Ancient Mariner
I vote for Adrian's Caught Somewhere in Time solo.
I'd like to repeat a wonderful description for Adrian's CSIT solo by Sara (whose absence worries me):
I'd like to repeat a wonderful description for Adrian's CSIT solo by Sara (whose absence worries me):
Caught Somewhere In Time (4:05 - 4:50)
Although Davey also plays a great solo in this one, H totally upstages him with a towering display of guitar wizardry and theatrics that's almost like fireworks going off inside my speakers! The solo itself starts off with some great harmonic tricks, and then gradually builds in tension as it nears it's conclusion. The tapping and divebombing during the solo's final section is simply breathtaking, and finishes off an amazing solo in spectacular style!
You're welcome. I suppose you mean Adrian's solo? Here the game history of Adrian's Die With Your Boots On solo.That's some nice insight, thank you.
I wish we could also see DWYBO progress much further!
Round 1A:
It became second with one vote less than the winner -Dave's 2nd Powerslave solo-, Dave's Sign of the Cross solo (Rock in Rio) and Janick Gers' FTFFOG solo.
Round 1B:
In a group of four it landed on a shared 2nd place, shared with Janick's Como Estais Amigos solo. It did better than Dave Murray's Futureal solo and worse than group winner The Evil That Men Do by Adrian Smith.
Round 2:
It was eliminated in a battle with Adrian's Wasted Years (with enormous difference).
It became second with one vote less than the winner -Dave's 2nd Powerslave solo-, Dave's Sign of the Cross solo (Rock in Rio) and Janick Gers' FTFFOG solo.
Round 1B:
In a group of four it landed on a shared 2nd place, shared with Janick's Como Estais Amigos solo. It did better than Dave Murray's Futureal solo and worse than group winner The Evil That Men Do by Adrian Smith.
Round 2:
It was eliminated in a battle with Adrian's Wasted Years (with enormous difference).
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