USA Politics

Ah, yes, I feel we come from the same political corner and often enough I blindly trust what you say when it comes to North American politics (and related). But indeed, I have never listened to the man.
And what CFH is saying is that he hasn't confirmed my opinion, nor refuted it - merely that he cannot comment.
But in a way he did comment.

You called someone a racist and a homophobe and he "nuanced" that person as (only) being an asshole, without having seen him. Now there's something I don't get. Why "deny" or make such strong and serious terms less important in advance? Is that the Libertarian way of defending extreme right wing people?
No, it's a very smart way of thinking - "I don't accept your opinion as my own until I prove it." It's a sign of reason.
I'd call it what I added as last sentence in my previous post. Or else as mistrusting the opinion of an intelligent and wise user of this forum.
I have only listened to Savage a few times, there are things he says that I agree with, but the problem with him (and most like him on either side) is that they tend to go for the extreme point of view and tend to make mountains out of molehills ... which I am assuming is a side effect of needing to keep ratings while doing a show 5 days a week, 52 weeks a year. There is just not enough news out there to do that ... I think that is a problem for TV, radio, and the internet ... everyone tries to have the "big issue" every day of the week. The availability people have to information now is excellent compared to 20 years ago, but there is much more sifting people need to do.
The thing is: I agree with someone I trust, until I'll be able to judge it myself. In my view it is less reasonable (and less comfortable) to disagree with everyone until I can prove something myself.

What on earth would be my basis to not believe someone, only because I have not experienced something myself?

We're not talking about you having seen Jesus Christ himself, walking on the street. We're not talking about you telling us about how you traveled to the 16th century. When someone hears a homophobe or a racist, then that would be more believable, especially in the land of the free.
Paid commentators live off conflict, and need it to make a living.
The same goes for political parties.
Whether they manufacture "the evil enemy" in order to push their agenda, or see it in everything because it is a precondition of their environment I can't say. Depends on the individual and there probably is a lot of crossover.
I hope we can one day mature to the point government is about debating and using ideas instead of ideologies.
What on earth would be my basis to not believe someone, only because I have not experienced something myself?

That depends on the degree of things. If it is something you can easily experience for myself, then yes, I'll withhold judgement. If it's something prejudicial (which what I said about Savage was), then it's best to experience a bit yourself too. Overall, I am very cautious about taking others' opinion as my own. There are a very few people in this world who I trust, and know well enough, to do so.
Well, I personally choose to put my faith in Savage because I believe he's one of a few out there to give the honest truth and reality about the president. The fact that Yuri Bezmenov is describing almost exactly what is happening now is pretty damn scary to me and I think it should be taken VERY seriously.

Joe Biden admits gun control will not stop mass shootings or save lives!
At least he's being honest. :P
Did you even read what I said? I guess not.

I'm curious how you think Savage says the truth. Think about what he said about autistic people:

"[Autism is] fraud, a racket. ... I'll tell you what autism is. In 99 percent of the cases, it's a brat who hasn't been told to cut the act out. That's what autism is. What do you mean they scream and they're silent? They don't have a father around to tell them, 'Don't act like a moron. You'll get nowhere in life. Stop acting like a putz. Straighten up. Act like a man. Don't sit there crying and screaming, idiot."
Also, I'm extremely curious if you can say what Bezmenov said what would happen, and if you can support that with actual, real, not-punditry fact. I highly doubt it.
What he says about autism has nothing to do with what he says about politics. I don't like it, but that won't make me not like him and the other stuff he says about politics.
Except he's wrong, and biased, and trying to simply be loud. Name me one thing he says that is right.
He is in the middle and tells the truth about BOTH parties, liberal and conservative. Because he told the absolute truth about what a horrible president Bush really was, I feel that EVERYTHING about politics he says is right and the absolute truth.
Because he told the absolute truth about what a horrible president Bush really was, I feel that EVERYTHING about politics he says is right and the absolute truth.
Because you think he got one thing right, you believe everything he says is true? :huh: