USA Politics

I wish my school would teach things like communism. It gets mentioned but I have the feeling that the majority of the students have no idea what it is besides that evil form of government that China and North Korea uses. The only form of government besides democracy that my school really got into was monarchies, and even that was just scratching the surface.

I'm not communist but as the years pass by, I'm more and more convinced that everyone should study Marx. Everybody! I'm not joking. This great philosopher, gave us 150 years ago, some precious tools for interpreting what's happening in the modern world.
I'm not communist but as the years pass by, I'm more and more convinced that everyone should study Marx.

There isn't a single political science teacher, serious historian, or philosopher who disagrees with you. Anyone who knows their salt thinks that the Communist Manifesto is one of the most important books ever written, possibly *the* most important book of the industrial era.
Considering that the Communist Manifesto has very little to do with what Communism became under Stalin, Mao, etc., I don't think that's really appropriate. What a good modern politics course should do is teach how the Communist Manifesto became the basis for collectivization in both democracies and totalitarian states, with different outcomes (democratic socialism and union culture vs. Stalinism, Marxist-Leninism, Maoism, etc).
No I meant the Capital. I've read the Manifesto and parts of the Capital I when I was more or less in the age of Mosh. From what I remember, Manifesto is a rather simplified text, something one could read during a speech (and until today I thought it was /intended to be a speech, but I didn't find anything relative in a quick Wikipedia search). Manifesto is a very important historical event, yet the real challenge is Capital. What's wrong with that?

It's not like it said "Redesign the American flag with communist symbols". It asks students to identify the common socialist/communist symbols on global flags and create one that slots in with those symbols. Jesus. Mountain out of a molehill much? Especially when you consider that there are a hell of a lot of communist countries out there.

Honestly, the conflating of communism and socialism is far more concerning to me than the idea of recognizing some fucking flag items. Really. It's not only reasonable, it's a good exercise to help kids recognize what's going on outside the USA. Are you that afraid of the rest of the world? Are you that xenophobic?
I'm afraid of what's going on in this country with our president trying to turn it into a socialist/communist type place and what happened at that school is just a sign of things to come. I'm officially declaring NObama the worst president in the history of the USA. Scroll down to the question: "How many of you are struggling or can't find a job in Obama's "recovering" economy? Please share your stories...". That's one of quite a few reasons why I'm declaring this. Also, look at all the other stuff that's being said about him. In the history of every president ever, I have NEVER seen a larger amount of negative and scary stuff said about a person. Is all of it true? Hard to say for sure. But the fact that huge amount of that type of stuff is being said about him is pretty damn scary and has me VERY worried for the future of this country.
Dude, seriously. Without a basic knowledge of American history and presidents, there isn't any point in declaring anyone anything. And, second seriously, the school was in Texas. Fucking Texas. You won't find many people doing anything in Texas because Obama wants to turn this into a socialist nation.

Thirdly, wherever this nation is, it isn't just because of anything that Obama has done. Our nation has been a social-leaning nation for a century or more. Obama isn't going to shred the constitution over night and turn this into a 21st century version of the USSR.

What you are doing is finding right leaning posts (Savage, for christ's sake?) and assuming that they have whole truth. Expand your horizions, don't read just social media and read some history books.
Savage is in the middle and speaks the truth about BOTH parties. When BUSH was president, it was SAVAGE who made me realize what a HORRIBLE president he truly was.

If you haven't watched this video yet, and want to awaken to what's TRULY going on in America right now, you owe it to yourself to PLAY IT NOW
A WARNING from ex-KGB communist defector Yuri Bezmenov from *29 YEARS AGO*, detailing the 4 stages of a Marxist-Leninist revolution and taking over a nation. Watch this at your own risk, as your bones will literally begin to freeze as you start to realize he is describing EXACTLY what is happening today almost to the letter.
Michael Savage is a racist, a homophobe, and a hate-artist. I can't believe you listen to that man, let alone take anything he says seriously.

Travis, you're wrong. Michael Savage is wrong. The progressive, social justice, socialist demographic coalition goes back in the USA to a man who is about as American as apple pie. Hell, he's more American than apple pie. It's Theodore Roosevelt, a Republican, who campaigned for fair wages, supported unions, and other such things. He was a Progressive, big P, and he was fucking awesome.

It's become patently clear to me that you have no idea what socialism actually is. Those sixth graders you're so worried about will have a stronger grasp of it than you. Why? Because they discuss it, and learn about it. They understand the differences in grade between social democracy, socialism, Communism, and Stalinism and other complete authoritarian methods of government. They might even understand that the things Barack Obama has suggested are both legal and very conservative in span and scope compared to the rest of the industrialized world.

Putting your point in larger letters does not make it any more true, by the way.

Let me be 100% frank. I disagree with many stated political opinions of most people who are conservative on this board, people like Cornfed Hick, and bearfan. But I think both those gentlemen would agree that our disagreements have been civil and honest. I respect their opinions, and I believe, in general, they respect mine. They are reasoned, and discuss facts. They look at precedent. They refrain from using biased terminology. As it stands, I don't respect yours - because it isn't educated or thought out.

I want it to be clear that yours isn't the only opinion - there are a couple very liberal voices around that I generally have less respect for due to the nature they make the arguments, but I won't call them out in public, as that would be unfair, and indeed, irrelevant. I'll happily share those opinions in private.

My opinion is biased. I am a liberal, a product of a country that is leaps and bounds more liberal than the United States, and for a moment I would never expect the solutions of my nation to work in the same ways that they have in the USA. But I can respect people who have conservative ideals if they show they are willing to listen to me - and to listen to reason. I've seen some of those conservatives on this forum change their mind as we discuss, rather than ignore facts. I know my mind has changed, from time to time. I don't even see you respond to points made to you. I don't see you engage. Instead? You just get louder. And that's the fucking problem. The people who you listen to only know how to get louder.

Stop being part of the problem. Ask us questions, and we will answer them. You have opinions and smart people here from many sides, who will give you a bevy of intelligent answers. Don't listen to Michael Savage, or Rush Limbaugh, or Sean Hannity. They lie constantly. For that matter, avoid the liberal pundits, like Rachel Maddow and...whoever else is a liberal pundit. Let's talk about cold, harsh realities. Name me a policy of the last four years that you think is Obama's fault, and is creating a socialist nation. One. And we can start sorting it out with real facts, with real ideas. Not strawmen and appeals to emotions and a thousand other logical fallacies that prey on your lack of understanding. Please.

Edit: I apologize if this seems harsh, but I feel very strongly on the need for intelligent discourse, rather than just trying to out-shout your opponents. The offer to discuss and talk and show is real and honest - even if the end result is that your opinions don't change.
I will say this, this is easily the best board I frequent to discuss politics. On most others it quickly devolves into name calling and screaming which is no fun at all. People can certainly disagree about policy and their elected leaders and the various sides of the argument should be able to do it in a respectful manner. Which is more amazing that it is generally so polite here given the international aspects of this forum compared to those that are more US focused.

Anyway, I hope it remains this way.
I disagree with many stated political opinions of most people who are conservative on this board, people like Cornfed Hick, and bearfan. But I think both those gentlemen would agree that our disagreements have been civil and honest.

For the record, I'm libertarian, not conservative.

And who you callin' "gentle"?! :rocker:

By the way, I don't know anything about Michael Savage, including what Travis is relying on, but just because he may be an asshole doesn't make him wrong. People mocked Jose Canseco for coming out about steroid use in baseball, and his book -- which was rightly criticized as a cynical, self-aggrandizing, muckraking money grab -- nevertheless ended up being one of the most influential documents in modern sports history. Because he was right.
I do know a bit about Savage, having listened to some of his radio shows. Sometimes he is right, but broken clock etc. All the pundits are occasionally right. I'd be more favourable to them if they were reasonable about how they get there, that's all.