USA Politics

I just read the whole transcript. (Is there an audio/video of it yet?) That was a fine speech, containing much that I can agree with (--although, in some respects, the action described doesn't go far enough). Let's hope most of it happens.

Thanks for posting Cornfed.
The Texas Legislature ended it's 2013 session (though there is a possibility of a 30 day special session sometime this summer) . A really good year IMO

1) Fixed some archaic beer laws that will now allow craft beer makers better and more fair access to market and the ability to sell direct to customers
2) Allow for more modernized medical records allowing them to be attached to drivers licenses in an effort to control costs and give better care in case of emergencies
3) School reform a) undoing some of the massive amounts of required tests that were passed a few years ago (from 15 to 5) b) allow for more charter schools, make it easier for them to start up, and the ability to close down/move under performing schools c) There is an existing law in the state that the top 10% (based on GPA) from each High School get automatic admission to a state college. This was done to boost college attendance from poorer districts. They tweaked that a little bit this session to give additional graduate options for those looking to go to trade schools or go into specialized fields.
4) Tax cuts for small businesses
5) A fix to the state's water problems and a modernization of that system with some one time costs

Another fine year with a balanced budget and money in a rainy day fund, though they used some of it for the water problems. This state is in so much better shape than California it is not even funny.

If a special session is called it will be for the purpose of more tax cuts for small business
How dare Obama promote religious tolerance and equality. What an evil man!
And it wasn't Islam itself that was responsible for the WTC attacks either. It was fanatics influenced by the Deobandi branch of Wahhabi Islam.
I don't know if I should feel more sorry for Travis or all the people who seriously tried arguing and reasoning with him the last, well, many months - since it clearly didn't help none :p
OMG. Travis, you do know that not all Muslims have the same... let's say - tradition, behaviour, habits? That not all of them are terrorists? That not all of them hate America? That not all of them practice Islam in the same way, meaning that not all of them supported what WTC attackers did? You can't just judge such a huge population like that just because some of them aren't good.