USA Politics

Do you think Donald Trump will be able to deal with the Illuminati?
The Illuminate picks who our president is so if Trump is chosen, all he'll be is one of their puppets which makes him part of the Illuminati. When I said I decided to support him, I accidentally got caught up in all of his bullshit. I have to remember to stay focused on what I believe in.
Black or white, I just don't understand how America can tolerate this amount (& manner) of civilian deaths. Most of these deaths are entirely avoidable.


A big part of the reason is probably the mutual fear and mistrust described by @The Flash - but as a society, the USA can't just accept this. I hear news stories about police in some cities trying to improve the situation, but this needs to happen at a nationwide level.

Our American members might perhaps give some insight about what is currently going on in this respect?
To summarize, I do not think the US has an unhealthy relationship with guns a small percentage of people are whack jobs and do shit like this. Why are you so willing to tell everyone who has a gun (and for the record I do not now nor ever have owned a gun, I do not see the need or appeal of them) they cannot have one for whatever reason they own one.

As to the police state comment, there are tons of guns in the US now, it is not like they go bad. So even if we stopped selling new ones, how exactly are the old ones to be collected? Add to that, you can make one now with a 3-D printer, a very crude one, but it is only a matter of time before you can make better ones that way.

Because, unlike the rest of the developed world, here in the U.S they seem to happen every other month. I'm not talking about gang related shootings in south chicago or east L.A... like you said, whack jobs that have it way to easy to off 16+ people.

I've heard the argument of the "dangers" of gun free zones, that if people were allowed to have them, less shootings would occur. the "good guy with a gun" argument. What about Fort Hood? that place was FULL of good guys with guns and what good did it do? It is a stupid argument.

Cops are bad shots, soldiers are bad shots and these are professionals, trained in using their weapons. What's makes a civilian think they can be a hero in these situations?

I don't advocate to ban guns, but restrictions can happen.
It doesn't matter since none of you are even willing to be open about the various conspiracy theories that are out there.
Most conspiracy theories lack sufficient evidence for the well-reasoned mind to convince me, and are based on either logical or scientific fallacies (such as 9/11 trutherism) or unprovable hypothesis (Illuminati existence). The conspiracy theories that do have sufficient evidence cease being conspiracy theories and become reality, like when people were talking about the US government gathering metadata on pretty much everyone. That was a left-wing conspiracy theory at first, until Edward Snowden released documentation confirming it is 100% correct.

Unfortunately, most conspiracy theories prey upon people who don't know enough to judge the fallacies contained within, and rely mostly on strongarming opinion and charismatic delivery. My personal favourite conspiracy theory to show this are people who believe the moon landings are faked. Every single argument a moon hoax perpetrator has ever suggested is easily disproved by a simple explanation of either physics or photography. Every. Single. Argument. But that fact hasn't stopped it from continuing to be perpetrated over and over...

Governments lie to their people, and this fact has been used time and time again to suggest that the lie is greater. But no democratic institution can keep secrets. The USA couldn't keep Area 51 secret, they had Soviet spies in the Manhattan Project, they stole our metadata and we all knew. I feel sad for people who believe in conspiracy theories. The world must seem a very scary place if you can't understand it.

And that's the last I will say on such things.

I've heard the argument of the "dangers" of gun free zones, that if people were allowed to have them, less shootings would occur. the "good guy with a gun" argument. What about Fort Hood? that place was FULL of good guys with guns and what good did it do? It is a stupid argument.
The good guy with a gun argument is literally viewed as complete nonsense everywhere in the world except the United States. The DC Navy Yard shootings too. Lots of good guns there. The fact is that it's easy to kill people with a gun when your targets are "everyone" and when everyone else has target of "one guy" they have a pretty good chance of causing unexpected casualties.

I don't advocate to ban guns, but restrictions can happen.
Yep. I maintain my level of fear about unrestricted firearms when I think back to the 2014 terrorist attack in Ottawa. Plenty of "good guys with a gun" that day, but the terrorist still got into Parliament. He only had 7 shots, though, because Canada doesn't allow such weapons, and they're fairly difficult to find illegally.
I could say that an army of cloned George Takei's ruled the world, and it would have as much basis as most conspiracy theories about the Illuminati.

Also, when I first wrote Illuminati, the words suddenly disappeared. Spooky. :ninja:
Most conspiracy theories lack sufficient evidence for the well-reasoned mind to convince me, and are based on either logical or scientific fallacies (such as 9/11 trutherism) or unprovable hypothesis (Illuminati existence). The conspiracy theories that do have sufficient evidence cease being conspiracy theories and become reality, like when people were talking about the US government gathering metadata on pretty much everyone. That was a left-wing conspiracy theory at first, until Edward Snowden released documentation confirming it is 100% correct.
The reason you won't get any sufficient evidence is because any official sources most likely aren't going to come out and admit anything and the news and media sure as hell aren't going to. If the stuff Snowden came forward about was true, there's a chance that some of the other things are true as well. It's just that there hasn't been another Snowden out there that has come forward. Sadly, the only way we'll know if things like the Illuminati and NWO are for real is if something actually happened such as a takeover of some kind or martial law being declared. At the very least, I think everyone should keep an opened mind that there is a POSSIBILITY that anything could happen.
Governments lie to their people, and this fact has been used time and time again to suggest that the lie is greater. But no democratic institution can keep secrets. The USA couldn't keep Area 51 secret, they had Soviet spies in the Manhattan Project, they stole our metadata and we all knew. I feel sad for people who believe in conspiracy theories. The world must seem a very scary place if you can't understand it.
There's no need to feel sad for me. I'm glad because I've been woken up to the actual truth and reality of the horrible evil of the world. It's sad that I can't at least plant a few seeds on here, but the government and media have done such a great job of brainwashing so many people that it's obvious that most will never be woken up. I don't blame any of society for that though. I blame the government, media, and all the other evil of the world.
The Dallas police chief has really shown the city is lucky to have him and he makes some good points .. one that the police are really asked to do too much. He did not say this, but I think attempting to police all kinds of activity (from untaxed cigarettes to being a revenue source through tickets) that really should not be is a huge problem

I also like this

“Serve your community, don’t be a part of the problem. We’re hiring. We’re hiring,” he said to a bevy of chuckles during a press conference on Monday. “Get out that protest line and put an application in, and we’ll put you in your neighborhood and we will help you resolve some of the problems you are protesting about.”
I've heard the argument of the "dangers" of gun free zones, that if people were allowed to have them, less shootings would occur. the "good guy with a gun" argument. What about Fort Hood? that place was FULL of good guys with guns and what good did it do? It is a stupid argument.

The good guy with a gun argument is literally viewed as complete nonsense everywhere in the world except the United States. The DC Navy Yard shootings too. Lots of good guns there. The fact is that it's easy to kill people with a gun when your targets are "everyone" and when everyone else has target of "one guy" they have a pretty good chance of causing unexpected casualties.

This. Let alone the fact that, like it or not, if I saw a civilian with a shotgun willing to "defend me", I would simply consider him one of the dangers instead. I don't trust people that much. Considering the rhetorics many of the pro-gun people use, I'd probably trust those even less.

Again, I know this is a sensitive issue and I'm not saying "ban the guns", but the fact so many people defend such open access to guns, which are much more dangerous than pretty much anything even when used correctly, honestly baffles me.

That said, here in Czechia we hardly have guns at all, so I'm the one to speak... :D
Good idea, what are the criteria?
Fill out an application, pass a physical , drug,and psych test, have at least a HS diploma, not have a felony on your record. Then go to the police academy, which I assume is nothing like the series of mostly crappy movies.
The Dallas Police are probably one of the more welcoming ones in the country. The chief has marched with Black Lives Matter and in the pride parade there, and the police were running what was a peaceful protest before the shooting started.
Fill out an application, pass a physical , drug,and psych test, have at least a HS diploma, not have a felony on your record. Then go to the police academy, which I assume is nothing like the series of mostly crappy movies.
Not a chance then, for many. Unless those tests are not that difficult.
The Dallas Police are probably one of the more welcoming ones in the country. The chief has marched with Black Lives Matter and in the pride parade there, and the police were running what was a peaceful protest before the shooting started.

Which makes it even more odd it happened in Dallas. Cnn or some site had pics of the protesters taking selfies with the police before the shooting, if there is a model police department for a large city in the US, Dallas is it. Certainly the chief deserves a lot of credit, but weaker than most police unions certainly help as well