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Would you? Think about it really. Let's say Cairns says that he played the second solo on the Soundhouse Tapes version of SW. You'd believe that, because you're not convinced it sounds like Dave; that's what you've basically just said i.e. when they came to record Dave took the first solo & Cairns the second. That would be a typical thing for Maiden to do, right? (As opposed to Cairns doing both of them.) That means that the first solo is really a Dave solo originally, yes? Why then, when they came to record the first album, would Dave give the first solo to Stratton and do the second solo, that was originally by Cairns, himself? Why would he not just keep the first solo himself (since he played it on the Soundhouse Tapes) & have Stratton do the second solo, which was done by the guy he had just replaced? It doesn't make sense...Maybe not definitely indeed Cried. There was a second player present but I am not aware of any of his solos. It is pretty much accepted (even if never officially stated) that Paul Cairns has also recorded in the Soundhouse. Haven't heard it in a while. I'll check.
Yeah, it sounds somewhat different for Dave. I'd believe Paul Cairns if he said that he played it.
... unless on the first album both solos are by Dave; he kept the first solo & basically replaced the second solo, by Cairns, with another of his own. It's not like Dave would never play both solos in a track; he plays both the first & second solos on Phantom, despite Stratton being heavily involved in the recording session for that track.
Is it not possible that people are hearing Dave in that first solo of SW because some of it is Dave?

Plus, you didn't respond to this:
Foro, I've seen some of the discussion on this & at no point do I see any mention of the fact that both solo sections (because this is what I hear) do not sound like one recording take on the remastered release.
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