USA Politics

Trust me, I live in a country with a major immigration issue myself, and actually in an area which is predominantly populated by immigrants.
This sure doesn't sound good:
Going back a bit, I'm kinda glad I don't have to say the Pledge at school anymore. There are a lot of people out there who don't like it, and it isn't always because they don't take pride in their freedoms or whatever. For me, when I see public renditions of the Pledge or something like a prayer, it looks like a bunch of people who don't really know what they're saying, but have been taught it for so long that they can senselessly recite it. That to me is unsettling. But if others like it, more power to them. I haven't been in a situation where I've had to say it in years so I don't really mind. Shouldn't be required in schools though.

It's just the overall thing in general of the liberals wanting to take away traditions. Now, do I dare bring up the one about the Pledge Of Allegiance not being required in schools? Is there anything I can post here that others will actually agree with? We need more republicans to post in here! :lol:
You know, I'd probably identify more as a Republican than a Democrat, even though I have a liberal view on a lot of (mostly social) issues. I hate partisanship though so I wouldn't call myself either. And there are at least 2 others on here that I know are Republicans as well. People are not disagreeing with you because you're a Republican, but because a lot of the things you post are ill informed and heavily biased. For things like church and state issues and the Pledge, you have to realize that there are a lot of people living here that have different backgrounds and view of life and their country. It's not fair to shove your religious beliefs down everyone's throats, even if those beliefs are held by the majority of the nation.
You really do make some very good points there Mosh. Again, I tend to say things without being well informed so it's great to have this thread so some of you can set me straight on some of these things. :)
It's just the overall thing in general of the liberals wanting to take away traditions. Now, do I dare bring up the one about the Pledge Of Allegiance not being required in schools? Is there anything I can post here that others will actually agree with? We need more republicans to post in here! :lol:

We have a Republican who posts here rather frequently. He doesn't always agree with you.

I consider this particular tradition to trump the Pledge of Allegiance: "Congress shall make no law...abridging the freedom of speech." That's from the First Amendment. Also, the Pledge of Allegiance never said "under God" originally. That was added much later - anyway, you should be allowed to abstain from it if you want to. The government can't force you to say it. That's what freedom of speech is all about.

Conservatives changed a much older tradition when they made In God We Trust the motto. They changed it from the one chosen for the USA by the founders: E Pluribus Unum - From Many, One. Most liberals who want to get rid of In God We Trust want to go back to what Washington, Jefferson, et. al selected for the USA, and toss a knee-jerk reaction to Communism.

Anyway, no liberal really wants to take away a tradition...I can't think of a single person who, say, wants to dump the Pledge of Allegiance altogether - they just want a child's right to not say it to be upheld. They don't want the USA to not have a motto - they want the USA to have their original, more badass motto. Lots of traditions in the USA will continue, because there's nothing wrong with them. Here's a short list off the top of my head.

The Super Bowl and World Series will still happen every year.
The President of the USA will still say the Inaugural Oath every 4th Jan 20th. He or she will likely still add "So help me God" at the end, which is a personal choice.
Army will still play Navy.
The Boston Marathon will still be run.
Fireworks will fly every July 4th.
The Star-Spangled Banner will still be the national anthem of the USA.
George Washington will still be considered the founder of the country.
People will still go to church on Sunday, temple on Saturday, and pray to Mecca every dusk.
Americans will still believe they live in the greatest country on earth, despite every piece of evidence to the contrary.

Liberals like you describe simply want people's rights to be preserved - the greatest American tradition of them all. Let me finish with another quote. This one you might have heard of..."We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness."
The President of the USA will still say the Inaugural Oath every 4th Jan 20th. He or she will likely still add "So help me God" at the end, which is a personal choice
Not to mention taking that oath with their hand on a bible, which to my knowledge, every president has chosen to do.
LC, you make a lot of great points there and that all is very true.

Just because Saudi Arabia is an ally, it doesn't mean we should be letting potential terrorists bypass airport security.
Dude, where people come from isn't what determines if they're a terrorist.

Most terrorists that have attacked America are AMERICANS. Want to keep them off planes too?
You should read more about that program. People still need to apply with the TSA to be able to skip customs when traveling from another country. This doesn't make it so that anyone from Saudi Arabia can automatically bypass security. Also, I imagine that there are still security measures that trusted travelers still have to go through.

Edit: I don't know a lot about the politics between USA and Saudi Arabia so I don't know what to think of it. Just pointing out that the picture is a bit misleading.
Basically, it's for frequent fliers between the two countries, and they have to go through a thorough security screening to get the status. The right loves to make these small things into huge deals when they just aren't.
Is it possible for a terrorist to go through and pass the screening and once they have passed, then try to bring a bomb into the country without having to go through security?
They still go through a light screening, I expect it is possible - but why wouldn't that terrorist just pretend to be from, say, Canada, where they can already get this screening?
I would look up the Trusted Traveler program. It does a pretty intense background check and for passing that you go through lighter security ... no need to take your laptop out, you can keep your shoes on, etc. I belong to this as I travel quite a bit, you still go through security that is pretty much the same as pre-TSA security