USA Politics

Okay. Here's what I'm asking.

Pick something he said about any figure. A specific phrase, or a point. Put it down and explain why it's right.
It's my right to believe in him if I want. :)

I'm not very good at doing things like that. All I can do is listen to him and trust in him which is what I personally choose to do.

Ah hell, maybe I should just stick with my own opinion that the whole government system sucks super bad and this country is screwed no matter who is in it.
I guess I hear him say a lot of hate-filled things, and that gives me the opposite opinion, even if he is sometimes right about particular presidents or policies.

Overall, I don't think there is any evidence to suggest the USA is becoming a socialist state, save for the slow progress of social democracy that has been swinging up in the USA over the last 115 years. Nor do I think this is a bad thing, when you compare the quality of life in the USA to European social democracies and Canada.
Well, I guess we'll find out for sure if any of it actually comes true. All we can do is wait and see and hope to God that my some miracle, things do improve in this country. I don't predict it will happen in my lifetime though.
Define improving.
Lowering these numbers:
Well, I don't think the price of gas will ever get better. Now, I question some of those numbers, but I get the gist.

I expect you'll see improvements on a lot of that over the next 10 years.
I most certainly hope so. Then again, we'll probably have another huge terrorist attack at some point in time which will just make things worse. And natural disasters sure don't help either. I read we get an average of 1.300 tornadoes a year here and that can really add up.
That's why FEMA is so important. You can prepare for major disasters and avoid a lot of the damage. Think about how badly NYC could have been damaged if they were as unready as NOLA was for Katrina.

See, you can be ready for this stuff. Terrorism...the worst part of the terrorist attack in the USA was how afraid people are of terrorism afterwards.
See, that's what I mean. You're afraid of what might happen. 9/11 was an intelligence failure at the top levels. Since 9/11, every single major terrorism attack has been thwarted. Every single one. You can't live your life in fear.

Yes, a nuclear or biological attack would be terrible, and atrocious. But it doesn't have to crush the American economy, either. What actually hurt the US economy? It wasn't cleaning up the damage or rebuilding the Twin Towers or the Pentagon. It was the sudden trade barriers the USA threw up. The addition of the unnecessary TSA to everything travel-related. Tripling security on all possible things that could happen, when all that really needed to happen was the people at the top needed to pay more attention.
There is contradiction here, Travis. Expecting from a government to lower most of these numbers, is hoping for a bigger interference to Free Market. This is a turn to Social Democracy direction.
I don't live too much in fear actually. It's still is a concern of mine at times. All we can do is hope and pray nothing does happen and we are able to thwart all future attacks and such. And as bad as things are here, it could always be MUCH MUCH MUCH worse like in 3rd world countries and such.

no5, in as simple of an explanation as possible, can you tell me why what you say is true?

Hey, if marijuana becomes completely legal in the whole USA, then I'll love Obama! :lol:
Allow me.

The USA is already a social democracy, and has been for some times. Social programs like Social Security, welfare, Medicare, and Medicaid are very classic examples of social democracy. If Obama was a president like some have demanded, then he would allow the economy to do whatever it wants - in the opinion of most economists, a mistake.
Ya, that's all good stuff for sure.

BTW, thanks for chilling me out a bit. Sometimes I get too caught up on stuff and go a bit overboard. I still don't like Obama, but I shouldn't get so crazy like I do.
I don't care that you don't like Obama - I care that you think it through. If you come to the same conclusion, that's fine. There's lots of reasons to like or dislike the man. But I think there are far better reasons than X pundit said so.
No. You're really making a huge error. Politics isn't left and right, and there isn't two sides to every story - and not every side is equal.

Pundits of all stripes, and I include the liberal ones like Maddow and Olbermann, are professional exaggerators and liars. They harm the discourse. They don't help it. You'd do far better forming your own opinions.

I also think that Savage tends to identify more with conservative points of view than independent or liberal, but hey.