
Haha! Wiz just fell for my master plan to make him listen to Tool!!! Wait no, sorry. I meant to wish you luck in that endeavor.
Haha! Wiz just fell for my master plan to make him listen to Tool!!! Wait no, sorry. I meant to wish you luck in that endeavor.
Dude, I've been listening to Tool for longer than you have. I just don't listen to them very often because they're kind of boring. 'Parabola' and 'Lateralus' are both great songs but everything else I've heard by them isn't particularly interesting. The new album has some cool parts but the songs drag on too long and there are some parts that are just too weird. Perhaps you have to be on drugs to get Tool.
I just don't listen to [Tool] very often because they're kind of boring. 'Parabola' and 'Lateralus' are both great songs but everything else I've heard by them isn't particularly interesting. The new album has some cool parts but the songs drag on too long and there are some parts that are just too weird. Perhaps you have to be on drugs to get Tool.

No drugs here (just booze) and I love Tool, although it did take me a while to fully appreciate them. I think Lateralus and Fear Inoculum are their strongest albums, but I do love proggy stuff. Generally I have to be in the mood for them, though.
I've spun (span?) Fear Innoculum a dozen of times but still can't put my finger onto what I think about it.
Keep reminding myself I have to listen to it again, but new stuff just keeps on coming.
However, what I miss from it is that "punch-moment" that previous 2 albums head. There are some memorable melodies here and there but even after dozen of listens it songs kind of blur together and it's hard to discern which songs I listen and which song I wanted to listen.

Nevertheless and although late I plan to join ToolVivor so I need to brush up once more on their whole discography (still weak on first one).
Lateralus (2001)

1. The Grudge - The ending is awesome, but the rest is just too Tool-y with too little going on to justify the eight-and-a-half minute runtime. 6/10
2. Eon Blue Apocalypse - Cool interlude, but just an interlude. Opening reminds me of U2's "Where The Streets Have No Name". N/A
3. The Patient - Still very much stuck in the Tool format but there's more to like with this one. The first break into heaviness wasn't that good but it worked a lot better as a whole. 7/10
4. Mantra - Cool interlude again but was it really necessary? N/A
5. Schism - I've heard the iconic bass intro before but never much more than that. Very happy to report that the rest of the song holds up well! It's got a great groove, lots of killer moments, and a towering climax. Maybe not perfect, but it might be the best Tool song I've heard yet. 9/10
6. Parabol - Sleepy little song. 5/10
7. Parabola - This song was great though. It slowed down about halfway through but aside from the ending never lost its grip. The first half was phenomenal - I had no idea Tool could rip like that. The ending wasn't the best though which is why I can't give a perfect score, but this was definitely a great song. More of this please! 9/10
8. Ticks & Leeches - Much ado about nothing. Just Tool being Tool and stretching out a decent song far past its termination point. Oh, and trying to be Marilyn Manson along the way... without any of the charm. 5/10
9. Lateralus - I'm not a musician so all of the nuances of the song composition are going to go right over my head, but I do know that this is a very Tool-y song but one where they succeed for the most part. Very good stuff. 8/10
10. Disposition - This is another "sleepy little song", but I actually kinda dig it. Pretty peaceful lucidity through it all. 7/10
11. Reflection - Despite it being the longest song on the album, they paced themselves enough to make it go by faster than it seemed. So that's good. Still very much Tool being Tool, but whatever. Enjoyable enough song. 7/10
12. Triad - Pointless. 3/10
13. Faaip De Oiad - Holy shit that was a brilliant outro. Why couldn't they have based the entire album around that concept instead? N/A

Well that was definitely their best album yet. Some great moments but overall just a lot of Tool.

Rating: 70%
I moved back to Spokane yesterday shortly after seeing Tool in Las Vegas.

March 9 - Spokane, WA
March 11 - Portland, OR
March 12 - Eugene, OR
March 14 - Boise, ID