USA Politics

I find myself wondering - for you, and all Americans who read the thread - what are the issues you are most concerned with? Such as, the three or five reasons that you will consider as you cast your vote next year (or possibly in the upcoming primaries).
I am concerned about the possibility of a country following this dangerous man (watch till end) and this:

Mainstream media has become a cheerleading section for corporate interests and anyone else who is rich and powerful enough. Ordinary people have begun to recognize this fact, particularly young people. Perhaps this is because they can't remember a time when things were different and therefore have grown up with no lofty illusions about real journalism or a free press. ...

There was time in U.S. history when journalism reflected true investigative due diligence in which reporters made an effort to verify the validity of the topic being covered and to make a bona fide attempt to report facts. It is a process that is imperative to a healthy democracy. Unfortunately now the media is nothing more than an avenue for Wall Street, corporate America and political elites to promote false realities which are invariably connected to squeezing or stealing money from the public.
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I find myself wondering - for you, and all Americans who read the thread - what are the issues you are most concerned with? Such as, the three or five reasons that you will consider as you cast your vote next year (or possibly in the upcoming primaries).

That is somewhat difficult for me to answer. My first answer is 'stop the insanity!'

But, realistically, I think to myself:
1) Welfare Reform
2) Social Security fix the stupid
3) Proper benefits for veterans
(so Economy for all the above?)
4) fix the Obamacare issues or just trash the whole thing

I dunno, that is what I think.
I find myself wondering - for you, and all Americans who read the thread - what are the issues you are most concerned with? Such as, the three or five reasons that you will consider as you cast your vote next year (or possibly in the upcoming primaries).
1) Don't raise my taxes
2) Don't get me killed
3) Don't be a racist prick

On reflection, I should probably flip 1 & 2 :facepalm:
Can somebody explain to me why everybody is talking about Donald Trump? He's a minor candidate with a small support base, yet he's the only American people talk about these days, worldwide. And therefore, he gets exactly what he wants: Attention. He'll do anything for that.
I think the way he is portrayed in the media is overestimating his popularity. Sure, if all you do is show his mug and cite his quotes and ask his followers, you may get the idea that he's popular. Hardly anybody has been blown so much out of proportion as Trump has been in the recent days. It's ridiculous. It's feeding the troll. Not just feeding it, but stuffing it. This guy warrants none of the attention he gets. And if in the end he actually does win the GOP primaries, it's because of all the media exposure he got, especially from those saying how terrible he is.
People are scared of him gaining any power. And there's the point and stare factor, he makes an easy internet meme.
Sure the media have effect on the outcome. Personally I wouldn't vote for someone, solely for the reason because the media say how terrible he is.

I think that the media have a warning function as well. And they have a task to inform people: Look, this man has these particular ideas. That warning should ring some bells. If people really appreciate these ideas they'll vote for him. If they do not care what he proposes, but still vote for him, then that says a lot about the voters as well.

In any case, this is a worrying development.
I think that the media have a warning function as well. And they have a task to inform people: Look, this man has these particular ideas. That warning should ring some bells. If people really appreciate these ideas they'll vote for him. If they do not care what he proposes, but still vote for him, then that says a lot about the voters as well.

But they are giving him so much more exposure than any of the other GOP candidates. Nobody discusses Ted Cruz or Jeb Bush and what they stand for. How is this helping anyone but Trump?
Sensation I'm afraid. The more outrageous things someone does, the more exposure.

But the American media will probably give the other candidates more often a forum, or put them in a better light (attack them less), than how they deal with the Democrats.
But they are giving him so much more exposure than any of the other GOP candidates. Nobody discusses Ted Cruz or Jeb Bush and what they stand for. How is this helping anyone but Trump?
Trump is the GOP frontrunner in the primaries. This translates to, according to statistics master Nate Silver, about 7% of the US populace who are loudly pro-Trump.

Trump, himself, is a media master, and knows how to get coverage. And to be fair, the media coverage of Trump has been extremely negative, even on Fox News. Only some of the underground media, like Breitbart and Drudge Report, are pro-Trump. But Trump is playing to the 33% of GOP primary voters who hate Obama and hate Muslims and are basically afraid. He is a demagogue, playing the role of the demagogue, but with charisma.

I used to think that he would be a flash in the pan, but if he wins primaries, Donald Trump's candidacy for president will be the subject of dozens of political science PhDs, like those of the great demagogues before him, people like Huey Long, George Wallace, Strom Thurmond, and, of course, Barry Goldwater.
The reason Trump is dominating the news comes down to a few things IMO

1) He had higher recognition than anyone (probably tied with Hillary) than anyone coming into the race, he has been in the news across multiple sectors (news, business, entertainment/celebrity, and sports) for decades
2) There is just a huge GOP field, it is not Trump versus "X"
3) He is good at generating news with controversial comments and understands social media (going viral)
4) We are at a part of the (way too long) campaign where coverage is generally pretty minimal, no one else is making new news and they are all hunkering down in New Hampshire, Iowa, and South Carolina. If you look at papers in those states, you will see the other candidates

What will probably happen, after the new year, we will get close to people actually voting and the field will narrow and at some point get down to a 2 or 3 person race after those primaries and the other 1 or 2 people besides Trump will have a change to break through.
What will probably happen, after the new year, we will get close to people actually voting and the field will narrow and at some point get down to a 2 or 3 person race after those primaries and the other 1 or 2 people besides Trump will have a change to break through.
Agreed. Though if Trump does very well in the early states, he might be able to grab some of those percentage points from people who drop out. I think for him, if he does well enough, it will depend on if Carson stays in long enough. If Ben Carson drops out early, those voters are probably very likely to switch to Trump.
Trump will do well in the early states .. the votes for the establishment and tea part is pretty fragmented ... getting anywhere near 30pct might win them. The early states will winnow out the other candidates besides Trump, probably knocking out at least 1 or 2 of the bigger names in the field. We'll end up with Trump, one or two serious candidates and a few hangers on
Here is my cynical thought. There is a large portion of the population that agrees with what he says, in their heads. Most people will denounce him as crazy, but in the back of their head they think "thats kinda what I think too". So, when it comes down to it, people may say they don't like Trump, but will vote for him and never tell anyone.
Nobody discusses Ted Cruz or Jeb Bush and what they stand for.

Cruz gets talked about here in the US (though nowhere near as much as Trump). However, it's not being reflected in major media yet. Like what bearfan said about newpapers in early primary states - the local conversations haven't made international headlines yet.
Here is my cynical thought. There is a large portion of the population that agrees with what he says, in their heads. Most people will denounce him as crazy, but in the back of their head they think "thats kinda what I think too". So, when it comes down to it, people may say they don't like Trump, but will vote for him and never tell anyone.
That's worrying.
In the category of hope for the future
