USA Politics

Well, I don't see Obama saying that about other religions. I guess that's the one that's important to him.
That's because other religions aren't as misunderstood as Islam. You've got all these bigots who think that every single Muslim is hell bent on destroying America and killing anyone who disagrees with them when it's simply not true. Good on Obama for making sure people understand that it wasn't Islam responsible for 9/11 and that they deserve just as much respect as anyone else. There's no secret Muslim agenda, it's a defense against unneeded hate speech. Some need to realize that a few bad apples do not reflect a whole group. You of all people should know that, being a Christian.
Travis, honestly, what you posted is offensive and close minded. All sorts of atrocities have been committed in the name of *insert religion here* over the centuries. Also, a lot of good has as well.

Don't post inflammatory pictures/captions. You are warned.
OK Wasted. I won't post things like that anymore. And as you all saw, I did in fact find out that most Muslims don't in fact hate America. This is how many times now that I've posted something on here in which I ended up realizing I was wrong about it and such? Well, the good thing is that I do learn some good lessons from all of it and it does help to change my way of thinking.
This is getting way out of control. People have no sense of proportionality nor any common sense.
A school literally offered counseling to any student that saw another student with a pop tart bitten into the shape of a gun. WTF is wrong with this country

The National Rifle Association has given an 8-year-old boy a free lifetime membership, theBaltimore Sun reports. His achievement was chewing a Pop-Tart into the shape of a gun.

Joshua Welch (Screenshot/Baltimore Sun)
The NRA gave Joshua Welch the free membership — which usually costs $550 — at a fundraiser Wednesday night for Anne Arundel County Republicans. Welch returned to playing games on his cellphone after he got the award, the Sun reported.

Welch got on the news after his March 1 suspension from Park Elementary School for the Pop-Tart incident. He was 7 then and denied trying to make the Pop-Tart look like a weapon.

When pressed by a CBS Baltimore reporter, though, Welch said, "When I was done, it turned out to be a gun, yeah."

Park Elementary told parents it would give counseling to any children who needed it after the Pop-Tart incident.

A lawyer has filed an appeal to get the two-day suspension off Welch's record.

Then there was this (same day .. and it has links to other euqally stupid actions)

The mother of a 5-year-old Massachusetts boy who was threatened with suspension from his school’s after-care program after he made a gun out of Lego pieces and pointed it at other students says she believes the school mishandled the situation, but the district said the boy was disruptive and disrespectful, and it’s standing by its action.
Sheila Cruz, 33, of Hyannis, Mass., said this week that she was “dumbfounded” when she got a letter from Hyannis West Elementary School last. Dated Jan. 25, 2013, the letter, sent by the school’s day care program, said Cruz’s son, Joseph, had gotten his first written warning the day before for “using daycare toys inappropriately.”
“Please be reminded that a second written warning will result in two weeks out of day care,” the letter added.
Joseph’s offense? While in the school’s after-care program, he used Lego pieces to make a toy handgun. Joseph used the object to “taunt other students with it while simulating the sound of gunfire,” according to a statement from the Barnstable Public School district.
Cruz couldn’t quite believe it. At first, she said, she was scared that her son could face suspension from the day care. Joseph is also a student in the school’s kindergarten class.
“And then I took a little time to think about it and I was just like, this is really ridiculous. He’s 5years old, and this is what 5-year-olds do. They play with Legos. They do finger guns,” Cruz, 33, said.
RELATED: Kindergartner Suspended Over Bubble Gun Threat
Joseph had apparently made a gun-type gesture with his fingers toward another student a few weeks ago during regular kindergarten class. Cruz said a teacher mentioned that incident to her and she had talked with her son about it.
William Butler, the school district’s attorney, said teachers had spoken to the boy several times before for what Butler described as “consistently disrespectful” behavior.
George MacKoul, Cruz’s attorney, questioned that claim, saying those instances were never documented by the school. He also said the school did not identify any students who might have been threatened by Joseph’s actions with the Lego figure. He questioned why, if Joseph’s behavior had been such a concern, his parents had not been formally notified earlier.
In its statement, the district said that in the wake of the Sandy Hook Elementary School shooting in Newtown, Conn., to “dismiss or overlook an incident that results in any member of our school community feeling unsafe or threatened would be irresponsible and negligent.”
Cruz and her attorney said they understood security concerns, given the December shooting massacre in Newtown, but said they believe Hyannis West Elementary School mishandled this situation.
“They way they handled it was just not right it,” MacKoul said. “It just wasn’t right. I think it created a lot more problems than it solved.”
VIDEO: Gun Gesture Gets 6-Year-Old Suspended
Mary A. Czajkowski, the district’s superintendent, said this issue was about more than just a toy gun.
“I don’t think this was about a Lego gun or the building of a Lego gun. It was to me the action and the behavior after the child was asked to stop pointing that,” she said.
Joseph’s alleged failure to stop making the shooting sounds was disrespectful and disruptive, Czajkowski said.
Cruz doesn’t believe her son would have disobeyed a teacher’s orders.
“I really don’t buy that,” she said. “My son is, like, I know him inside and out. He’s a great kid. He’s got a big heart. He loves to help. He listens very well.”
Joseph continues to attend kindergarten classes at the school, but Cruz opted to keep him out of the day-care program this week. She’s still deciding whether he’ll return to the program next week, and says it depends on whether she and the school can discuss the situation, including what could result if this happens again.
According to the school’s official policy for the day care, failure to display safe and responsible behavior at all times results in a written warning for the first offense. A second offense requires a two-week suspension from the day care, and a third warrants a one-year suspension.
Asked whether Joseph understood all the hubbub, Cruz replied, “He does a little bit. He goes to school now and he’s like, ‘Everybody knows my name, mom.’”
Okay, here's a more constructive response to that. The video makes no sense. Malik doesn't have any political power in any country; he ran for Governor in Kenya but lost the election. His Barack H. Obama foundation is a humanitarian project that works in Africa, not an organization to help terrorists. It has a website, look it up. That video makes the connection between him and others yet it doesn't explain who these people are and it doesn't explain the connection. Just shows pictures of them together. It's almost like a tabloid. Once again this is a nonsense video desperately trying to accuse Obama of supporting terrorism.
Thanks very much for that explanation Mosh. Again, it's good that I have this thread for the rest of you to set me straight on this stuff as long as what you're saying is actually true.
The only bad thing I will say about the foundation (and not so much them) is that at the same time the IRS was targeting conservative groups, they got their application fast tracked and were allowed to declare tax exempt status retroactively.
Yea, that's the only thing about that video that holds any water. However, I couldn't figure out what that bit had to do with the rest of it.
I am not sure either and I am pretty certain the foundation got preferential treatment because of the name on it by the same IRS thugs that denied or stalled other applications because of their names ... which is incredibly disgusting and entirely un-democratic. That is something to be concerned about and a real issue ... I would say the AP/Fox News subpoena issue and the fact that if Eric Holder were white and in a Republican Administration the left would be going out of their way to call him a Nazi.

Travis, if you want to look as some legitimate issues, I would look at those two. I think Obama is a crap President with crap policies .. but I give him the benefit of the doubt that he is not trying to harm America .. I think he thinks he is helping the country ... he is wrong, but that does not make him a traitor, a terrorist, or un American. We were stupid enough to elect him twice, this is what we get.
Do not take offense, but I am not sure how you can find these obscure videos and miss stories that are front page news.

The IRS Scandal

The IRS admitted to treating conservative organizations differently and put them through all kids of hoops compared to other groups. This started with people saying it was localized to a few IRS officials in one office, but it is becoming clearer that it was more widespread.

I posted some stories here a page or two back.

The Holder scandal is that the Justice Department got orders to take massive phone records from AP and against a FOX news reporter ... it really pissed off the media to the point where even liberal columnists are taking shots at Obama and Holder over this. I posed some if this a page or two back,

I would look at Google news for Holder and IRS and Tea Party Groups,

IMO, these are massive abuses of power by the government .. the question is how far up it went. Holder personally asked for the court orders for Fox News ... so that goes at least that high. The IRS is a little more sketchy, but it is interesting that the head of the IRS has made hundreds of visits to the White House when under Bush there was 1 visit. The White House claims it was to coordinate ObamaCare (which gives the IRS massive new powers) ... but it seems hard to believe this has not come up ... and that Obama claimed he first heard of this in the new.
Damn! That is some messed up stuff!

And I guess I mainly use this thread to post stuff I read about Obama to see if it's actually true or not and how bad it really is so that's probably why I missed those other stories.
As a suggestion .. for US political news, I do this every day (and it really only takes 5 minutes if there is nothing of interest). I look at the following sites
and the politics section of google news.

It is a very quick way to see the widely reported headlines and get an idea of what is going on. That is not to say some non widely reported stories do not end up being true, but most end up being false.

I think perusing those sites, plus perhaps a major paper in your city/state to get more local news is a pretty good was to stay informed with sites whose stories are generally true. That said, I admin has a stated agenda, but they are reliable IMO.
Agreed. I do google news as well. I also like to look at and among other parts of reddit. Only problem is there are a lot of misleading headlines and a liberal bias, it's a nice start though.

The problem with those videos you post, Travis, is that they are all setting out to paint this picture of Obama as this malevolent spawn of Satan who wants to destroy America/turn it into a Muslim nation. None of that is true and it's really ridiculous to think so. I don't like Obama either, but there is a huge difference between being incompetent and being evil. I believe Obama is part of the former, and there are really policies and political moves that I can use to support my opinion.