have our ways to mourn with respect). I have been contemplating and mourning the current state of the world and this country for days now. I still find it hard to find the words, but I wouldn’t be able to look myself in the mirror tomorrow if I didn’t attempt to formulate my thoughts and speak my mind and heart.

I mourn the murder of any human! The fact that we as a people use death as a political platform or an agenda is despicable. The denying of deep rooted inequality is also equally despicable! How can we foster progress and actual equality when no one is willing to listen to each other? We must be willing to be considerate and walk in one another’s shoes to find understanding. I don’t see much of that sadly, just division and disregard for one another.

What a sad, troubled and shockingly ignorant state of affairs we are caught in these days. The division between us as a people grows daily due tragic events paired alongside calculated disinformation and false flag or “wagging the dog” (look up these terms if you are not familiar and then examine certain current events that change over time). There is much outside of our history books and news reports to learn from. These days we are swallowing blindly what they feed us. Instead of uniting to stand against a common enemy (the ones in power that manipulate justice and care not for the common people). Instead we are divided against each other! While we bicker and fight over hashtags and who’s killing who, the clandestine dismantling of this country and the world economy continues unchecked.

Racism (among many other warped and conditioned hateful thinking) is alive and well people! It is being arrogantly displayed by many on both “sides” of the current issues. Yet we are distracted by social status, fantasy games and vanity glued to our phones like zombies. We swallow manufactured media as click bait conspiracies to occupy our minds. We have been warned for decades about these times from literature, to movies and songs. Yet here we are in the midst of yet another crucial downfall and all we are doing is infighting and pointing fingers at each other. When in fact the blame lies upon those in high “authority.” Those very few at the top who oversee the passing and amending of laws, the controlling of wealth and the distribution of power ARE the divisors and dictators of the system.

We have been conditionally dumbed down, divided and controlled. This is “idiocracy” in full effect, but the vast majority can’t see it! We have been indoctrinated and brain washed so cleverly, patiently and precisely that the vast majority are completely unaware of the state of emergency. We lash out against one another in fear and anger. Anyone trying to make a change and speak out is violently and or verbally struck down by an opposing view. It’s ether that or threatened, ridiculed or simply… silenced in death.

How many more of “US” will die before we realize the truth has been disguised?

How long do we allow those in control to manipulate us, humiliate us, steal from us and kill us like pawns in their game of power? There has got to be a better way. There has got to be a radical change. Sadly I fear the worst as it seems most are too far gone, trapped in the “matrix” as it were.

The only thing I can offer is my personal action. My lyrics in my music, my choices, the companies I support or boycott with money. The effort I will put forth to be understanding, compassionate and yes, loving when I have the strength. My faith is, that there is enough good with us all to begin to heal and help one another (even in small simple ways).

For those of you who believe in God I urge you to pray. For those of you who gather in protest and activism do so in peace. For those of you in uniform show honor and control. For those of you who have compassion and charity to give, give it in abundance. We are facing troubling times and I feel it will only get worse before it improves. In the meantime pause and think before you speak or act and ask yourself “am I a part of the problem or a part of the solution.” You can control and change the way you think and act.

Think about this, if only for a moment.

I am just a man trying to find understanding and do the best that I can to help in anyway. I will continue to strive to write lyrics and songs for ALL of us. I will strive to be an instrument of light and hope in this world of darkness (albeit a flawed, sarcastic, head case of an instrument)….but It’s all I have and all I can offer at present.

I am heartbroken for us all but I won’t give up on trying to make this world a better place one little tiny effort after another.

Be good to one another

With respect and sincerity

Peace, love, wisdom, strength and light to all!
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I rarely agree with you on unions, but police unions have a long history of protecting bad cops who break the law, rape, and commit murder.

You can say the same about teachers unions. For the record, I have no problem with private unions, I would never want to join one .. but if a company's workers want to unionize, that is up to them

The problem with all public unions is the damage they do to public institutions, obstruct any reform that is bad for them (but probably good for the public), and the deals they cut for benefits, like pensions, that there is no realistic chance to even fund and the debt gets kicked down and down the road and is generally only addressed when there is no other choice long after the people that cut those deals are retired or dead.

Then you have stupidity like in Chicago a few years ago when they were negotiating with some public works union and negotiations in part were around how many no show jobs the city would pay for.
You can say the same about teachers unions.
I have never known a teacher's union here to protect a teacher accused of sexual assault, murder, etc. This has actually just happened in Ottawa where a young female teacher (quite attractive) has been arrested for sleeping with her young male students. At first it was one, but now the number is like a dozen. Causing quite the interesting debate, of course, but the union is not standing beside her. I can think of two other examples from my own public school journey, and in both cases (one, a teacher accused of sexual assault, and the other, a teacher arrested for child pornography) the union stood aside.

Most of the things I have seen teachers' unions do is to protest against education cuts. Sometimes they are right, sometimes they are wrong.
How about protecting crappy teachers and depriving kids a chance to learn and blocking new teachers ... who might actually teach well ... from coming into the system and blocking the advancement of good teachers by insisting everything is based solely on tenure ... their years long battle against even public charter schools etc, etc, etc.
from coming into the system and blocking the advancement of good teachers by insisting everything is based solely on tenure
Not sure about there, but here this is starting to change. Experience matters and I get that, but it's becoming easier for substandard teachers to be removed. I don't think we have a huge amount of substandard teachers in Canada, though - a glut of good ones, but not a lot of substandard ones.
Ok the teacher thing may be systematic corruption but we're talking militia unions where clan laws rule. I still can't believe you have internal revisions of the 'police'. Where's logic in that? Here we have a whole branch of secret service only for police monitoring. They are caught, mostly in small corruption / smuggling, on a regular basis, few each year.

Actually, somebody who's able to place two pieces of lead into a fully restrained person's skull should go to prison immediately or psych ward. This guy will remain on the force.
Could you do that? Of course you couldn't. Now you can figure out what kind of monsters these unions protect.
Just under an hour and a half to go to see how bad things really get.

From: and CNN

"Black Lives Matter" protests in 37 cities this Friday allegedly include attack plans for "bloodbaths" timed to take place almost simultaneously, toward a goal of imposing Martial Law in the USA according to postings on the "Dark Web." Adding credibility to these claims is the FACT that all 37 rallies are planned to begin simultaneously at 7:00 PM eastern US time, regardless of the time zone wherein the protests actually take place.
Yea because what is happening in Turkey would totally overshadow a coordinated attack across the entire USA as an attempt to keep Obama in office longer. :P
It's nowhere in Fox News's headlines or subheadlines. Sounds to me like there was no concentric attack, and the report Travis reported was at best wild speculation, and at worst, bullshit designed to make people hate Black Lives Matter.
It's nowhere in Fox News's headlines or subheadlines. Sounds to me like there was no concentric attack, and the report Travis reported was at best wild speculation, and at worst, bullshit designed to make people hate Black Lives Matter.

Fox News is run by the Illuminati. Don't act like you don't know that.
Well, I'm very glad that nothing bad came of it. And I don't blame any race for any of this. It's our evil, corrupt system who is starting race wars to cause havoc and have a reason for martial law to be put in place.