USA Politics

Yes, that's what I meant. Thanks for the clarification.

Although, I always wonder where these people who lay off "because Obama was re-elected" get their numbers. I wasn't aware rectums could do such advanced math.
Back to immigration real quick ... I do hope they can come up with a bill based on the Senate plan .. because I really think it accomplishes what most everyone in this thread has suggested. The outline in brief is

  • Creating a tough pathway for citizenship for those immigrations currently in the country without documentation. This would be contingent upon “securing the borders.” People who came to the country as minors or to work in the agricultural sector will have different easier pathways to citizenship.
  • It would reform the legal immigration system to do things encourage more high skilled workers.
  • Create an effective employee verification system to reduce the incentive for illegal immigration in the future.
  • Improving the process for admitting low skill workers for things like the agricultural industry
The 1986 reform was lacking because it really did nothing for the long term and we were right back in the same mess shortly thereafter. I like this one because the keys are that those here illegally get no real benefit over those who applied properly (I think the only "advantages" they have is not needing to return home to apply and gaining a temporary status, but this is offset because they need to pay back fines and taxes ... also anyone with a criminal record (ideally something serious) is deported. It is also key that the borders are tightened big time for illegal entry, this would be an excellent use of drones, but also requires physical upgrades and people on the ground.
Most importantly, an employment verification system to prevent illegals from getting jobs ... there is still the issue of day laborers, but that can be helped by requiring cities to shut down the day labor centers they have created.
I makes provisions for ag workers and allows more highly skilled workers in, which should be tied to need based on skill.
The devil will be in the details of how this is implemented and it is a sure bet they will jack part of it up, but something that accomplishes most of these goals will be a big benefit to the US. This is the better way to go than what Obama has proposed, which is similar, but lacking in enforcement and giving illegals an easier way in. IMO for the sake of fairness, those here illegally should not prevent or delay those who have followed legal steps to come to the US

One side note, Mexico really pisses me off when they complain about our immigration policy ... they seriously need to look at how they handle their southern borders before complaining about how the US handles it's

WOW! I'm sure you'll have to vomit or urinate just at that moment.:rolleyes:

Also, this just came up on my Facebook:
Not quite sure what I think of it though.

General rant: I don't get the thing with these political meme's floating around the internet. I mean, I get why people make them.Obviously, it's shameless propaganda one way or another, but they usually present a very distorted, out of context, situation/view - This is, of course, the case with political meme's from every side of the political spectrum My beef is that it dumbs everything down a bit to be honest and I don't see how any of them have any place in an actual political discussion.
I come from a place where nobody carries a gun, and rapes still happen around the same percentage they do in places where lots of people carry guns.

That being said, if that statement is accurate, it's kinda sexist and stupid overall. That's a bad reason to want gun control. A good reason to want gun control is that "people who carry guns are more likely to hurt themselves or an innocent bystander in a misfire accident than they are to use the weapon for self defense. About 8x more likely."
The first line in that article is a lie. The reduction in Medicare is well known! Clinton referenced it during his DNC speech!

Medicare is being reduced, yes, because a lot of the features of Medicare will be duplicated by Obamacare. It makes no sense to have two programs do the same things. The idea of Obamacare is to increase the overall health of Americans.

You already have Obamacare! It's been passed! It's going to be fully implemented within a year. Breitbart lies.
Oh well. It seems for me at least that no matter who the president has been and no matter what they've done, my quality of life has never gotten worse so I shouldn't worry too much.

I also had another thought about illegal immigration. If it helps to improve the lives of children who have it worse than I do, then that's a great reason to be all for it.
The following is from this Facebook page:

White House Wants Everyone to Know Obama Supports Cutting Social Security Benefits

Just in case you haven’t gotten the message already, the White House wants to make sure everyone knows President Obama supports cutting Social Security benefits. They are even bragging about Obama’s desire to cut Social Security benefits on the official White House blog:

"And he’s laid out a specific plan to do more. His proposal resolves the sequester and reduces our deficit by over $4 trillion dollars in a balanced way- by cutting spending, finding savings in entitlement programs and asking the wealthiest to pay their fair share. As a result the deficit would be cut below its historic average and the debt would fall as a share of the economy over the next decade. Just two months ago Speaker Boehner said there was $800 billion in deficit reduction that could be achieved by only closing loopholes and reducing tax expenditures. So we know we can get this done. Let’s be clear: the President’s proposal to Speaker Boehner is still on the table. Here it is again: "

If you click on the link it takes you to a PDF of the Obama’s current offer. One of the single biggest items in it is “Spending Savings from Superlative CPI with protections for vulnerable $130.” That is adopting the chained-CPI for for Social Security benefits. It would be a cut to benefits every year that would build cumulatively. The AARP actually has a calculator: to show roughly how big a cut it would be for you.

Obama wasn’t forced to reluctantly accept cutting Social Security by Republicans. It is something Obama has always wanted to do and he is actively trying to use it to entice Republicans to support a grand bargain.

The primary thing that has protected your Social Security benefits from being cut under Obama has been House Republicans unwillingness to accept any tax increases.
Yeah, because Obama does support cutting Social Security benefits in return for increasing revenue. What's wrong with that? The GOP has wanted to cut Social Security to the bone for years and years.
The rate we're going, SS is going to go away eventually. IMO we should start phasing it out. so cutting some SS benefits would be a step in the right direction. There's a huge national debt to pay off and it would help a bit. It sucks but there aren't many other options and at some point it won't matter because there won't be any left.
Travis, I find it interesting that 10 pages back you were worried about this country becoming more socialist, yet you seem to think Social Security and Medicare are just fine. Just an observation.
Travis man, I doubt there are 5 people here to have read Marx, let alone studied. Do you know what Marxism really is?? I don't. But what I do know is that this guy's probably the most important philosopher in thousand years. So I'd be more careful with my judgements. You can maybe speak of Communism, since you've kind of heard about it, but you can't speak of Marxism since you don't have a clue.
Travis, I find it interesting that 10 pages back you were worried about this country becoming more socialist, yet you seem to think Social Security and Medicare are just fine. Just an observation.
I look at it this way. Maybe these programs were a good idea to begin with, maybe not. Certainly they are making our budget deficit problem worse, if not creating it in the first place. But since I've been paying in to support it for the past 15+ years, by God I'd better get it when I retire!
Well, any way you all look at it, I do not like Obama and the direction he is taking this country in. So far, I only see trouble coming from it. I could be wrong and I hope I am. Only time will tell I guess.