USA Politics

Heh, I guess it's mostly popular with students. Honestly it's a really confusing site for new users. It took me months to figure it out, even still there are parts of it that I don't get.
Maybe that is my problem, there is plenty of websites that do not require my patience .. I stick with them (and of course porn)
Yea that makes sense. I didn't join reddit for the news initially, it just became a convenience.
Again, you're probably right about Obama and if you haven't guessed yet, the place I'm getting most of my stuff from is Michael Savage which probably isn't a good idea either. I'll definitely keep the sites that were mentioned in mind and check those out.
It really is not ..> Savage, Limbaugh .. and those on the left of the same ilk are there for entertainment and to create controversy. I am not saying do not listen to them, but you should check them (or really check any source) for accuracy. Getting all your news from one or two sources is not a good idea ... and with the internet so easy to check tons of outlets easily.
Just try to find a good amount of sources. Don't bother with pundits, they're going to be biased. Just read the stories and make your own opinion, don't let Savage or Limbaugh do that for you.
Savage is just a bad source in general. The guy is hateful and bigoted. And I would say that he has an anti-liberal bias, he's even said that he hates liberalism. Not liking Bush doesn't make him any less biased, conservatives are allowed to dislike him too.
Can I ask a question here: what possible foundation (in fact) is there for suggesting Obama is some sort of Muslim/Islamic sympathiser; or even more preposterous, an enemy of America? (--as I see you guys touching upon in the last few pages of discussion.) I mean, it's a real, real stretch to make either case sound faintly plausible. What's fuelling this suspicion?
Yeah, there is the middle name ... I think beyond that (and most everything that I will mention is either a stereotype or based on some half truth)

1) Many blacks have converted to Islam
2) The 2008 question of where he was born and that it was in an Islamic country (Kenya? forgot where the claim was)
3) He has taken a softer line (at least in the 2008 campaign) on the war on terror that Bush or even Hillary (though he did keep Guantanamo open, etc)
4) Association with some anti-Semitics (Rev. Wright) and a general guilt by association of being a black leader ala Jessie Jackson/Farakahn, et al.

Those things have been half baked into the Obama is a Muslim/pro terrorist.

Like I said, I think he is a total piece of shit President and the ObamaCare roll out is confirming that belief in my mind more and more.

But everyone can relax, he is not a Muslim, he is a regular Church going Christian and thankfully he is less than 4 years away from being an ex-President.
Some say pro terrorist (a vast minority) and more common (but still minority) complaint is soft on terrorist. This is the end of my Obama defending, I think I need a Tums.
I think it's mostly people who are crazy or just too lazy to find real issues to criticize Obama for, which I don't get since there are plenty of them. I guess it's easier to just call him a Muslim who is partnered with terrorists.
Exactly Mosh. I didn't see many facts in bearfan's previous post. (I know bearfan was just presenting them.)

Take #2 for example:
"The 2008 question of where he was born and that it was in an Islamic country (Kenya? forgot where the claim was)"
Well, there was an answer to that. He was born in Hawaii. And what if it was Kenya? Kenya is mostly Christian, is it not? All of this is nonsense.
There are no facts, like Mosh said, it is just and easy and lazy way to attack Obama rather than go after his policies .... and sadly pretty common .. the same thing happened to Bush where there may have been legit reasons to go after him, but people made crap up
Well the Kenya issue was slightly different. To be POTUS you are required to be born in the US, if Obama was born in Kenya, he wouldn't be eligible to run for president. So there was a lot of rumors about that going around before he was elected and even during his first term. It was people trying to get him kicked out of office.