USA Politics

Well, Obama did bring us change as promised!
A proposal under consideration in Virginia's Republican-led state legislature would change how the commonwealth allocates its 13 electoral votes in the wake of Democratic President Barack Obama's re-election last November.
Obama won the popular vote in the crucial battleground state to claim all 13 electoral votes, even though GOP challenger Mitt Romney beat him in seven of the 11 congressional districts.
Under the proposed alternative system, electoral votes would get divvied up by congressional districts won. In addition, Virginia's two other electoral votes -- one for each U.S. Senate seat -- would go to the candidate who won the most congressional districts.
If the district-based system had been in effect in Virginia last year, Romney would have gotten nine electoral votes to four for Obama.
Obviously a move by the GOP to improve their 2016 chances and it looks like it will not pass (some GOP state Senators are opposed to this). I will say though I wish all states would move to this model (or one similar) to bring more states into play in elections versus the usual 8 to 10 that dominate Presidential elections,
In theory the ruling the NLRB made during this time should be overturned. They never would have been able to rule without these, now illegal, members.
Wait. Is Egypt our enemy? I'm not saying I keep up to date with international politics, but I guess I didn't know that.
Wait. Is Egypt our enemy? I'm not saying I keep up to date with international politics, but I guess I didn't know that.

Air Force’s Air Defense Radar Systems along U.S./Mexico Border will SHUTDOWN on March 15th, 2013:
On January 17th, 2013, Exelis Systems Corporation sent out an email (see email below) to all of its employees informing them that on March 15th, 2013 all TARS Air Defense Mission Operations will permanently cease. These TARS Air Defense sites were under the control of the United States Air Force. On January 15th, 2013, the Air Force informed Exelis (the defense contractor running the TARS sites) that the TARS sites will be shut down. Exelis tried to then negotiate with the Department of Homeland Security to see if they would take over the vital project, but it seems as though those negotiations have failed. What does this mean?

This means the southern border of the United States of America will be more vulnerable to attack from low flying aircrafts, low altitude missiles, and other infiltrations such as smuggling.

Speaking on the condition of anonymity, one Exelis employee had this to say about the announced closure of the TARS sites:

“Not only will this closure mean hundreds of people will be out of jobs, but it also means our borders will not be safe, especially along the remote U.S. Mexico Border like in Texas. These defense radars detect low flying aircraft infiltrating our borders. Without these defense radars, low flying aircraft will go undetected. It will be open season for any drug/gun/slave smugglers, terrorists flying in with nukes, low altitude missiles, or even a full scale low elevation invasion/attack against America.”
First, it seems to me the article you directed me towards suggested why I should feel like Egypt is an enemy; it did not state that we were, in any way, enemies of Egypt. It was someone that feels like the President of Egypt belongs to something we shouldn't be comfortable with, but I see no proof that we, as a nation, regard Egypt as an enemy. -- I could say that because Cancun stopped selling Cabo Wabo Tequila, they are not friendly to Americans and I call for the President to view them as enemies. Doesn't make it right. :)

Second, I don't know much about the border part, but looking at what that employee stated, anonymously, they are concerned for jobs (which I get) first and foremost. I really don't know, but I'd have a hard time believing that there is just going to be no replacement. I'd more likely guess we have some sort of newer defense coming online. But I have done zero research on this.
New al Qaeda threat

A jihadist website posted a new threat by al Qaeda this week that promises to conduct “shocking” attacks on the United States and the West.

The posting appeared on the Ansar al Mujahidin network Sunday and carried the headline, “Map of al Qaeda and its future strikes.”

The message, in Arabic, asks: “Where will the next strike by al Qaeda be?” A translation was obtained by Inside the Ring.

“The answer for it, in short: The coming strikes by al Qaeda, with God’s Might, will be in the heart of the land of nonbelief, America, and in France, Denmark, other countries in Europe, in the countries that helped and are helping France, and in other places that shall be named by al Qaeda at other times,” the threat states.

The attacks will be “strong, serious, alarming, earth-shattering, shocking and terrifying.”

Under a section of the post on the method of the attacks, the unidentified writer said the strikes would be “group and lone-wolf operations, in addition to the use of booby-trapped vehicles.”

“All operations will be recorded and published in due time,” the message said. “Let France be prepared, and let the helpers of France be prepared, for it is going to be a long war of attrition.”

The reference to France appears linked to the group’s plans for retaliation against the French-led military strikes in northern Mali in operations to oust al Qaeda terrorists from the North African country.

The Ansar al-Mujahidin network is a well-known jihadist forum that in the past has published reliably accurate propaganda messages from al Qaeda and its affiliates.
I am really super scared for our future! It doesn't matter who the damn president is. We are F'ed no matter what!
Please don't link to the Washington Times. It is a propaganda mill that is owned by the Moonies.
Please don't link to the Washington Times. It is a propaganda mill that is owned by the Moonies.

I don't know, I generally see a big difference between the news section and the editorial sections. You can read some distorted stories in the NY Times editorial section. The Washington Times news section is solid.

For example this article

which happened to be the main story at the time I went to their main page
Yes, but you can find that same sort of article at other (even conservative-leaning) news sites without having to give the Times your pageviews.
Yes and no ... there is a separation between the new and editorial divisions at most papers. The article I referenced (which I picked because it was the top story at the time) certainly has no conservative slant and was original reporting that is not available elsewhere and gives some insight to the immigration issue that you cannot read elsewhere. I generally disagree with many of the NY/LA Times, Chicago Sun Times, etc editorial pages, but recognize that their news stories have a generally neutral point of view.

I am curious what you found in that article to be slanted in any way?
The one you posted? Oh, it was a fine article. I just don't much care for the ownership and the things they put in them.
According to the website, a lesson plan for 6th graders in government schools reads as follows:

Notice socialist/communist nations use symbolism on their flags representing various aspects of their economic system. Imagine a new socialist nation is creating a flag and you have been put in charge of creating a flag. Use symbolism to represent aspects of socialism/communism on your flag. What kind of symbolism/colors would you use?

Texas legislators looked none too kindly on this revelation as they questioned the curriculum’s creators at a recent hearing. What's wrong with that?

It's not like it said "Redesign the American flag with communist symbols". It asks students to identify the common socialist/communist symbols on global flags and create one that slots in with those symbols. Jesus. Mountain out of a molehill much? Especially when you consider that there are a hell of a lot of communist countries out there.

Honestly, the conflating of communism and socialism is far more concerning to me than the idea of recognizing some fucking flag items. Really. It's not only reasonable, it's a good exercise to help kids recognize what's going on outside the USA. Are you that afraid of the rest of the world? Are you that xenophobic?
I did something like that in 6th grade. It didn't involve the communist part but we did all the symbols and such.

I wish my school would teach things like communism. It gets mentioned but I have the feeling that the majority of the students have no idea what it is besides that evil form of government that China and North Korea uses. The only form of government besides democracy that my school really got into was monarchies, and even that was just scratching the surface.