USA Politics

I wouldn't be surprised if his accusers think Kenya is some Muslim country wrought with terrorists.

I think Bush and Obama are both lousy presidents.
I dunno, I barely remember Bush's presidency where I've followed Obama's closely since the beginning so it's hard to compare the two. That said, it really annoys me that if Bush did some of the things that Obama has done he would be torn to shreds by the media where with Obama it gets swept under the rug. It makes me even less of an Obama fan.
There is that, but also I think Bush's mistakes were more short term, whereas I see Obama's as hosing us for a very long time
I dunno, I barely remember Bush's presidency where I've followed Obama's closely since the beginning so it's hard to compare the two. That said, it really annoys me that if Bush did some of the things that Obama has done he would be torn to shreds by the media where with Obama it gets swept under the rug. It makes me even less of an Obama fan.
Sadly, most of the media is very liberally biased so this will always be the case.
Claims that Obama is a socialist always amuse me slightly, thinking of political figures like Arthur Scargill and Tony Benn.
Here, you better watch what you say Brigantium --nobody here said he was a communist. Did I say communist? I mean fascist. No, sorry, socialist. Yeh, think that's it --nobody here said he was a socialist...:p
Is Obama liberal or something? Imagine the grief he'd be getting if he was a socialist...
Funny you should mention that, a lot of people accuse of him of being a socialist and trying to turn America into a socialist country. I guess his Healthcare plan is the root of all that. So he's definitely getting grief in that regard. There was a bit of discussion about that in this thread not too long ago. He is a liberal though.
Relative to American politics and any recent President, Obama perhaps does qualify as socialist ... very liberal for sure. Compared to other countries perhaps not.
I'd agree with that assessment. For America probably, but for the rest of the world not so much. Thing is: he talks in socialist terms; but it's America we're talking about here, so he has (from a socialist point of view) delivered very little. It's actually quite hard to discuss Obama --you really have to separate America's opinion (of their own president), from the views of the rest of the (western) world; which are slightly skewed by the coverage we get, generally, of U.S. politics & Obama, the man, himself.
Thing is: he talks in socialist terms; but it's America we're talking about here, so he has (from a socialist point of view) delivered very little.
I think that would sum up his presidency well in general.

As far as socialism goes though, if he did deliver I don't think he would be very popular. Socialism is generally frowned upon out here.
The most "socialist" thing he has delivered on .. ObamaCare .. is still very unpopular. Recent polls (like the CNN one) have more people opposed than in favor despite Obama's personal popularity and 3 years where supposedly we have seen the most favorable parts of ObamaCare implemented. Now that the parts that will be less popular are about to roll out (and people see their insurance costs sky rocket), I assume it will become more and more unpopular
An interesting article that undercuts the Obama Administration claims of it's stance on 1st Amendment rights ... which on top of the Fox and AP scandals makes for another example that Holder should go

It is a fairly long article and hard to summarize, but essentially a news organization at Boston College collected stories about IRA acts in Northern Ireland on condition that they not be disclosed until the parties were dead.

The British Government wanted the interviews to possibly prosecute those people mentioned in the article. The Department of Justice leaned heavily on BC to turn over the documents by threatening extensive legal action that would bankrupt the news organization whether they won or not.
I wonder if there's research out there about level of education and what side of the political spectrum you lie on generally...there must be a correlation there somewhere. Oh but education is so damn liberal as well, that's right.