USA Politics

I've read/heard a lot of small government advocates who don't particularly like Trump but are gonna vote for him anyway because they have the feeling he won't able to get anything done and cause system breakdown in U.S. Politics.

I've got no comment on the validity of this, but it's worth noting.
Hmm.. When Czechs voted for the worst possible presidential candidate three years ago, it eventually had the result that he might get re-elected soon.
Incumbency is stronger in US politics then most other places, too.

Also, I wonder how the Donald's back is doing after Ted Cruz stabbed that knife into it.
Michael Moore took enough time to put his fork down and say Trump would win .. like I care what that moron things.
His logic doesn't really make much sense on that. Yea Brexit is definitely and indication that it's possible, but the US isn't the UK. Also, Trump is going to struggle with electoral votes more than Romney did, even if he does get the 64 that Moore mentioned.
Trump offered John Kasich to be the most powerful vice president in US history, in charge of both domestic and foreign affairs.

Trump himself would be in charge of "Making America Great Again". But not domestically or in the eyes of foreign policies. Not even interested in being President.
Seeing as you can't really define what making America great would involve, other than a PR job, this doesn't surprise me. Take the/any glory and let someone else have the responsibility.
Wasserman bites the dust at the DNC after leaked emails show the DNC was very pro Clinton during the primaries .. shocking I know.
Wasserman bites the dust at the DNC after leaked emails show the DNC was very pro Clinton during the primaries .. shocking I know.
Bernie's right, though - she was picking sides privately, and nastily so, when she was publicly saying she wouldn't. Time for her to go, and that's another Berniewin.
OK, so with the the top two being a choice between Clinton and Trump - and with so many choosing one over the other based on the "lesser of the the two evils", could Gary Johnson capitalise on this and make some ground on them?
If he polls at 15% he will be able to join the debates. It's very unlikely, last I checked he was at 9%.

He can definitely do damage though, more to Trump than Hillary.
The situation in the US is not to different to the UK. All we see is either Labour or the Tories getting "power". A serious shake up is needed on both side of the Atlantic to make these two respective "giants" of politics slightly more redundant.
I think Johnson will do well by non Perot 3rd party standards. But well is probably defined as better than 6 pct of the vote and 0 electoral votes. He does have a shot to do well with younger voters

I saw a cnn and cbs poll today that had Hillary at around 70 pct saying she is untrustworthy. That will be hard to overcome.

This is the ultimate in 2 roundly disliked people running against each other.
I feel confident in predicting now that whoever wins the presidency this year will be out of a job in 2020.