USA Politics

Travis, I can tell you by looking at the page names alone that those are not to be taken seriously.
Mayor of NY is more powerful than a Congressman IMO and before this, he was the front runner in the polls.

In kinda Obama news (from the mainstream media no less)

White House gives a Chicago Alderman and award for reform and transparency he gets questioned by the FBI for improper payments .. he denies it. But being from Chicago, you can pretty much assume about any Illinois (especially Chicago) politician is corrupt as hell. As evidenced by how many are in jail

I can go on any of those and post "Obama came to my house and raped my dog .. and made my other dog watch" ... it would not make it valid, but there is nothing stopping me from posting it.
"OBAMA IS THE WORST PRESIDENT EVER" is the title of a page >.> Gee, I wonder if that site is presenting unbiased information. It could have only 100% fact, but I would guess it will only display the ones that make him appear bad, in which case what use is it? Forming an argument by deliberately ignoring everything that possibly could oppose it - the entire picture is required before you can make statements like that. As mentioned before (and it may seem like I'm being unfair here), a conclusion has been drawn and then resources chosen that will continue to reinforce it and shutting out anything that could possibly have an alternate view. Your mind was/is made up before anything else is presented. Infact, having just looked at that particular site.. it's just pictures with insulting captions!?! There just isn't words....

I don't know much about the guy tbh, but I am sure he has done both good and bad - however to ignore one side entirely will of course present the impression that he is "evil". You follow a site dedicated to making him look bad... no wonder why you have this impression.
I went through the first two and mainly just see pictures with bumper sticker length sayings posted on them. If you try to sum up an entire Presidency or Policy in 20 words .. it is usually going to be skewed.

A general theme of the Feds have too much power and Obama is a bad President. I agree with those general sentiments, but I am not seeing anything substantive on these sites that say why .. beyond some bumper sticker length arguments
As close to zero as possible.

Travis, here is the deal, you can't post a facebook site as a news source. You need to find real sites. Not facebook or wordpress or anything like that, a real news site.

Don't post another facebook link and ask to verify it's truthfulness.
I am sure this will go nowhere again, but they should do this and get rid of pennies too. But for some reason Americans do not seem to like dollar coins. I think most of the blame goes to previous attempts being incredibly bad design

Hey America, want to save $13.8 billion over the next 30 years? Get rid of your dollars.
The greenbacks, that is. Let's use dollar coins instead.
That's the message from a consumer advocacy group and former presidential candidate, Sen. John McCain, who has re-introduced legislation to phase out dollar bills.
Eliminating the dollar bill in favor of the coin would save $13.8 billion over 30 years, says the consumer group Council for Citizens Against Government Waste (CCAGW). At a Capitol Hill briefing on Monday, the group said printing dollar bills may be cheaper than minting coins, but they last only about four years compared with 30 years for a coin.
The savings would nearly triple other recent estimates of the $1 coin’s impact, said Aaron Klein, former chief economist for the Senate Banking Committee and Deputy Assistant Secretary of the U.S. Treasury, who conducted CCAGW's analysis on the savings potential.
"The federal government should always be looking for ways to save money, and as the national debt approaches $17 trillion, the implications of Mr. Klein’s study amount to much more than pocket change,” said Bill Christian, CCAGW's director of government affairs.
We ditched the penny here this year and it has been wonderful.
And I hate dealing with the $1 bills when I'm in the states.
(Never mind the fact you make it more difficult by making all the bills the same colour :p)
It's like when they tried to switch to the metric system. Americans just don't like to change things. :P Worked in Canada though, didn't it? Phasing out pennies could be more possible though.
The Susan B Anthony coin was a disaster, but who could not see that coming. "let's make a coin the same size and color as a quarter". Morons.

I think coins are an easier sell than the metric system .. they need to say we'll keep printing dollar bills for 5 years, they will remain in circulation for 3 more .. so that is 8 years to convert vending machines. Then come up with a good design so you can easily feel the difference and put the suckers in circulation.

Pennies, they should just stop making new ones and they can be pulled in a year
Based on all of the stuff you list Bearfan, I am convinced that Obama and his government truly wants to destroy this country and run it into the ground. So, I guess I don't need to find any Obama is evil type sites

Bearfan has listed a bunch of policies he disagrees with but none of them surmount to 'Obama and his government want to destroy this country'. I doubt even Bearfan would agree with that statement; he might dislike Obama's policies and think there are better ways of doing things, but he doesn't think the president is consciously trying to sabotage the country. And why would he? What on earth makes you think Obama wants to sabotage his own country? This simply doesn't make any sense and isn't a logical conclusion that you can come to based on the facts. I'd love to know how you managed to come to this conclusion based on policy alone and not simply spitting out what Fox News tell you.

For the record, you're welcome to have your own opinions and to voice them and to debate. But whats not welcome on this forum is linking to hate sites, repeatedly using iffy-looking sources to back up arguments that have little or nothing to do with the real world (its fine to be misinformed...but its your responsibility to get informed and to accept being informed when being confronted with the facts), and when not posting really questionable stuff in this thread to then go over to the 100k thread and spam it up with 'autism is great' pictures. You need to tone it down in all departments.
I would agree with that. I do not think Obama is a bad person, I think he promotes bad policy. I think that is a problem (not just Travis for sure) with politics anymore, it gets too personal. I am troubled by some of the things I see said about Obama, just like I was about some of the things said against Bush that went way beyond policy disagreement.

There are some politicians, take San Diego mayor and former Congressman Bob Filner for example, that I have no problem calling a scumbag ... because he has been shown to be one in his personal life. Obama has not. Al Sharpton, total scumbag, and there are others. But, I am not going to take a disagreement over government spending and over reach and call that person evil... I'll just call him (or her) a bad policy maker and in this case bad President.
Don't post another facebook link and ask to verify it's truthfulness.

I mean, we know Travis' way of posting and now he wanted to know our opinion on some sites. Is that so bad? I thought he was questioning his own sources and wanted us to help him.

Of lesser importance: does it matter if it's Facebook? Do you claim everything on Facebook is bull?

Alright then Travis. I don't think the message was that you have to go. Remember:
you're welcome to have your own opinions and to voice them and to debate.
To be honest, an own opinion is often based on something you learn from an event or a whole lot of events (via media or from someone else). You need to be informed. And sometimes you need to back up something. And now we have it out in the open: I guess it's the first time that I have seen such outspoken warnings vs quoting or basing opinion on Fox News and stinking people and their sites (which are often conservative / right winged). As a hater of hate spreading I am happy to see this happening. Fuck this unlimited freedom of speech, we have our limits thank you.

The main point is; be open to discuss matters with us. Let's dive into content. It will be tough because you will be forced to find other sources. Let's get to work and good luck.
To be honest, an own opinion is often based on something you learn from an event or a whole lot of events (via media or from someone else). You need to be informed. So sometimes you need to back up something. And now we have it out in the open: I guess it's the first time that I have seen such outspoken warnings vs quoting or basing opinion on Fox News, stinking sites (which are often conservative / right winged). As a hater of hate spreading I am happy to see this happening. Fuck this unlimited freedom of speech, we have our limits thank you

I would not lump Fox news in with the site Travis has posted .. and also point out MSNBC is no better than Fox and there are some real whack job left wing sites out there as well.

Speech on this forum is one thing, the site owners can set limits and they can be enforced, no one is forcing anyone to be on this site, stopping them from creating a competing site, etc. But in society at large, government limiting speech is a real problem since the only recourse is to leave the country or be punished by the state.

This English porn restriction deal they are proposing is yet another example of the anti-free speech insanity. Just as much as shutting down websites or news stations would be.
.. and ObamaCare continues to go over like a lead balloon

CBS News) A new CBS News poll finds more Americans than ever want the Affordable Care Act repealed.

According to the poll, 36 percent of Americans want Congress to expand or keep the health care law while 39 percent want Congress to repeal it - the highest percentage seen in CBS News polls. The poll also found a majority of Americans - 54 percent - disapprove of the health care law, 36 percent of Americans approve of it and 10 percent said they don't know about it.

The health care law is a chronic issue for the White House, CBS News political director John Dickerson said on "CBS This Morning." "There's an operational part to this, which is that the White House has got to get people to sign up for these health exchanges, particularly younger, healthier Americans, and so they are tactically running a campaign much like the presidential campaign, reaching out, using the techniques of that campaign to get younger people to sign up for these health exchanges."

The poll also found just 13 percent of Americans say the health care law will personally "help me" while 38 percent said they believe the law will personally "hurt me."

Dickerson said, "The feeling, basically, is, again, speeches are not going to change public opinion; this has got to start taking hold. People will start signing up and, the White House hopes, good things will start to happen once it kicks in, and that might turn around public opinion, but that's a ways away."

I would point out that while MSNBC clearly has a liberal bias and seems to delight in pointing out the inaccuracies at Fox News more than reporting on actual news, I would by no means lump both of them in the same category. MSNBC at least has programs that attempt to cover real news and facts. Fox News is mostly about covering and positing various conspiracy theories, one more removed from reality than the other.

I also greatly enjoy The Rachel Maddow Show on MSNBC just for the record.
Fox has a fair amount of actual news as well, Hannity and the like get the attention ... but their financial news is top notch and their coverage of regular news stories does not really differ from anyone else

Both Fox and MSNBC are biased for sure, but my main point was that I would not lump Fox in with some of the postings we have been discussing here ... much less censor/eliminate them as Foro seemed to suggest should happen.